Wednesday, January 4, 2023

My... 'Sanctuary'.

Captured a few images...of The Rabbit Hole, as I was turning out the lights, this afternoon.
It is... Quite... a 'Place', to Find One's Self.
: )

Had One... Visitor, today.
: )
Long story, but...a Good One.
He was Very Familiar, with Fairfax, and..... IDOT.
: )
We had a Long...Chat.
; )
 Good one.
; )

Called my Pal, Janice... from Up North, a bit later, oh my... it's been far, too long.
What a Lovely...Lovely, visit...we shared.

Seems when I can... 'finally'...find my 'Way', to my 'Sanctuary'...
fall into
: )

: )

Love It.

Love to Ya....
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{I'll be there...January 5 - 7, 11 'til 4, daily.
 : ) 
Diggin', 'Playin'. 
: ) 
Much, Much...
 to get through. }

{The Rabbit Hole, is situated next to The '49 Ford Panel Truck, that's located at
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa.
South End...of The Property.
; )
If you pound on a door, and hear a Hound Barking, you've picked The Wrong Building.
; )
: )
<3 }

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