It was Great seeing everyone...Lynn and Lea, from Southern Iowa...They were a sight....for sore eyes....{literally} Good....Good.....Folks....
Kerry, and her darling Family, stopped in, on their way to the Polar Express Train Ride...and harvested some Old Bottle Brush Trees, for her collection...
Then, some Gals, from Northern Iowa, popped in.... they had found the 'Rabbit Hole', through the Iowa Blogs... cool... I was apologising...all over the place.. for the Messes.... then...Dan, {Jo-Dan's} chimed in....and looked pretty normal to him....about then, Lynn, said something that effect.... and I realized... it was a losing battle....those Boys...Love to Pick!
The Gals, were very kind...and I asked them, to please come back, during Sale Time, in the Spring...when things are kind of.... on their feet....
Thankfully, they had visited Sisters' Garden, earlier, and could see... some folks...actually have everything 'together'! They loved it! Sisters' is an Amazing Store... They also know Brenda, from J.B. Knacker.... Brenda had put them up, for a night....on one of the Girls other excursions!! That Brenda...she is So Over the Top...Kind..! Love Her! I sent them on to Fern Hill, in South sample some Home Made Fudge....{'Prelude', in the Amana Colonies...Lovely...}
Katie, Liz, Justin 'J' and Miss. Scarlett popped in...brought lunch...and visited... that was Grand!
Pegadoo, and daughter, Sarah, stopped by...we had a great visit...
Then...Brandon..{House Things} popped in... and brought me some Great Vintage Tree Toppers! and Wreaths! It's always good to see Brandon...he is such a Gentle, Creative Spirit...
For everything, inside out....upside down... it was a very good day...
At 6, I took off, in Sally.... to meet Sweet Amy, and Pegadoo...for Supper.... Peg is going back, to Mayo, today....She has another treatment, Monday...
Amy's Grandma, is making Peg, all sorts of cook hats! In all sorts of Crazy Colors! Peg looks Great in Hats...
It was so much fun....with the Girls, last night....We are hoping....we can all go to Nashville, in we did, this year....
The Prayers are working.... I can see it.... Peg says, she can feel them...we are so Thankful, to Everyone.... and speak of you all....with every visit.... whether, we know you...or just know you, through the breeze, that blows, through the waving of your wings... we feel you...Thank You....
I'm Open Today... 10 - 6...
Gotta Go...
Love to You...
Barb C.
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