Thursday, December 19, 2019

Some things.... simply Bring a Smile, to my face.

Spent last night....basking, in The Christmas Tree's Glow.
<3 <3 <3 
: )
It's so much the newer side of the house, where The
John, Insulated It...Well. <3 <3 <3 
A Dear....Pal, stopped by, yesterday.
She, and I...visited for a Long....time, beside The Tree.
: )
We caught up, on so Much.
oh dear.
: )
She, and I...don't stand on the same side of the isle, but....really, we agree on so much more, than don't.
I'm one of few, she can talk to....about politics, who stand on the other side.
I, Love Her....and, Respect....her.
Our worthy of these discussions.
We both, learn...and grow, from these conversations.
There's no Heck, I'd Ever...let 'politics'...divide us, as Friends.
<3 <3 <3 
I, told the song goes, 'It'll All...Come Out, in The Wash'.
In our Country's History, It Always....Has.
We are Blessed, to a Country, where we can speak our thoughts.
Many, on this planet, don't have that opportunity, without the threat of being beaten, or...worse.
: ( 
: (
She spotted the Book, I'd just found on my Travels.
: ) : ) : )

When I saw it, I...about Dropped!!!
{She told me when I get tired of it, she wants it. ; ) }
I, said....the fact is....
most 'Ladies', don't ask for much.
She agreed!!!
: )
Yes, some things, really...bring a Smile, to my face.
; )
Life, is too short, to worry about politics.
{It'll all come out in the wash. ; ) }
Love, and....Laughter, are The Best Medicine....for Most Anything!!!
That, being said....
Love, to You....
Hope you find Something, that 'Tickles' Ya....a Little, and...
It Puts a Big Grin, on your face...when ya think about it.

{I don't care...if  politicians are democrats, republicans, or....independents.
If, they don't have empathy, and....won't 'Stand', for Children...Elderly, {disabled} or...Critters, well...they won't get my vote. }
I, think of the Best Quote, from 'Edith Lucielle's Bait Shack, and Wing Depot', as I think about my voting criteria.
: ) 
"I Don't Care...'Who', You Are.
Who...'You Think'...You Are, 
Who Your Daddy Is."
: )
If you don't have 'empathy', for those...who can't vote for you,
will be Dismissed, on my ballot.
Some elections, I didn't vote at all.
I, just 'Put'er on Spin'.
 ; ) 
Barb C. 

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