Oh my....
I have had Waaaay...tooo Much Fun...
Playing in Blog Land....
: )
and...it's been such...an Interesting Day!
This is our Cold Air...intake...I had John build this Old Fireplace Front....into it....
when he built the house...
Sometimes...like tonight....I just want to Crawl...Inside It!
Sometimes...we put a colored bulb in it....
I remember...one time...Years....ago...when it was Green... Justin's friend, Lumpy...{ He reminded me so much of 'Lumpy'...on 'Leave it to Beaver'... I started calling him that.... He Loved it... Pretty soon...Everyone...called him Lumpy.... Justin told me... at High School... he was even paged to the Office...by 'Lumpy'...oh my....}
{He preferred to be called "Lump"...by his Best Buds...: ) }
Lumpy...came up to me... and said... "Barb... What's in there...where the Green Light....is...?...Justin said...this house...is like 'The Munster's' house...and there's a Dragon...that lives in there....is That...True?????" {Eyes...as Big as Saucers...: ) }
oh my...
That Justin!!!!!
Liz...Miss. Scarlett...and I... went to the Book Store today....She told me Bennie...wasn't up to his normal self....Then...when she got home...she called...and said...he was whining...and seemed bloated....
She was very upset....She'd called the Vet...and had made an appointment...for next week... but...the more we talked...the more upset she got....
{I told her...I thought he'd be fine... tho...I was shocked...the last time I saw him... He Has Gotten....soooo Plump!}
She called the Vet...again...and wanted to get him in...today....
She was sobbing...[after losing Maggie....at such a young age... she was very...scared....for Bennie...}
I had to borrow Justin's Truck....{a Four Door...tho...Bennie doesn't look so Big in this Image....Trust me...He's Big...It's all Liz and I could do....to get him in the Truck!}
The Vet...is over an hour away... Nick came home...early to be with Scarlett....and we Flew....
The Vet...took one look at him...and said...He's Fat... he's eating Way...Too Much!
{Liz said...how much...she'd been feeding him....High End...Dog Food...Good Food....just Way Too Much! and He eats...until it's Gone....}
They put him on the scale...
He weighs...nearly...150 pounds....
Holy Smokes!
{The Vet said...he shouldn't weigh over 110...}
Bennie...had a Stomach Ache....
Bennie....is on a diet....
I know...how he feels...
{I am...Happy...I can get music on {from youtube...you...have to click on it...and...that is a good thing... you can choose...whether you want to hear it...or not...me... I gotta Have It! }....however...I have to jump through Hoops...to get images...on... oh my...
The Fun...Never Ends!} |
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