Sunday, September 15, 2024

Canon in D (Pachelbel's Canon) - Cello & Piano [BEST WEDDING VERSION]

Your Song

Fairfarren... Budwardo. Bud's Obituary. {Renate's Antique Gallery, Amana, Iowa.}

I'm still...
 with the post about Bud.... and Renate.
<3 <3

 wanted to get Bud's Obituary posted.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All...
Barb C.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Still... workin' on it.

<3 <3 <3 

: )



Our Peg...
Pal, Val...
Pal... Mark, and...
: )

Still workin' on that Post, about Bud.
oh my.

{Still have The 'Gold Rush'... post, waiting.
There's simply... been, so much, for so many...
 for far... too long.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Friday, September 13, 2024

I need a moment

Need a 'Moment'.

Oh... dear.
Still workin' on yesterday's post.

It's a Tuff One.

Sharing a few... FB Memories...

<3 <3 <3 
Loved... Gus, and Ed!!!
Workin' Men!!
; )

<3 <3 <3 

Pal, Rhonda... sure posts some Wonderful Things.
She, and Douglas... are Two... of my Favorite 'Gold Rush' Family Members.
<3 <3 <3 

I'm really struggling with yesterdays post.
: (

Gettin' there, but... can only take it on, in little bites.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Dad... died on a Friday... the 13th. 
I, don't function well... when they roll around.}

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Canon in D (Pachelbel's Canon) - Cello & Piano [BEST WEDDING VERSION]

Rough day.

oh dear.

Had a rather... rough day, today.
; )

Hoped I could write about it, but... yeah, not so much...

Tried to lean on the Many... Quotes, from over the years.
: )
I'll let You decide, which one fits, for today.
; )
I Couldn't Pick 'One'.
: (

I'll find my feet, and write... about 'today'...
; )

Love to Ya...

Barb C.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Alison Krauss - Away Down The River (A Hundred Miles Or More, Live From ...

Prayers for All.

The Mad Tea Party... down The Rabbit Hole,

From left to right...
The Hatter, Pal... Brandon W., Pal... Sheree, and...
Renate & Budwardo.
'The Love Birds'.
<3 <3 
{Daughter, Liz... made All of The Hatter Hats. We All had Great Fun... Sporting Them, that night.
Kept the white one... Bud is wearing. It's in The Rabbit Hole.
I... Think of Bud, and... Daughter, Liz... Every Time I look at it. <3 }

I've written several posts over the last few days... 
then, deleted them all.

I'll write more, a better... post about Bud, and... how everything unfolded, when I can.
My Heart goes out to Renate... and their Family.

Having their Home... burn... basically... to the ground, a month ago...
 losing their Beloved... Kitties, 'Family'
Bud... is gone.

Renate asked me to reach out to The 'Antique' Family... yesterday.
I, called a few, but leaned on Colleen Alpers, and Dale Frese... to reach further.
Grateful... for them.

We're all still in shock.
Bud... was Much Loved, by Many... Many... Many.
Renate... Too.
<3 <3 

Prayers for All.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Softly as I Leave You

The Love Birds.








<3 <3 <3 

Bud, passed away early... this morning.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dwight Yoakam - Fast As You (Official Video)

Beautiful.... Late Summer Morning in Iowa.

Another Incredible Morning... in Iowa.
: )
Somehow... Coffee tastes even Better, 
Crisp... late Summer, mornings...
: )


Sat... under John's Old Oak, admiring his 'sheds'.


Got a little trimmin' done, yesterday.
Took the little Bose speaker... outside, set it on The Ford... and 
Dwight Yoakam...
 while Gettin' Pretty Aggressive with The Brush!
: ) : ) : )

Was gettin' pretty shaggy... around The Rabbit Hole.
Couldn't hardly keep up, this year.

Have a Long Way... to Go, before Fall Harvest Sale...

Was planning on working there, again... today, but...
received a call, from a Girl... while trimming, who is in need of some HELP, advise... at least...
for an Estate Sale, in North East... Iowa.
Pal, Bill... and I, are heading to see her this morning.
Couldn't say no.
Sounds like she's in a mess.
: (

The Dear Friend, I wrote about... yesterday, was admitted to the hospital.
Was relieved to hear that.
: )
there will be some...
Rest... Rest... Rest.
: )

Pickin' up more Tomatoes... from The Farmer Gal, this morning, before Bill and I head North.
: )
They are The Best!!
: )

: (


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Norah Jones – Black Hole Sun (Detroit Fox Theatre 5.23.17)

The Beautiful People.

Was up... early, early... this morning.
It's an Incredible Morning.
Sat outside... under John's Old Oak... 
sippin' Coffee, watching the steam roll off of it.
First time... this year.
{Won't be many of 'these' days... left.}

Didn't even bother to get dressed. Wore my old... old... men's flannel bath robe...
miss matched socks... figured I'd scare most anyone away, who decided to visit before 7 a.m.
: )
{did wash my face, and brush my hair... just in case. : ) }

Miss. Peanut... enjoyed basking in the early morning rays.
: )


It's lovely... here, before the Highway gets rollin'.


Friend, Pam... shared the above with me a long time ago.
: )
Truer words were never written.
I've sure been Blessed, to have had... and to Have...
some 'Beautiful'... People, cross my path, for sure.
<3 <3 <3 

Sure have been thinking a lot... about Our... Peg.
Mary Sellon, too.
Wrote a long post, yesterday... then, deleted it all.
: (
{Fell down a 'Rabbit Hole', that wasn't so good. : ( }

Posted about the wonderful Tomato Refrigerator Relish.... I threw together, yesterday.
: )
The Tomatoes... from The Farm Gal, are Outstanding!!

Working on the yard, today.
Cutting Brush.
Wanted to get some of that done, yesterday... but, couldn't make it happen.
Have to start preparing for The Fall Harvest Sale.
{October 3 - 6 }
Want to get Every Building OPEN, this Fall.
{oh... dear. }

May not get much done... here, today... either.
Received a text, a little after 6 a.m., concerning a Dear Friend, that was taken to the hospital, this morning.
Waiting for an update.
I've been very concerned about my Friend.

Better get crackin'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

'And In Our Dreams... Oh What We See'.

; )

Above... is a Beautiful Gourd, Our Peg...
'The Mad March Hare'
Created for
 'The Mad Hatter', in 2010... after I shared Quite a Dream... I'd had, with her.
: )
oh... my.
: )

In that Dream... I was attending an Amazing Farm Auction.
: )
A Tom Sandersfeld Auction.
; )

I was Beyond... Excited, at that Auction.
There was UNBELIEVABLE Primitives... there. 
{in my Dream}
: )
the Bad News....
Every Single Time... I tried to speak, or 'Bid'... on an item...
some of my teeth would fall out.
It was like my mouth was Filled with Gravel.
: ( : ( : (
WHERE Does 'THAT' Kinda 'Sh!t... Come From???

Peg ROARED... when I shared That... Dream, with her, then...
Surprised me with the Beautiful 'Dream Gourd'.
<3 <3 <3 

{Peg... 'Stole' the above Necklace out of my Stash, I'd set aside... at a Sale, here... that Pal, Bart...
 had brought.
I... Couldn't Understand... Where... That Necklace had Gone, when I went to pay for it.
Peg SWORE Everyone to Silence, at The Money Table, where I set my 'stash'.
: )
They All had to Lie to Me, as I was LOSING my Mind... Frantically...
 Searching for That Amazing Necklace!!! 

Peg... later, said... She 'Had' to Have 'That' Necklace... 
when she saw me it set aside... 
for The 'Dream Gourd', because the tiny Hearts, and Moons reminded Peg... of 'Teeth'!!!
<3 <3 <3 

I've been having some VERY... Vivid Dreams, recently.
They Seem So Real, sometimes... when I wake up... wonder, if... I was actually sleeping.


The Good News....
They've been Very... Very... Good Dreams.
; )
haven't lost one single tooth, in any of 'em.
; )

Thanks So Much to The Awesome Gents, at The Blairsferry Road AT&T Store...
Oh My Gosh!!!
Grandson, Justin... was having HUGE Issues with a phone, and an AT&T phone card...
he purchased at The Dollar General, two days ago.
{GADS!!!! : ( : ( : ( 
When Purchasing a Phone... in my opinion... Go To a Phone Store!!
; )
not a.... 'dollar general'.
 : (  
The Dollar General... wouldn't let him return, or exchange the unused phone card.
I... get the phone, not being able to be returned... but, the unused card???
: (

The Awesome AT&T Guys... Got Everything Set Up!!
; )
Grandson, Justin... was So Grateful... He Shook Their Hands With a Monster Grip!!
: )
It was a MESS!! Even for The Pros!!
: (

'Phone Stores'...
when purchasing...
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kris Kristofferson & Rita Coolidge - Please don't tell me how the story ...


I'll never forget... when John shared the above... with me, on FB.
; )
John... was being a little... sarcastic, with 'Barbara'. 
: )
{John... was Gifted, to say the very least... with, let's just say....
 A 'dry'... 
and Extremely...
Quick, sense of humor.}
; )

John shared the above... after... we had a bit of a...
well, 'tense' moment.
; )

John had been so ill... fighting what we thought was vertigo... from January... thru, the first part of March, 2014.
 to find out... 
the 'vertigo', John...was suffering so horribly... from, 
wasn't from an inner ear issue, it was from a cancerous tumor on his brain.
{won't 'go there'... today. : ) }

I... pushed John, pretty hard... during that 'journey'.

Oh My Lord....!!! He'd Get So Angry with me...
when... I insisted... he 'walk'... shower.... and... get dressed, daily.
: )
was hurting... so weak... it hurt me... 
Push John, more... than he could've ever known.
: ( : ( : (
I...just knew,
 {thought... I did. : ( }
John didn't keep 'moving', he'd be done.
: (

John... Hated It... when I brushed his hair.
: ( : ( : ( 
{CAREFULLY... So Carefully, Especially... after the surgery.}

Had We All Known...
John, would leave us... on May 25, '14....
Trust Me...
'Things' would've been Much 'Different' around 'Home'.
; )

The Lucky Strike Stogie Smoke... would Still... be Hangin' in The Air.
<3 <3 <3 
{it... kinda, still... is. : ) }

Here's The Deal.

Ain't One of 'Us'... Gettin' Outta 'Here'... 'Alive'. 
; )
We're All... 'terminal', from our Very First Breath.

Life is Short.
We'd Better 'Live' It.
; )

never forget, 
You Don't Require Anyone's Approval, 
Live It.
: )
<3 <3 <3 

{Thanks to John Helm, for posting...
 Jack, and the perfect message. ; ) }

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Simply Iowa July 25 2018. Walking Trail plan for Fairfax, Iowa...On and ...

Simply Iowa Highway 151 Fairfax Walking/Bike Trail from a Cyclist's Veiw.




I'll never forget many, many.... many things, over the last 8 years... or so, but...pullin' Jethro into that POS, Iowa Department District 6, 'Drive'... they... intentionally, left us with, after Their 2018 Condemnation.... for Fairfax's 'Bike Trail'... That 'Wasn't', yet 'Is'...
 in my opinion.
: )
oh my...
: )
bless their hearts.
; )


{Please... Pray for my Liver, while... Fighting with The Iowa Department of Transportation, District 6, and Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall. }

Stay Tuned.
I'll hold On... as long as my Amazing Lawyer... and... Liver will.
; )
PRAY for Them Both!!!
: )

Love to Ya...

Barb C.

{Don't forget.... The Iowa Attorney General... is Representing The Iowa Department of Transportation.
; )
WE... The People... of Iowa, and...
The United States of America...
are Paying for The Iowa State Attorney General, and... The Iowa Department of Transportation...
: )
We'd better be Thinkin' about, when 'We' 'Vote'. 
in my... 
: )

United We Stand...
Divided We Fall. 

; )
{Don't forget... 
Fairfax, Iowa, City Hall.}
: )
 over look the Money Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall, has Spent, Paid Out... over the 
LAST 30 Plus... Years, with 'firms'. : ) }

Jason Aldean - Amarillo Sky

Jason Aldean - The Only Way I Know (Lyric Video)

Dolly Parton - 9 To 5

Merle Haggard - Working Man Blues

Happy Labor Day... To ALL Of The Hard Working, Who Never... get 'This Day', or... many days off.

Was up at 4, this morning...
finishing up the Amazing Tomatoes... I'd purchased from The Farmer Gal, last week.
: )
Made arrangements to pick up another 12 pounds, from her... early this morning.
: )

We had another... Lovely... Long, Long... chat, this morning.
: )
The Farmer Gal... can't figure out the Fairfax/IDOT BS, and...
I can't figure out The BS, she, and her Family... have been delt, either.
: (
I Admire The Farmer Gal, for Having a Voice.
'We' American's... All... Have One, 
Thanks to Our Constitution.
; )
We Must... in my opinion...
Pay Attention, and... USE IT!! 
: ) <3

Pal, Rhonda... posted the above, several years ago.

When me, and Jethro... pulled in, at Home, a bit ago...
a HUNDRED, or More...
little Sparrow's were sitting in Jethro's space, on the Horrible Drive, IDOT District 6...
left us with, after their 2018 Condemnation of our land... for Fairfax's 'Bike Trail'.
: )
{bless their hearts}

It was Amazing... to Watch Them Fly... 
all around us.
: )

{Ya had to 'be' here. ; ) Trust me, That... was an Amazing Sight.}

a 2019... 'memory'. 
: )

some things...
never, ever...
; )

Wishing All of The Hard...
Happy Labor Day!!
; )

{I Know... 'YOU' Are All Most Likely... WORKING 'Today', and Do...  Every 'Labor Day'.
Hope... YOU... 'Americans'  Are Being Paid Dearly... Today, For Your Sacrifices. }

Thank You.

<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Maren Morris - My Church (Official Music Video)

Gravel Roads...

Found 'The Road'...
It was a Beautiful Day, as is... Today, in Iowa.

There's something about the back roads.... 
where 'Life'... slows down... a bit.
{Jethro... too. ; ) 20 mph on Gravel. <3
No Rock Chips... ; ) }

Your mind... can take a moment, to 'rest'... as well, on those old... 
gravel roads. 

Found our way to Son, Justin's.
: )
Almost went to visit Charlie, and his Barn Sale... 
but, just as I was getting ready to head out, Justin 'J'.... called, was wondering if I was going to come... 
: )
Told Justin... thought I might...: ) and would he like me to bring some Casey's Pizza???
: )
Justin... thought 'that' might be 'ok'.
 ; )

 The Country, is Much Slower, than on 151 in Fairfax.
: )

That Old... Magnum, is keepin' Bobby's sofa warm.
We All... Sure Miss Bobby.
He was a Blessing to Many.

: )
oh my.
: )

Miss. Meadow showed me All Sorts of her Favorite Things!!

<3 <3 <3 
: )
Wondered 'why' a 'sign'... is needed on The Deck??
: )
{Don't wanna 'know'!! : ) }
: )

When The Girl's... were at The Rabbit Hole, on Thursday... they found some Very Cool Shells.
: )

Love how 'tuned in' The Girl's are... to Nature.
They... are so Interested... Curious... and Respectful, of All of God's little Creatures.
: ) : ) : )

"Cool Spider... Grandma!!".
: )

Justin 'J'.... LIVES on Romeo.
: )
Those Two.... are Inseparable.
<3 <3

Justin, often...
 jumps on Romeo... 
no bridle...
no saddle...
they just...
: )

Comin' Home.

So Much... on my brain.
Spent most of yesterday's 'visit', with The Kids... visiting with Son, Justin.
: )
So Proud of Justin.
; )
Justin's working on a Huge Project, that... His Dad would be so Proud of Justin, for undertaking.
: )

I get pretty weak in the knees, 
when I think of 'All'...
 Who've Been 'Here', 
for our Family, these last 10 years.

<3 <3 <3 

Love To YOU.
; )
Thank You.

Barb C.