Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Golden Rule.

The IDOT has messed up big time, with the drainage for our Home.
I spoke with the Guys from Schrader, who are putting in this tile, last week.
They assured me, it would drain. They were going to put in a rock bed.
No rocks, and below....is our 'Clean Out'....that didn't get put back in.
: (
: (
That green and white pipe, is a 'clean out'....oh boy.
Our basement....will flood, if we can't clean out our drain.
: (
I've told them All...dozens of times, about this.
In writing, as well.
: ( : ( : ( 
This image is looking North, on 151
Trail, for Fairfax, is on the far left, then...two lanes, then...two more...'old' lanes, original 151.
You can see the Much Higher Elevation, between the New Highway, with Farfax's Trail, than the 'old' 'original'...151.
The IDOT raised the Elevation, Length, and Width of the New Bridge, solely to make accommodations for Fairfax's Trail Under, and On...the Bridge.
The IDOT Took Far More of our Land, than what was Necessary, for 'Highway Maintenance and Road Improvement.' The Purpose of our Condemnation. 
These little stakes, are marking where the IDOT is grading for Fairfax's Bike/Walking Trail, next to Highway 151, in the Urban Area...of 'Fairfax, Iowa'.. ; )
One of the Most Dangerous Stretches of Highway 151,
 in Linn County, Iowa.
 {Says The University of Northern Iowa's Safety Study}

Fairfax's Trail, on the Highway 151 Bridge, in front of our Home. 
This is where Fairfax is having the IDOT put Lights, to Illuminate Their Trail, the IDOT is Constructing for Them on This Bridge, Adjacent to Our Property.
This image, shows Fairfax's Trail, the IDOT is Constructing for Them.
You can see the Permanent Divider, and Trail, to the left of the permanent divider.
These are the shoots, from a Beautiful Flowering Crab Tree, John planted in 2004, for my Sister, Chery's Memorial.
The IDOT Cut that Tree Down...but, here are it's 'Shoots' <3 Trying to Live.
The IDOT Took that Land, for Fairfax's Trail.
{Says their own Engineering contractor, in writing. }
This is John, and Nicky, sitting at that Memorial. 
You can See....How MUCH Bigger The Bridge Is, and How Much Land, the IDOT Took, to widen, lengthen...and raise the Elevation, Solely....for Fairfax's Trail.
That little clump, in the middle of this image, is where John was sitting, in the above image.
This image, shows how long, and wide....the 'original' Highway 151 Bridge was.

It also shows how Much Higher the Elevation is because the IDOT Designed THIS New Bridge, with Trail Accommodations for Fairfax's Trail Under.

Original Highway 151 Bridge, to the right of the temporary divider.
Turning lane, Highway, Permanent Divider, for Fairfax's Trail...
 and Fairfax's Trail, to the left.
Permanent Divider on the Highway 151 Bridge, that's in front of our Property, over DD#1, Fairfax's Trail, to the left of the permanent divider.
The clump of grass, in the center of the image, above...is where The Memorial was.
Our Home.
What's left of it...
because of Fairfax's Trail, the IDOT has Built on the OVERSIZED...Massive Bridge, to Accommodate Fairfax's Trails...Both, On the Bridge, and Under.

Here's the Deal.
In our 'Settlement Agreement',
 that was recorded on
 January 16th, 2019, in Linn County, Iowa...
 with the IDOT, 
It States...
  ' There Shall be No Accommodations for a Bike Trail in connection with the construction of the Bridge adjacent to the seller's Property, or the Right Of Way acquired from seller associated with this Project." 
Here It Is.
: (: ( : ( 

The IDOT Took our Land, so they could Build This Bridge Much Higher, than a normal bridge, without Trail Accommodations, Under.
The IDOT Took our Land, so they could build a Bridge 20 feet Wider, than a normal Bridge, without a 14 foot Wide Trail, with a divider, On It.
I can prove it.
I have a letter from The Engineer who designed THIS Bridge, who States That.

what am I going to do about it.
Makes me think...of
'The Golden Rule'.
'Treat Others as... You would like to be Treated'
Ya make a Deal...
Ya, Keep it.
: )

It's my Thought....
The IDOT, should be treated No Differently, than they'd Treat You, and Me.
If...You, or...I, had a 'Recorded Agreement', with the IDOT, and..
We Built Something, We Ought Not,
 and Breached Our Contract...with Them, 
Wonder, what They'd Expect of Us??????
They'd Expect Us....to do The Right Thing. : ) and....
Keep our Word.

I 'See' a 'Wrecking Ball'...in the Future.
; )
Love to Ya...
Barb C. 

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