Wednesday, November 8, 2017 in The Booth. Piles...and Piles... oh...dear.

Took Katie's Truck, and my 16 foot enclosed trailer, to Des Moines, yesterday.
Thank God... Pals, Lynn and Lea...were there to help.
Holy Smokes!
I finished loading the FUSO, this morning...
Packed the Cab...tight, and gathered...Tons, of Stuff, to fill in every empty crevice. 
I was Flying!
{Junk Jubilee Jingles, is the Last... Event, away from Home, this year. }
When I turned around, with my arms full....
FUSO door....hanging Wide...Open, waiting...
one...of my Old...Boots, flipped out, of the Cab...
and hit the ground.
I stopped in my tracks, took a Deeeeeeep Breath...
and, slow down, a bit.
: )
Lea, was in Des Moines, today...when I got there.
She, is such a Gift. {Lynn, too. : ) <3 }
Lea, reminds me...of Peg, in so many ways. <3
She, an 'Artist'. 
Peg, Adored, both...Lynn and Lea. 
They brought some COOL....Stuff, for 'Jingles'!!!
It was Great... seeing The Junk Jubilee, Folks. 
They are such nice....People. <3
It's difficult, to work in the booth, as I watch so much....Awesome Stuff.... roll past.
: )
{We're next to the overhead door. Where the Trucks pull in. Oh Dear!: ) }
Lea, is coming help...again, tomorrow.
: )
<3 <3 <3 
I'll take a video....of it, before we start, our
: )
Livin' the Dream!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.

{When my Boot, hit the ground....this morning, it was was in 'sloooooow motion'.
It...even created a little...plume...of Dust... as it...Hit. 
: )
I, thought of the tune...
'Another One Bites the Dust'
by 'Queen'.
: )
It's 'Showtime'!!!! : )

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