Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Spent this day, and most of yesterday...buried in bookwork.
Pal, Bill... was Great Help, today!!
: )
During The Anamosa Market... Bill walked up to me, and handed me the above, little...late 1800's plate.
He said...
"This... reminds me of you, it has to go Home...with you."
: )
I...looked at it, and...thought it was very Pretty, but...couldn't understand why it made Bill think of me.
Then.... Bill pointed out the tiny writing on the plate.

'The Broken Pitcher'
: )

Bill, along with many Dear Friends, over the years....have given me things, with chips, and cracks.
Things... that many others dismiss, because they have a flaw, or a little damage.
oh my.
: (
Guess... I don't seek 'perfection', never have.
If something is Beautiful...Soulful, well...
a chipped, cracked...flawed, or mended piece, is much more interesting to me, than something that's 'perfect'.
I call them 'Survivors'.
They've...'Lived'... 'Endured'....and, were Loved, by someone... who didn't pitch them, because of a little flaw.

When I was young, used to go to the Horse Sales... and buy as many Horses, Ponies...and Mules, I could...that were headed to The Kill Buyers, otherwise.
Couldn't save them all... but, saved as many as my little pocketbook could afford.

The ones... that were run into the Auction Ring, alone... with nobody to represent them.
No halter... scared to death.
Burrs in their manes, and tails.
People who were looking for a Gentle Horse, or Pony... wouldn't look at them twice.
They were afraid of them.
: (

Every Single One...of Them, was Beautiful.
I'd take them Home... work with them, feed them, well...
 get them all clipped up, groomed... and, socialized.
Never took much.
They, every one of them...over the years, were 'Perfect'...to me.
: )
Always found Perfect Homes...for them.
That facet of my life, back in the day... from about 12, to 18.... was one of my favorites.
The 'Broken Ponies'. 

Daughter, Liz.... handed me the above, at Anamosa.
"Here, Mom... found these for you." 

Liz, gave me the above Double Heart choker...at Anamosa.
: )
{Got the Cool... Vintage... Pearl Snap Cowboy Shirt from Liz, as well. : ) }

After getting my head out of The Books, this afternoon, ran to the store.
Hit The Wine Isle.
: )
It's been a long time since I've bought one of my Old... Favorites.
'Gnarly Head'.
Love It.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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