Wednesday, November 29, 2017
OPEN POSTPONED!!! New Dates... December 8, 9 and 10!!! { sorry... }
I hate to Postpone...
: (
but, there's no way....I can pull this all Thursday Night.
I'm tired. : )
Been working, day and night.
If I worked, non stop....I might, get it done.
: )
I'm not going to do that, to myself.
I couldn't moment, with Folks....who stop by.
I'd be so....tired.
Life, is too short.
I'd like to Enjoy...the moments, we share, together. : )
Things are coming along, down the rabbit hole. : )
I have some big....'ideas'....: ) I'd like to get accomplished, before the Open House.
: )
I couldn't begin, to get them Friday morning.
{I, may not...get them done, by Next Friday..... morning.
but, I've got a 'Chance'! : ) hahahaha... }
Hope, I didn't mess anything up, for anyone.
: )
Hope, to See You....
NEXT Weekend.
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
Monday, November 27, 2017
The Ford... was Happy to Find the Road, and...a Lovely...Load.
It was 3:00, this afternoon, before I could hit the road.
But... me and The Ford... gathered a Lovely.... Load.
Just got Home...a little bit ago.
: )
We traveled nearly 250 miles.
Some of the Highways, I'd Never Seen... before.
{I've 'seen'...a Lot, of Iowa's Roads. : ) }
Curvy.... Winding... Back Roads...., in the Dark.
: )
My gps, on my phone....that I NEVER Use, sent me to a Man's House....
in the middle of Nowhere!!! : )
Thankfully, the Nice Man, was working outside, and saw me pull in....
He was So Kind.
: )
He told me step by step... how to cut across Country, to 'Get Where I'm Goin'.
: ) : ) : )
That's MY....Kinda 'GPS'.
'Good People Samaritan'
: )
{Go the corner... then, go until you see the Corner Store. That's a 'T', turn right.... then cross the highway... go until you hit the gravel. You'll see a Church, turn left...there. : ) }
Yep. <3
Every and The Ford...stopped, we were Greeted by Wonderful....Folk. <3
I bought two...old....old....Cupboards, at my first stop.
They'd been in the Barn....forever.
Then, picked up...a Truly....Amazing, Table.... not far from The Mississippi River, in Eastern Iowa.
Those Folks....who had it, were Gems. <3
The Wife... was so worried, that I'd get Home o.k. : )
I just called her, and let her know. <3 : )
Her Husband....hunted me up an extra Ratchet Strap.
: )
Seems, I'd transferred mine, from The Ford, to The Fuso... while loading, for Junk Jubilee.
I'd forgotten.
They gave me Great Directions, like...above.... that shaved half an of my drive.
Awesome. : )
The Wife, Loved....the Beautiful Table, but... didn't have a use for it, anymore.
She gave me all of the History, and...I assured her, I would pass that along.
: )
I'm working away, down the rabbit hole.
Open House....
is December 1, 2 and 3.
Oh Dear!!!!
Miles...and Miles....yet, to go.
but, we'll get there.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I listened to Old...Christmas Tunes, the entire 'Journey', today. <3
Some... made me Laugh. : ) : ) : )
Some...made me sad. : (
Guess... that's what The Holidays.... 'do'. <3
While, driving....through the 'little' Towns, on the Back Roads...that were So Beautifully...Adorned, with 'Christmas' heart....melted. <3
'Big Cities'.... have Nothing, on these Beautiful...'little' 'Communities' : ) : ) : )
None of Them... cut down a Big Beautiful...'Tree'.... and 'plunked' it, in a 'place of honor'.
None of 'Them'....have a Big Ball, that Drops....on January 1.
: )
They don't 'Need'....any of that. : )
They, Have It All. : ) <3 <3 <3 }
{I listened to Old...Christmas Tunes, the entire 'Journey', today. <3
Some... made me Laugh. : ) : ) : )
Some...made me sad. : (
Guess... that's what The Holidays.... 'do'. <3
While, driving....through the 'little' Towns, on the Back Roads...that were So Beautifully...Adorned, with 'Christmas' heart....melted. <3
'Big Cities'.... have Nothing, on these Beautiful...'little' 'Communities' : ) : ) : )
None of Them... cut down a Big Beautiful...'Tree'.... and 'plunked' it, in a 'place of honor'.
None of 'Them'....have a Big Ball, that Drops....on January 1.
: )
They don't 'Need'....any of that. : )
They, Have It All. : ) <3 <3 <3 }
Sunday, November 26, 2017
The Ironstone Fairy... has been Identified.
I worked all day, down the rabbit hole...then went to town, to pick up some supplies.
As I was checking out, my phone rang.
It was a Voice...from the past.
: )
My Friend, Cheryl.
We talked for a few moments...
then, she asked...if I'd found the Ironstone.
Oh My Gosh!
I said... "So...YOU, are the Ironstone Fairy!!! How much do I owe Ya?"
She said... "Nothing! I've moved to Tennessee...and wanted Have Them!"
Oh My Gosh!!!
: ) : ) : )
I've known Cheryl... for Years. Haven't seen her, in Years. : (
Seems, our lives....have been so Busy.
: (
I, told her...I'd call her, when I got Home.
I did.
We visited...for a Long...Long...Time.
: )
She kept telling me, how was, to hear my voice.
I, kept telling her, the Same. ; )
I, told her...I'd Treasure...the Old Ironstone, forever. <3
: )
Cheryl.... is a Class Act.
I always...loved visiting her Home.
: )
It, was so....Soothing.
I told her... the One thing...I'll never forget....was the bowl, sitting by her back door.
Cheryl washed and saved....her egg shells, to her Garden.
That little...old...bowl, looked so Sweet...with those egg shells, piled in it.
: )
I'd never seen that before.
She's an Amazing...Woman, in so many ways.
She has a Beautiful...
'Free Spirit'.
She has a Beautiful...
'Free Spirit'.
I am Blessed, to have gotten to know her.
She invited me to come visit, anytime.
: )
Oh My....
I, do Love... Tennessee.
I have several Good Friends,, including...Cheryl <3
Maybe, someday. <3
May God...Bless, that Ironstone Fairy.
She deserves... The Best.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
It was a 'Big'...'Beautiful'...and, 'White', down the rabbit hole.
Oh My!!!!
Pal, Mark...popped in, today...
and helped me bring these Beautiful....
Columns in.
Oh My!
They...are Somethin' Else!
I'm working on the shop....for the Open House, next weekend, and struggled to find a spot...for these.
I did! : )
They are absolutely... Stunning!
They stand a little over 9 feet tall...
and, thankfully...are in three pieces.
The Top...Column...and Base. : )
They would be Amazing....for a Wedding.
: )
They' Amazing.... Standing in a CORN FIELD!!!
: ) : ) : )
I'm starting to unload, things....from the trucks, for the Open House....
Next Weekend.
The Massive Lab Dish, below....
came to the House.
I wanted to enjoy it...for awhile. : )
It's So Cool!
: )
Seems EVERYTHING....I Touched, today...
The rabbit a mess, but... I'll be working there, all week.
Love Being There.
: )
I, think of Peg, so Much...when I'm there.
I...miss her, so much.
I...miss the Laughter. : )
If Peg, could have seen me, and Pal...Mark...setting those Columns Up....
: )
The 'Mad March Hare'... would have had her 'Buckies' Showing....
and her 'Ears Twitching'!!!
oh my. : )
Well... back to work.
: ) ya....
Barb C.
We worked So Hard, before Open Houses.... down the rabbit hole.
oh my...
We Laughed....and Laughed....and, Laughed.
: )
I, miss...that.
Just thinking, of some of those... Insane...times, as I work...there, now....
I, find myself...Laughing.
We were like Lucy and Ethel. : )
The Trouble...we could Find. Oh Dear!!!
What a Gift, Peg was. <3 <3 <3
Friday, November 24, 2017
Christmas Time's a Comin'!!!
Oh my...: )
It was Such...a Beautiful day, in Iowa, today.
70 degrees. : )
4 years ago...
The Fountain, was Completely...covered in ICE!!!
: )
{as a Gal...said, at Junk Jubilee one of my 'first time' Customers...
"Barb, is 'Simply Iowa'... : )
and, There Ain't Nothin'...
about her."
Iowa, is the Same...way. : ) }
I worked outside...a bit, have so much to do.
Then, Sweetie, and I walked through the rabbit hole.
: ) get done there...too. : )
but, it felt good.
: )
No matter, how...insane, it gets...
It's always...always...comforting to me, when I find myself...there. : )
I took a few pictures, {below}
and... the 'Muchness' matter, how little.
: )
I noticed, a couple of I was working outside.
Remember, the other day...I had the 'Ironstone Fairy'...stop by, and leave some AMAZING....Ironstone pieces.
Apparently...the 'Window Fairy'...wasn't far...behind!
Someone left a Stack....of Wonderful...Old...Windows.
: )
I will price them, and set aside the money...I would have paid.
I,, whoever left them. <3
Thank You. <3
The other thing...I noticed.
The rabbit hole, misses me.
I've been gone...too long.
: (
I'm Back.
: ) ya...
Barb C.
{Christmas Open House...
December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
11 til 4....or, later.}
: )
I'll be working down the rabbit hole, a lot.
Call me, or...text. I can be there...most, anytime.
319 241 One Three...Four Eight.
: )
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Set this up...this afternoon. : ) Love...'Old'. <3 <3 <3 |
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These Old Windows.... that were left here, are so cool. : ) They have Old...Gnarly...Paint, on the back sides. <3 Thank You. <3 |
Thursday, November 23, 2017
There is always....always...always, something to be Thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving.
Little Kyler, is Home.
but, sadly... he's not out of the woods.
He had some bleeding in his brain, but...that's actually...Good News.
It happened during birth, and should clear up.
Unfortunately... he has some other issues, that are concerning.
Hopefully, they...too... will go away, with time. : )
Please...Keep him, and his your Prayers.
I've been up, since 3:00 a.m.
Cleaning...and Cooking. : )
The more I cleaned...
The More...I saw how Much More...needed to be done.
oh dear.
I, finally...had to quit, and focus on Food. : )
Liz, cooked the Turkey.
Katie...made a Pie...
I...Made Way Too Much...of Everything Else! : )
I make a Stuffing, that is Insane.
: )
I only prepare it three times a year.
It's a Heart Attack in a Cast Iron Cooker!!!
I found the recipe.... when I first moved out on my own.
I've cooked this Stuffing, since I was 15 years old.
: )
2 to 3 Pounds... of Jimmy Dean Maple flavored Sausage....
: )
{LOTS...: ) }
: )
{along with the liquid, I cook them in. }
Dried Cranberries...
Lots of Spices.....
{Sage, Garlic, Thyme, Rosemary, Pepper, Salt, and... more. : ) }
Black Walnuts...
: )
'Turkey' Stove Top Stuffing Mix.
: )
Oh Boy!!!
I make several quarts of it... at Easter, Thanksgiving...and Christmas.
: )
The Kids...LOVE IT.
{They take LOTS Home, with them... : ) }
: )
So did my Mom, Dad... and John. <3
It's....Amazing. <3
We also had Sour Cream and Garlic... Mashed Potatoes...
Candied Sweet Potatoes...
: )
Home Made...Cranberry Relish...
Smoked Oysters...
{Son, Justin's Favorite... : ) }
I made a tray with Crab Cheese Balls, Smoked Meats...Several Cheeses...and, Radishes.
{Son, Justin...Loves...Radishes. : ) }
and, of course... my Home Made...
One of my First Thanksgiving Meals, I didn't make gravy.
I ran out of Flour.
Dad, and John...Never let me Forget it!!! : )
{Back then, Nothing was buy 'Flour', on Thanksgiving. }
I've Never...let that...happen, again. : )
I, Cook. : )
Liz, and too. <3
They, are Awesome...'Cooks'. <3
The Turkey...was Perfect.
The Pie...was Perfect. <3
Oh Boy!!!
We started early, and finished...early.
Thank Goodness.
I'm Beat!
Got Everything Washed Up...and Cleaned 5:30. : )
Miss. Scarlett asked if she could stay, the night.
I told her... if she helped me do dishes... she could. : )
She Happily...Agreed!
I, didn't have her help...: ) She was having too much Fun, playing games.
: )
When I sat down...tonight, at The Old...Harvest Table,
{Only me, and Harold...could Love. <3 {and, Ed. : ) <3 }
I thought... next year...we are going to need a Bigger Table!
So Many...Grandbabies!
: )
I'll have to find a Table, we can join up, with The Old....Harvest Table.
This, Old Friend...isn't going...Anywhere. <3
Scarlett walked up, as I was the end of the Table...
She said....
"Grandma.... this Amazing. It looks so neat, all cleaned off."
Sadly... The Old Harvest Table, is a Work Horse, these days.
It's been layered...with Papers, forever.
I've been doing so much book work...It's been more of a Desk, than Dining Table.
: (
I'm change that.
A 'Family' so Important.
: )
Hope...You, had a Wonderful....
<3 ate Way Too Much!!!
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Thank You... for your Continued Prayers... for Kyler, and his Family.
I went in, and visited with Kyler...and Andrea... today.
I stayed...for quite a long time.
: )
I held my arms, for a Long...time. : ) <3
He, is such a Darling...Child.
: )
Such...a Good, Baby. <3 : )
When the Nurse...was putting all of the EEG probes...on his tiny...little head, he...was Perfect.
: )
Andrea...stayed with him, the entire time.
She is such a Great....Mama.
I, know... she and Jeff, are exhausted. only 8 days old.
: )
The Neurologist... said, this evening... tho, we hadn't seen any seizures... the EEG had detected several....this afternoon.
We are waiting to the MRI, comes out.
From what I have read... this, may be something Kyler will grow out of.
I, Pray...for that.
: )
We all do.
<3 <3 <3
Thank You, my Angels... : ) for Your Continued Prayers.
<3 <3 <3
Love to You...
Barb C.
{I'll keep ya posted. <3 }
: )
Calling in The Angels.
Calling for Prayers.
<3 <3 <3
Our Youngest Grandson, Kyler....
is in the Hospital.
He was born on November 13th.
He's having seizures, and thy can't figure out why.
: ( : ( : (
Andrea, is John's oldest Daughter.
Her World... revolves....around her Boys.
<3 <3 <3
{Her Husband, Jeff's....too. <3 }
They have Three... Darling...Boys.
Kaycen, 6... {who had an emergency appendectomy, just a couple of weeks, before Kyler was born...}
Keeden, who is 2, and such a Joy. <3
Little Kyler, is the Sweetest, little Man, too. <3 <3 <3
: )
These Kids, Andrea and Jeff.... are so Worried, and... so Exhausted.
: ( : ( : (
Please... Pray for Them.
<3 <3 <3 You, and Thank You.
Barb C.
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This is Jeff. : ) He, is such a Great Dad. : ) These two... Adore their Children. My Heart...Breaks, for Them. |
Monday, November 20, 2017
Growing Blessings...
The Beets, are growing like crazy. : )
They make me smile.
: )
Those little Beets, sat in the fridge...for weeks.
When I pulled them out, many....had sprouted.
I, just... didn't have the heart, to cut the sprouts off.
I stuck them in this old Ironstone Bowl, with a little water, and...
They Live.
I've thought...a lot...about them.
: )
They never gave up... while sitting in the cold, and dark.
They... kept growing.
: )
I spent Sunday, with Miss. Scarlett.
We hit the road, and gathered all sorts of treasures...for the rabbit hole.
I'm going to have an Open House, the first, or second weekend in December.
: )
We found some cool, old...things, : ) and covered a couple hundred miles.
Below...are a few images, of what we found.
Most, still loaded in The Ford.
No time, to unload... until after Thanksgiving.
The little Angel, Christmas Ornament... is one Scarlett found for me.
: )
She said... "Grandma, I want you, to have this one. : )
It's an Angel. : ) I know how much you Love...
Angels." <3
Indeed, I do. : ) I told her how Blessed we are, to Always have Angels watching over us. <3
It was a Good Day. : )
Spent, and made some Cranberry Relish.
Liz is going to cook the Turkey, this year.
She's such a Great Cook!
I can't believe how this year has slipped away.
oh my.
It's late...and, I'm....tired.
Love to ya...
Barb C.
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Cast Iron Hitching Posts. <3 They are resting on two... Massive... Old, old... Canvas Bags. They have writing on them, and were created to hold Vintage Tents. : ) |
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Miss. Scarlett's... little Angel. <3 <3 <3 Priceless.... <3 <3 <3 |
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Dreams and Fairy tales...
I posted on fb, the other day, about having an Old... old...
Lap Robe, stolen, from our booth, at Junk Jubilee Jingles, last Saturday.
I didn't discover it missing...until Sunday morning, when a fellow Vendor...stopped by, to purchase it, just before the show opened.
I'd thrown it on the load, at the last minute...before we left home.
I remember, holding my arms, Many Christmas's we'd shared, down the rabbit hole.
: )
It was black, green and white....with Beautiful... Poinsettias, all over it.
: )
I'd used it for display.
I thought, it would be to the Full sized Sleigh, we had in our booth.
That's what it was meant for. : )
It was very Heavy, the size...of a quilt, and would keep Folks warm...while riding in a Buggy, or the Winter.
Below, is a picture of it....resting on the gold, Victorian Chair, next to the Sleigh, in our booth.
I, rarely...have theft, of any kind.
It seems, when I do... always works out....'right'.
These old....'Soulful' things, have a way... of making things...
I wrote, that I'd sure like to find out, who took it.
I wouldn't ask them to pay for it.
I'd make 'em help set the Booth, at Junk Jubilee, next Spring.
: )
They'd Never....take Anything....from 'The Simply Iowa' Booth...
I had to check on some things...yesterday morning, down the rabbit hole.
As I was flyin' through the back area....outside, I saw something...that wasn't like I'd left it.
{Somehow, with All of The Treasures, in...and around, the rabbit hole....
If 'Something' is out of place... I can pick it the Blink of an Eye. }
There, sitting on an Old Cupboard's shelves....
were Two...Beautiful... Ironstone Serving Pieces.
They weren't there...the last time I'd walked through.
{a week ago. }
The Ironstone Fairy... must have left them.
: )
I don't know who...brought them, I'd be Thrilled to pay for them....
Just, bringing me... to a Gift.
: )
Love Old Ironstone!!!
Some Folks...are Takers.
Some Folks... are Givers.
I'm so very Blessed to Know....far more 'Givers'. <3 <3 <3
I brought them inside the House....where they will stay, and, I'll use them...
until I find out who brought them.
<3 <3 <3
I've been a Slug, all week. Haven't gotten anything done....around the House.
Heading to Little Justin's Birthday Party, today...
Then, I want to go visit Andrea...John's oldest Daughter.
She and Jeff...have a Brand New Baby, Kyler....that shares Little Justin's Birthday!!!
November 13th!
That makes Three Boys, for them...6 years old, and younger!
6, 2...and a Newborn!!!
and...I think I'm tired!!!
When I woke up...this morning, I...hated to open my eyes.
I'd had a Dream...about John.
: )
When I Dream about John...the Dreams seem so Real.
: )
It's like...he's right here. His such a Gift, to hear. <3
I dreamt....that we were sitting together....visiting, like...he'd never left.
I, was telling him about a spider bite, that was bothering me.
I showed him, where it was...on the calf of my leg.
It was huge. It looked like a massive welt,
the size of the palm of my hand.... with a tiny red the center.
He said... that he couldn't see it.
I placed my leg, across his lap...and asked him to feel, for the welt.
He did, and when he got to the welt, he looked at me... with such...
: ( : ( : (
He asked me, if it was painful.... : (
I, smiled....and said "No. : ) "
I said... "I, know I've been poisoned, but... it doesn't hurt."
: )
We just sat there, together... for the longest time. : )
It was Grand. : )
<3 <3 <3
'The Mad March Hare'
used to Laugh...when I shared my Dreams...with her.
: ) : ) : )
She, even created a Beautiful Gourd, for me, around a Dream, I'd shared with her... one time.
<3 <3 <3
"The Mad Hatter"
'And In Our 'Dreams'
Oh, What We See!'
: )
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
When I woke up, yesterday morning....
I, was simply...drained.
I, felt so deflated, from the day before.
I'm so weary, from so many battles.
Seemingly...Unending... Battles.
I, turned to my little, 'worn' daily devotional,
and asked The Lord, to guide my hands, to what I needed to 'see'.
I was given this book, 'Streams in the Desert', back when Daughter, Liz...was a Teen.
{She's 30, now. }
I've read it...over and over.
For the last, many years....I don't follow it by the dates, I...simply ask the Lord, to decide what I 'Need' 'see'.
I, don't turn to it, as often as I should.
I, let myself....get so beaten down...before I remember, to 'Look Up'.
I opened it up,
"My Father is the gardener"
{John 15:1 }
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
Here's a little, of what the message said.
It is a comforting thought, that trouble in whatever form it comes to us, is a heavenly messenger, that brings us something from God. Outwardly, it may appear painful or even destructive, but inwardly it's spiritual work produces blessings.
Many of the richest blessings we have inherited are the fruit of sorrow or pain.
We should never forget that redemption, the world's greatest blessing, is the fruit of the world's
greatest sorrow. And whenever a time of deep pruning comes and the knife cuts deeply and the pain is severe, what an inexpressible comfort it is to know
"My Father is the gardener."
It goes on, to tell a story told by John Vincent, a Methodist Episcopal bishop of the late 19th and early twentieth centuries and a leader of the Sunday school movements in America, of once being in a large greenhouse where the clusters of grapes were hanging on each side.
The owner of the greenhouse told him,
" When the new gardener came in here, he said he would not work the vines unless he could cut them down to the stalk. I allowed him to do so, and we had no grapes for two years, but this is now the result."
There is rich symbolism in this account of the pruning process when applied to the Christian life.
Pruning seems to be destroying the vine, and the gardener appears to be cutting everything away.
Yet he sees the future and knows that the final result will be the enrichment of the life of the vine,
and greater abundance of fruit.
There are many blessings we will never receive until we are ready to pay the price of pain, for the path of suffering is the only way to reach them. { J.R. Miller}
It goes on, with a little poem, that I've seen written in other books.
I, thought... I understood it, when I read this poem, years ago.
It wasn't until....yesterday morning, that the full message set in.
' I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chattered all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And never a word, said she;
But oh, the things I learned from her
When Sorrow walked with me. '
The Lord...Always...sends us to the 'Place', we Need to be, when we remember...
to ask.
Shortly after I read my 'Streams in the Desert', the phone rang.
It was a Dear Friend, I hadn't talked to, in a long time.
He called to ask, how I was doing. : )
He had read between the lines, on fb, I suppose.
He said... he worries...about me. : (
He said... "I hope you know, what a 'light' you are, to so many people, and how you help so many.
I hope you know, how much you are loved, by many."
I, wept....after we hung up the phone.
I, can't hardly.... write, the words...he spoke.
: ( : ( : (
I've tried, to be there, for others....but, the last few years...have been difficult.
It seems, everyday....has more and more...challenges.
I've said...after every 'Challenge', "I Know...there's a 'Lesson' to be learned by this.
The Lord, is putting these situations, in front of I can 'learn', and grow."
They are so painful.
yet, I know...somehow.... they were blessings.
I, wish....I could do more, for Folks...
but, most days... just getting 'myself'....suited up, for the battles....
is exhausting.
Yet, I know... 'The Gardner', 'Sees'.... with the Keenest Eye.
I had to meet with someone, from the City, yesterday drop off my packets, I'd prepared for the Council, and Mayor.
I, didn't want to go.
She doesn't like me, much.
She, and others...working with the City...have been pretty tuff on me.
{I know... I, too... can be abrasive, when I'm passionate, about a Cause. }
After I read my Streams, I thought about 'Thanking' her, for being so hard on me.
They, have made me stronger... in many ways.
I've learned so the last ten months, of doing research.
Looking back, I truly need to Thank, all of those...who have been 'Difficult', in my life.
They, all...are 'Blessings'. : ) <3
{I, need to remember the 'time'...'moment' when I'm being 'pruned' by those 'Blessings'. }
Another, Dear Friend, called...yesterday, too. <3
She Prays for me, every day. <3
She has her Prayer group...Praying for me, too.
<3 <3 <3
Bless Their Hearts, along with Everyone...whom, I know...are Praying for me.
<3 <3 <3
I told her... I Pray for Her, too.
I, Pray...for this world. <3 <3 <3
Everyone...who is Suffering, I especially...Pray.
I Pray, The Lord Envelops them...with His Comforting Spirit.
My Friend, told me to rest. : ), for a few days.
I'm doing...just that.
: )
I'm going to work on getting the house cleaned up, this week.
It's in bad shape.
I haven't had any time...for a long time, to clean.
Thanksgiving, will be here, before we know it.
I don't want the Kids seeing our Home....this way.
I, wish everyone...had a copy of Streams in the Desert.
{I owe one, to The Queen of Hearts, I haven't forgotten. <3 }
It's been such a Gift, in my life.
Love to you...
Every Single One...
of You.
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
I just got home...from a City Council meeting.
I've been researching for... months.
{in my spare time, and...going in Circles...with Government Folk. }
Spent the entire day, yesterday...working on putting packets of information together,
for The Mayor, and Council.
{over 50 pages...}
oh dear.
I started peeling off clothes, the moment...I hit the door....tonight.
{had my best Duds...on....for The City : ) 'respect'...: )}
I was on the Agenda, the City Council...
with, TONS... of information.
They didn't 'hear' a word....
They have their minds...made up.
I, had myself....pulled together, until...
I knew, it didn't matter what I said.
It didn't matter, how much information, I had, Many 'Facts'.
None of it....mattered.
: ( : ( : (
They are keep a walking/bike/ recreation trail project, along our Highway 151,
even tho... it's going to cost lives.
They don't care.
I had Mountains...of data, from The Department of Transportation Safety Audit.
I had letters, to was The City, who wants this, and not the IDOT.
The City Council, and Mayor, told me in May.... that They Didn't Want Any Part of This, but, they were 'Forced'... to go along with this 'Plan', because the IDOT, wasn't giving them any other options.
I had the letter, in hand....
from The City, to the IDOT, 'Requesting'....this Trail.
They didn't respond.
I've lived on Highway 151 for 35 years.
You, simply....can't....put the Public on it's Bridges, and Highway.
People...are going to die.
I've seen enough....carnage, and loss of Life...on this stretch.
They don't care.
I'm having them put all of my report, on Public Record.
Someday, they will care.
When someone, maybe... Many....'Someones'....lose their lives.
: ( : ( : (
It's All On Them.
The Attorney's for The Survivors, will 'care' about my 'findings'.
I walked away from the podium....tonight,
when I saw, their 'set minds'.
I walked up to The Council, and Mayor....
and said...
"Shame On You. Every One Of You."
There are only two Council Members, that...I think...will even 'look' their folders.
{Bless Their Hearts.... <3 {maybe. : ) <3 }
{Bless Their Hearts.... <3 {maybe. : ) <3 }
I'm sick....all over.
I know... what 'Loss' is.
'This'...'Loss', is Preventable.
{Not Many, get That 'Choice'. }
I told them, if they can't 'see' 'this', it must be about 'Money'.
"Worthless...Money. "
I told them... "Money won't 'Buy'...the Most Important Things, in Life.
Another Breath...True Love...True Friends, or...another Moment, on This Earth."
Shame... On...Them.
People, are going to climb on this Trail, after walking on one, that will connect to it....
that, is...'safe'.
They will consider this one, safe....too.
'False Security'
'False Security'
I told them, it's like the the Family, from Nebraska...who was visiting Disney World, in Florida.
They let their little Boy, get next to a Pond, with no fear.
It's Disney World. : )
In Nebraska..., like Iowa...the Ponds...have Crappies. : )
In Florida... they have Alligators.
They lost their little Boy, right...before their eyes.
: ( : ( : (
If, you put People, on this Federal Highway, who aren't acclimated to it, like we are, well...
Trust me, it won't be long....before a Tragedy happens.
They don't care.
I've never seen, such 'Blind' people.
I didn't go 'Public' with this, until now...because...I was in hopes, The Mayor, and Council...would rescind their request to the IDOT.
After this...'Meeting',
That's...not gonna happen.
Here we go.
I didn't go 'Public' with this, until now...because...I was in hopes, The Mayor, and Council...would rescind their request to the IDOT.
After this...'Meeting',
That's...not gonna happen.
Here we go.
I won't quit.
I'll go door to door.
This Community, has No Idea, what's going on.
Nor, do they have any idea, how Much....they are going to have to pay for it.
We have many, safe...walking and bike
THIS, is the most Insane...Project, I've ever seen.
I, had to write this....
I'm so sad.
: ( : ( : (
I'll be posting copies of my 'report', everywhere...
I want See, what's happening here.
Thanks, for 'Listening'.
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Just found this 'Quote' on FB. {1:12 a.m. } 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' It Fit, for Today. {yesterday... : ) } indeed. |
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
Below, is a picture I took in March, of this year.
Shortly after...I found out, The City of Fairfax, was going to put in a
'Walking/Bike/Recreational Trail 'on' Highway 151.
Here's Where It's Gonna Go!!!
{The City asked the IDOT for this Trail, in 2012.
Guess, they forgot about that....when they came to me, last year...wanting to buy some of our property, for their Trail, because...they were 'So Fearful', of putting the Public, on Highway 151. : )
{I had their 2012 'request' to the IDOT, in 'Refresh' their memory. }
I told them, last use, what the IDOT already owns, on our property.
They are doing that, as, putting People on The Highway, and Bridges. }
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Our property, is where the Big Trees are, in this picture. <3 They'll be gone, too. |
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