Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Too Much Monkey Business!

O.K.... I know...I have said..over the last couple of weeks... I Need to Get Busy....
No More Monkey Business...!
Then...yesterday...while making deliveries... I get a call....from a Sweet Gal... {who's territory...just so happened..I was going to be in....}
That had...some...'stuff'...for sale... : )
She had various collections...of Interesting things...
I don't recall....ever in my life... buying a Sock Monkey...
nope...not ever...
I, for some reason... thought there were 87 of them...
I bought them all...
No... There weren't 87 of THEM.... {Only...40....or so...}
No...the 87 came in... when I bought her collection... of
YO YOS!!!!!
What is Wrong With Me?
Awww.....I had to laugh....
These Monkeys...are pretty darned cute....
and...will be The Fall Harvest Sale!
Most...all of them...have some age {from around...the 60's....}... and...a few...needing a bit of care...
They Crack me Up!
They each...have their own...Little Personality...being...all hand created.....and...the Yo Yos.... Well...I think their is a message here...
I Have Finally....Lost My Mind....!!!!
{Mark just called...asked "How's the 'Zoo Keeper' This Morning!!!!???"}
very...funny...: )
On the
No More...Monkey Business!!!!! : )
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{bet this song...WOKE YA'LL UP THIS MORN!!!!!
I'm Kinda Diggin' This Monkey Business!!!!! : ) : ) : ) }
{While visiting...with Pal...Wanda...this morn...she she liked...'Sock Monkeys'... {I was trying to figure and...when...I had Lost My Mind...} she said..."don't you like Sock Monkey's...? "... I said... "Honey...I have been...'Old'....since the day I was born.... I never had Dolls... or Toys...never had any have them...and...thought when my much, older sister...had them...and my friends....played with was...simply...'Childish'...."... I know... STRANGE!!!
{I preferred...Horses...Ponies...Hounds...any...and all Critters...
Those... would...Love Me...Back... For Real!}


Karen said...

Any chance I could buy a few via paypal online and have them mailed to me in Des Moines?

Simply Iowa said...

Hey Karen!
I would Love to...but... They are all different...and would be better..if you could pick...for yourself...
And... I am in the middle of staging a house... that is far...away....So..between the house... my sale.... and the road... I am....twisted...pretty tight, for time..
Try and make the Fall Sale...October 4th thru the 7th...
It's Pretty Good...and The Monkeys...will be here... {at least...the first day!} I'm only going to price them at 6.00 each...!!!

Simply Iowa said...

I'm only 125 miles...from D.M.!!!