I...kept reminding...myself today...how Very...Thankful...I am... for Everything....
Lord...it's been such a long...long day...
It started off...a bit after 7 a.m.
A friend had just...sent me a text...
{I really must have a sixth sense... I was trying to get to my coffee...{it had been a long day...and night...yesterday...and I was looking...forward to strong coffee...this morn...}
instead of groping my way to my coffee...I looked at my cell...}
My friend...I thought...we had decided...was coming Thursday...to look at The Old Darling....
{one of my Beloved Cupboards... I am sacrificing...for The Cause}
Evidently...I told her... to come...today....
and...she was minutes away... from my door...
See... I haven't been Home...much...for ...ever... and...this house...is a Big...Big...well, disaster...
and...If...you have followed this blog... for any amount of time...you know...I don't like letting anyone in the house...when it's a mess...
So....Panic... would...totally be an understatement....
I was rushing through the house...grabbing John's pizza boxes...the trash...he had downstairs....
I yelled to him..."Change the Downstairs Litter Box!!!"...
I was frantically...trying to sweep up the Wafts...of Dog Hair....and Peg...was also...en route...
Dear Lord...!!!!
There are MOUNTAINS of Dust...and Cob Webs...throughout...this House...
{I could give The Munster's... a Run For Their Money...{ahhhhh Seriously!}
As I was running trash to the dumpster...I broke down...and was sobbing....
{but....kept running..}
Holy Smokes...
How...oh...How...have I let this House go...so far... down the Tubes...
My friend...was so kind...about it...
I was Thankful...
and...she loved...The Old Darling...
and...it went...out the door...
I was...sad... very...very...sad...inside....
{You...have No Idea...}
Yet...Thankful... we...needed those funds...
so...I am...Thankful...
But...kept telling myself.... It's for The Cause... and...
it will allow me to bring in "Dad's Cupboard"....
{The one...that...against all odds... wound up...in my hands... }
I had no idea where it was going to go...here...
{It Is Not...For Sale... It Is...Priceless...to me...}
and...with The Old Darling... leaving...
it left a space...
{in...many ways...}
yet.....for That...I am...Thankful....
My friend...who bought it...is a Dealer... and she called me... later...and said...she was putting it in her Home...
and...for That...
I am...So...Very Thankful...
I know..it will be...Much...Loved....
My Friend... and Peg...helped me clean the Old Cupboard out...
and...while doing so...I found the tiny...little scrap...of paper...inside it...
That...at one time...or another...over the years...I had written...and slipped inside The Old Darling...
that reads... simply...
I don't know...why I wrote it...or why...I saved it...
It's because...The Angels...knew... I needed to see it...
Amazing...what a little...tiny Fragment...can mean...
We hustled...and Bustled...all day...
Peg..worked..tirelessly...on The Gazebo...
I ran my tail off... moving Dad's Cupboard...in the house...
along with another...Monster Cupboard...
Went and looked at some stuff...{met a Very...Kind Woman...}
Then...tonight...when Peg left...I tore into the HUGE MESS....I had left... after the Old Darling...
went away...
I set...Dad's Cupboard...and CLEANED!!!!!
Peg will be here...Bright...and Early....
and we will tare into the Gazebo...and Lawn...
and...for That...
I Am Most...Thankful...!!!!
To have her...by my side...
after...All...this Last Year... has dealt....
For That!
I am....
Love...to Ya...
Barb C.
{and...I'm...workin' on The Rhythm... : ) : ) : )....Fall Harvest Sale...One Week Away!...oh...my!}
Dad's Cupboard...is right at Home... here in the Dining Room...
I scrubbed him all out...and scrubbed Everything Else...in this room...tonight...
The rest of the House...is a MESS...but...this room... is pretty good...
I lit candles...and sat...at the table... sipping a Toddy... tonight...
and...for That...
I am...
Thankful... |
I put...the tiny scrap...that meant...so much...today...
inside...Dad's Old Cupboard... tonight...
Hope...it doesn't take me by surprise...next time...my eyes...catch it...
I need to learn...to Always... be 'Thankful'... without...any little... reminders....: )
{just...in case.. it's Front...and Center..: ) }