Justin 'J'.....and 'The Baby'...Cat.... Justin is so gentle...with all of the Animals...they all got along...Great! |
The Kids.... oh my....Justin opened all of the gifts....for everyone.... Oh Boy! he didn't care what was in them....he just Loved getting that wrap off! I didn't one image of Scarlett.... or Nick... Next year....someone else in charge of the Camera....! |
This images says a Thousand Words.... Nicky has been a Most Amazing Gift... To John.... He was rescued from the Animal Shelter.... a few years ago.... He and John have become inseparable.... Best Friends.... |
These 3 Huge Platters... were what was hiding in the Box.... from John and the Kids... Oh My! Love Them....! {and the Platters Too!} |
Peg made this Bag for me....from an Old Seed Sack, in the shop.... She signed it...MMH { Mad March Hare}.....and stitched in, {Mad Hatter}...She insisted on leaving my price tag on it....for some reason....she has a 'thing' about my tags....and writing....? She demanded...that I use it... oh my.... Peg is...truly...The Tea Cup Hurling...Mad March Hare!....and What would The Mad Hatter be....without her.....
Simply...mad.... |
This was a Lovely Surprise...from my Little Canadian Pal, Bev.... Oh my.... Love It! Can't wait to see the Girls, this Spring! |
It was Great Sharing The Day....With Everyone! If you didn't get a Christmas Card...E-Mail...or Call...this Christmas...Know...You are in my Thoughts.... Simply NOT enough Time.... Energy....or...Sanity....to pull it All Together!
So many walk through my mind....every day....Alma....Jim...Kari...Larry...Vikki... Wanda... Brooke... Ken and Brenda...Nancy...Dale...Mark....Linda...Colleen...Carolyn... Laura...Sandy... Dwight and Junell.... Cindy...Julie...Eudora...Jerri...Dad... Chery...Doreen...the Customers...{Friends...I see at Shows...and visit with...down the Rabbit Hole...oh my....}and the Critters...that have been the True Angels...of my Life...I could go on and on....
Some...here, some... not....some, from today....some...long ago....but...always...gentle...on my mind....with fond....memories....of... the happy......'Moments'...
Hope You Had...Lot's....of Happy Moments.... on Your Christmas Day...
Love, to You....
Barb C.
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