Had a Lovely Surprise...today... One of my Sweetest Friends, stopped by.... with Treasures, in tow... {Santa's Elf...I am sure...} She left all sorts of Gifts...{a Book for Scarlett...Christmas Ornaments... little Figurines..} after she left...I started going through them.... oh my.....the little Bisque, Rabbit Match Safe... nearly dropped me....it reminded me, of the Rabbit Hole, and... The Mad March Hare...Pegadoo... {she was taken to the hospital, last night.... spiked a fever... they are keeping her, until tomorrow...at least...she'll be fine...}

The Little Elf, handed me a Gift Bag...and said..."Merry Christmas!"... inside...was this Amazing Pudding Mould... with, what looks like a Poinsettia... embossed.... oh my....

Then...to make things...even More...Amazing... she harvested this OVER THE TOP!!!!! Early 1900's Fringed...and Beaded!!!! Lamp Shade.... at an Auction for me....{to sell} I have the base.... but... I gotta tell ya...the Shade..is already in the house.... {oh my...I'm running on fumes... financially....have no business keeping anything...{I will be selling things, from the house...in the next week, or so...} but...this shade... well... I'll be like Steve Martin in 'The Jerk'.... as they throw me to the curb...} "all I need is this chair...that's all I need.... and this lamp...{shade} that's all I need... this chair...and this lamp...{shade}" oh my...
My Little Elf, friend.... is really..an Angel...and...like with my Peg.... I feel so inadequate... how, does one....ever repay such kindness.... This isn't the first time, this Angel....has come my way.... I truly feel Blessed... I Truly..do.....
I take Mom, in for her surgery, tomorrow... it will be a Long Day...but...a Good Day...
Love to You...and Yours...
Barb C.
What a sweet lil elf! Beautiful new treasures ! hugs and prayers for you and yours in the coming days ! hugs lilraggedyangie
Hugs Back To You!!!
And the Prayers....are So Much Appreciated....
As tuff as times can be....I feel we are all...so Blessed....
Love, to You...
Merry Christmas...and.....The Most Happy New Year...
Barb C.
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