It was calming... going through my gatherings... from years passed.... I'm going to be selling some of my treasures.... I hate, to part with them... but....sometimes, one must do...what one must do...
I ran across a Dickens Illustration Book....from, the 1880''s beautiful.... they are all loose...and could be framed.... I see so many people I these Characters... oh my...
The Staffordshire Sale Book.... is, I would guess...from the late 1800's or early 1900's... it's offering an 18th and 19th century Staffordshire Collection, for sale...I LOVE....they price the broken pieces...and make little excuses for them...hmmm.... back in the day... folks knew a good matter!
The Cookbooks, are from 1880, and 85... I have several, from that hard to find, anymore....
I don't know...yet what I'll be letting go of.... I told Mark, today...I should just open the house....and price everything...what stays...stays... and is meant to...what goes... well... guess it needed a new home.... He thought it would be one heck of a sale...
after just digging trough, a couple of shelves...I have to agree.... there is some pretty cool stuff, here....Diary's... Ledgers...Photo Albums... Early 1800's Scrap Books...oh my....Soulful...Soulful...Stuff...
I told Mark... I wasn't sure if I could let go of any Cupboards...yet... but...who knows...
I may Just Have an Amazing Heart of Country Booth!
or...maybe...just keep filtering into the Rabbit Hole...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
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