I haven't decided if I'll have John cut the end off, where the drawer is missing...or...have him build a drawer...I'm leaning to trimming it...it would still be a little over 10 feet wide...The man told me it was blue, on the phone...it's old...dry....white... Perfect! I'll have John put an 'Over the Top', {Massive} Crown, on it...It will be Wonderful... It came from an 1870's, or '80's Women's Apparel Store, in Belle Plaine, Iowa... So I want it to look... very Sweet!!!!
Another Big Job...Crossed off the List...whew...
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
{I got a hold of the vet....this morn...they were going to squeeze Scout in, around noon...so we flew to get the cupboard....but...they came, while I was gone... and got him all taken care of...out of pain... and left me with meds...I'll be talking directly, to her, sometime, today...I am just sooo thankful...he's feeling better....It breaks my heart...when I know an Animal is hurting...and I can't help...I Must Have Meds On Hand...ALWAYS....After reading up on this...it is chronic...and the longer the flare ups...the sooner, he may lose his eye....there is no cure...it breaks my heart...}
Looks cool I would trim it
I'm Leanin'...
It is Way Cool...and that 2 foot section....really looks a little off... so...maybe...it just needs to go...he can move the original end, right in... then finish it all off... it's gonna be a Smoker!
Love, to Ya....
If that cupboard fits in the rabbit hole I am going to call you Houdini!!!!!
I can NOT believe the stuff you get on that truck! :) But I do understand the 'where there's a will there's a way'!
That is way cool.
So glad your Scout is feeling better.
Easier than matching a drawer! Plus a little more usable that way for common folk. Did you get a storm this afternoon?
Just call me....'Harry'...
Love to Ya...
{I got everything...straightened out...Thank You....Darling...}
Love to Ya!
Hey Jan...
My Critters...ALWAYS.... Always... come first...
And...about the Load...well... Thank God...For Ford Trucks... They make Life Worth Livin'...
They Don't Back Down...and...Nor...does the Driver....
Bring It On!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
That thing is friggin AWESOME!!!! I need more house cause you ALWAYS have something new I COVET...in case you're counting I now have 4 from you...plus Harper's little Cupboard we got for her birthday - LOL!
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