Yesterday...I had Folks coming...and deliveries...coming...from Chicago... I also have some sort of a virus... that is making my head spin... and stomach feel like I've been consuming crushed glass...{that's the only way I can describe it...}
I had an appointment...I absolutely had to be at, before Noon... I was running out the door...Polly gave me 'The Look'.... "Let me Out...before you leave...or Else...: ) "
So...I dropped everything....and let her Out....
Then..I scooped up my purse...and...everything I needed....started out the door... No Keys...! I had just had them in my Hand!!!!
That's when...I started Free Falling...Down The Rabbit Hole!!!
I looked everywhere...around where my purse was......back tracked...Every Single Step.... Peg was on the phone, with me... helping me retrace my entire morning...
I kept saying..."I had them in my hands.... I laid them on top of my purse....!!!!"...
They were NOWHERE!!!
I hunted the yard...mailbox...all of the cars....turned the house...upside down....dumped my purse..{what a SIGHT that was!!!}
but...had to get to the appointment...
So...drove Sally...
Got home..and started in again...
John came up...took the seat out of see if I had left them in the trunk...
I retraced the events...since I had last driven was days ago...
Then...I had a most...horrible thought...
I had been taking images...several days ago...when I unloaded Jethro's trunk...
I had laid the keys...on the bottom of Sally's windshield...Did I forget them...there...days ago...then drove off... yesterday...with them on it...and had they flown off...
Oh My Gosh...
After my visitors...left..{who also...helped me search...} I bailed in Sally...and searched the road...and shoulder...for MILES....
So...I finally...gave up... called the Locksmith...who informed me... it would cost between 150. to 200. to make the key....{there is a the key...}
I told plan on coming the morn...
I couldn't TAKE IT!!!
Then...Liz called... she had missed my call...earlier...wondering...if she had inadvertently picked them up...on her last visit...{something..her Mother would do...: ) }
I had just set down...defeated...from the Crazy Day....
and I said to her...
"Ya want to make a hundred bucks?"... "come find my keys..." a Trained... Locator....
She has lived with me...her entire life...
{ Easy Task!!}
This isn't my first Rodeo...on losing stuff... and...she always seems to be able to a panic... stuff...
But...this time...I really thought...even...the Wizard...{Lizard}...would be out of luck...
She said "SURE!!!! I'm on my way!!!"
Liz wasn't here...5 minutes...and she found the keys...
They were in my bedroom...atop...the Linen Press...
How...they got THERE...I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!
I had them in my hands!!!!
I was Sooooo Relieved...
She didn't want the money...I Insisted!!!!
{she never accepts help....from me...and I have a hard time...even paying for her lunch....I MUCH she saved me...and she EARNED IT!!!!}
Holy Smokes....!
What a Day!!!
The below images...are part of a load...that my Pal...brought from Chicago...I am bailing in the meet pick up...a bunch more stuff...this morn...
The Fall Harvest around the corner...and I have got to get HOPPING....
No More...Monkey Business!!!!
This kinda stuff... Makes Me Crazy!!!!
Hope you...had a PEACEFUL DAY!!!!
and ...a Stress Free...TODAY!!!
Me Too!!!!
Love to ya...
This is an 8 foot counter.... Very...Cool! |
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