Just when I think...we are getting close...to getting Everything...together.... I realize... how...MUCH...there is still...to be done...
I'm going to work...a couple more days...here...then...I'll have to turn to the Rabbit Hole...
As soon...as I get through The Sale.... I'll head back... and finish...at my Friends...
Her Gathering...will be, just after ...The Sale...I think we can get it wrapped up...
No...I Know...we will get it wrapped up....
I am...under the weather...today... don't know...if it's because... I am tired...Allergies...or...a bug...
Miss. Scarlett stopped out this Morn...and the Poor Little Darling has a Bug... I Pray...I don't get it ...I can not...get sick...
I hate to see Little Ones...when they don't feel well....
The Good News...for Today...Pegadoo...had a GREAT visit...at The Mayo!!! Things Look Great!!!! They Don't see any cancer!!!!!
This...is a Miracle!!!
She's coming up...next week...to help...get things together...here...
Good Times... Very...Good Times.... : ) : ) : )
Love...to ya...
Barb C. |
I am so confused. Is this a house? A barn, are these things going to be for sale? There is just so much of everything! My hat is off to you making some sense of it all!!
Are you and your friend getting her things ready for a sale? It is interesting, but very overwhelming looking!
Great news from Peg!!!!
It is a House... and a Wonderful One! : )
I know...it's confusing...to my blog friends...
I'll be posting all about it...in Mid October...
Then..it will all make sense...
This will...be my last post... for a few weeks... about this Lovely...Home..
Thanks...for understanding!
Love...to Ya!
Barb C.
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