Aunt Helen passed away...yesterday....I just got the call...from Judy....her lovely daughter....this afternoon...
Helen has been on my heart... Knowing...that her Journey is almost on Earth....
Thinking back on the Long Winded conversations...we have had....We both stood firmly together...on Politics....oh my...
She was very Sharp...and really kept up with everything....I admired her...She was always 'Put Together'....{I guess I Missed that Gene!} I remember going to visit....and Helen was always perfect.....She and Mom would always Laugh and Carry On!!!! They would sing...Czech songs... and dance....{I got that gene...oh dear!} I remember always loving to go visit her... her home was lovely....also...always...perfect....
She and Mom were very close in age.... just a year or so apart... They were often mistaken as twins....I haven't made the announcement, to mother...yet....I am searching my heart....trying to find a way...that will be the easiest, on her heart....I don't know if that's possible....
I've been working on stuff...for the show....scraping...and scrubbing....It was today...but I found some shade...and a breeze...and all was right with the world...
A nice Gal stopped by...and found some neat old treasures.... as she was leaving...a White Hearse...made it's way up the the Fairfax Cemetery....where my Dad is...Liz had called yesterday...and told me she would be coming out, to this internment....a friend of hers...Jenny.....had passed away....30 years old....beautiful....beautiful....young woman....two children....A Lost Soul....Liz sent me her her would think...she was soooo happy....and had the World on a String...
The young visitor, and I just stood silence...what do you say... mouth is in high gear.....always a thought...or opinion....not these days....I find....I am more and a loss...for words.... you....
Barb C.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
No Time to Kill....
My Head is Spinnin'....
Had a Great Day...but....much driving...and ....Living....
Funny...I put Clint Black on...with his Amazingly Written, "No Time to Kill"... song....not knowing I'd be receiving a call, from my Cousin, Judy...concerning her Mother...My Mother's 'as close as you can get to a Twin, without being born together'...Sister...Helen...
sounds like...Helen may not be with us...much longer...She has had another stroke... refusing any kind of nourishment...
Seems like much...has been running through my brain....Seems so many...are at a crossroads...these days...
There truly time to kill...between the cradle, and the grave.... Life is such a blink....We Must... learn to Love...Forgive... Enjoy...every moment... like it is our last...after may, very well be...
With all of the twisting and I have enjoyed the Most Amazing Folks...{Steph, {stephanie brandenberg studios}....Barb H. {sisters garden} Deb...Brandon {house things} Sharon {sweet repose} Nancy {and her darling Daughter} {rug cottage} Carolyn A.,... Mark....{his Birthday is Tomorrow...} Justin...John...not to mention....the Many...who strolled through my I was driving down the road....and...a Woman...who walked up to me...out of the I was grocery shopping... she is Mennonite...and shared her favorite things...with me....her favorite cookies...she likes to buy...Ya Know... I'll never forget the look in her she was talking to me....hmmmm......
I got a lot done, today... not everything that was on my list...but...a lot...
and today...that's good enough for me...
My Prayers are with Helen..... Judy....and Don....their Family....
I haven't said anything to Mom, yet... I'm not quite what to say...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{the above image is of Mom...Rose...{left}...and Helen... this was their Graduation 1938...Grandma held Mom she and Helen could go through school together....{I think they were less than a year apart...}they were both born on the Farm...near Garner, Iowa.... They made their own clothes...went to Beauty School together....Loved to Sing together... and were quite the Girls...oh my...}
Had a Great Day...but....much driving...and ....Living....
Funny...I put Clint Black on...with his Amazingly Written, "No Time to Kill"... song....not knowing I'd be receiving a call, from my Cousin, Judy...concerning her Mother...My Mother's 'as close as you can get to a Twin, without being born together'...Sister...Helen...
sounds like...Helen may not be with us...much longer...She has had another stroke... refusing any kind of nourishment...
Seems like much...has been running through my brain....Seems so many...are at a crossroads...these days...
There truly time to kill...between the cradle, and the grave.... Life is such a blink....We Must... learn to Love...Forgive... Enjoy...every moment... like it is our last...after may, very well be...
With all of the twisting and I have enjoyed the Most Amazing Folks...{Steph, {stephanie brandenberg studios}....Barb H. {sisters garden} Deb...Brandon {house things} Sharon {sweet repose} Nancy {and her darling Daughter} {rug cottage} Carolyn A.,... Mark....{his Birthday is Tomorrow...} Justin...John...not to mention....the Many...who strolled through my I was driving down the road....and...a Woman...who walked up to me...out of the I was grocery shopping... she is Mennonite...and shared her favorite things...with me....her favorite cookies...she likes to buy...Ya Know... I'll never forget the look in her she was talking to me....hmmmm......
I got a lot done, today... not everything that was on my list...but...a lot...
and today...that's good enough for me...
My Prayers are with Helen..... Judy....and Don....their Family....
I haven't said anything to Mom, yet... I'm not quite what to say...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{the above image is of Mom...Rose...{left}...and Helen... this was their Graduation 1938...Grandma held Mom she and Helen could go through school together....{I think they were less than a year apart...}they were both born on the Farm...near Garner, Iowa.... They made their own clothes...went to Beauty School together....Loved to Sing together... and were quite the Girls...oh my...}
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I have a Crazy, Busy Day...coming down the pipeline! and...I OVERSLEPT!!! Always a Wonderful way to start the Day....!
I have Folks Coming....Going...Treasures to Gather...Folks to Call...and Deals to Make....{ groceries...} And...I have got to get the Huge tables ready for the show...Oh Dear...TIC TOC!!!
Have a Lovely Day!
Barb C.
{I bought this Old Ansonia...{1870's or so...}Many years ago...the base is a little rough...and I have to shim it....the glass is cracked, in a couple of places...but it is the little Clock's original glass...and it runs like a top! It's just a little 30 hour...{I have to wind it everyday...} but when it is absolutely if it is saying thanks, for winding me...}
I have Folks Coming....Going...Treasures to Gather...Folks to Call...and Deals to Make....{ groceries...} And...I have got to get the Huge tables ready for the show...Oh Dear...TIC TOC!!!
Have a Lovely Day!
Barb C.
{I bought this Old Ansonia...{1870's or so...}Many years ago...the base is a little rough...and I have to shim it....the glass is cracked, in a couple of places...but it is the little Clock's original glass...and it runs like a top! It's just a little 30 hour...{I have to wind it everyday...} but when it is absolutely if it is saying thanks, for winding me...}
Monday, June 27, 2011
Deleted a Nutshell....
Well...It appears to be working....
I can't rewrite the last a was a busy weekend...I looked like Larry the Cable Guy, by the end of it...{except...he wears shoes...}Got some cool stuff in...Am loading for the Fourth...
Weekend a Nut Shell...
Teired Concrete Birdbath....4 matching White Metal Lawn Chairs...Mourning Bead Work and Buttons...Big...Beautiful Vintage Oil Painting...Metal Urns...Gold and Green Vintage Glass Strung Beads...{several pounds of them!}Civil War era Bed...Large, Heavy Glass Domes...
Interesting Stuff...
in a Nutshell
I can't rewrite the last a was a busy weekend...I looked like Larry the Cable Guy, by the end of it...{except...he wears shoes...}Got some cool stuff in...Am loading for the Fourth...
Weekend a Nut Shell...
Teired Concrete Birdbath....4 matching White Metal Lawn Chairs...Mourning Bead Work and Buttons...Big...Beautiful Vintage Oil Painting...Metal Urns...Gold and Green Vintage Glass Strung Beads...{several pounds of them!}Civil War era Bed...Large, Heavy Glass Domes...
Interesting Stuff...
in a Nutshell
Blog Issues....
I am having an issue with this post...I just want to see if it will aliign to the left..
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Old Soul...
This is what I work for...To bring Happiness...and Excitement to Folks...With this Old Soulful Stuff! And when they happen to be Younger's even Better! Kristen was hunting for a 4 H project...and I could hear her she wondered through the 'Rabbit Hole' maze...:"I can't wait 'til I have my own house...and can decorate it"...she whispered to her Mom, Teresa, and Sister, Nicole..."Look at this"... as she fell hopelessly in Love, with a Darling little Folk Art Stand...with oil cloth on it's top...but underneath, was layers of 1930's newspaper...I pulled the cloth off, and we stood there and read through the print....and advertisements...I bought the little stand from Tom V., he will be delighted when I tell him where the little stand went ...Tom is a retired Principal...and is always so encouraging to the younger Folk...I told Kristen about Tom...and all of the wonderful treasures he brings to Shows...and how he, and his Sweet Wife, Paula, have the Best Eye...for Cool...Gnarly... Old Stuff! Just like Kristen....and....Nicole, and...Jacob...They all were having a fun time Gathering... and Scouting...and...They All Went Home....with Treasures! Even Teresa...{who is a bit more refined.... had a bit of a raised the Folk Art...{Daughter, Liz and I went through the same thing...Liz loves the Old Stuff...just...a little different 'Old Stuff'...than I do...and it's all good..{I have raised an eyebrow, occasionally...myself...}
Kristen has great plans for the old window...and is redoing her room....I asked her to send images...After visiting with the girls, Friday evening....I got the impression...they really want to be themselves...and have their furnishings represent who they are....and...not have things, that are mass produced, that you could find in every every store....EXACTLY!!! It's so Great to visit with people...that think, the same way you do....age...has no bearing...You Simply CLICK!!!
Nicole loved the little drawered piece...{so did her brother, Jacob...} Jacob liked an old Funky lamp I had just brought in...and the late 1800's horns, mounted on a worn velvet backboard...he opted for the horns...
It was wonderful working with them...and I can't wait to see them again...
Love to ya!
Barb C.
{These are the days, I hold dear...
When I have folks be a little cutting...the ones that try and trip me up..and..look down on the old Soulful stuff...and the Dark and Dusty Rabbit Hole..{Bless Their Hearts!} I pull this...from my spinning brain...and remember...the Old Souls...the ones...that 'click'...}
{Nicole even made it through...over and over...the Rabbit Hole..on Crutches!!! She broke her foot jumping into water, that she was told, was much deeper, than it was....She is very fortunate, she didn't dive...we know a man that dove into water... hit a rock...and is paralyzed from the neck down....very...very important to check out the water first... and diving into a river... lake or not a good idea...nature changes things...daily...what may be good today.... may be very bad, tomorrow...
Love to Ya...}
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Civil War era's not for sale...I don't know why...
One of it's rockers is much shorter than the has rips...and the upholstery...the stuffing in the seat is protruding...along with one of it's springs...During the Spring Sale...we had sold several chairs, from the shop...and I was in a fill a hole...{God Forbid...there be an Empty the Rabbit Hole!} A bulb went off.... and we dragged the Old Rocker, from the Hen stuffed the hole in the seat with shredded coconut...and poked the spring back...inside the seat... found a darling cushion...that was just meant for it...then took some early woven runners...and fed them through the tares. in the back, of the Old Rocker... It seems to it sits there...nestled in closely...with all the tarnished Silver...
It's still...not for sale...
I don't know why...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{and...believe it...or not... Many Folks have inquired... about the Old Rocker...'s not for sale...
I don't know why....}
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A Few Gatherings...
Gnarly Old came in handy...hauling the Concrete Birdbath across the yard.... |
The Old Ladder is Wonderful...Love...Love ....Love The Red! |
These heavy string rolls...are just cool.... |
Found a nice selection of lace...and the tablecloth is wonderful.... Large...and all hand done...very sweet...very old... |
Fine, Vintage, Handmade Bonnets...Darling.... |
The Table is Cleared...
Seems Mine...and Harold's Table....{Harold is the Man I bought the Gnarly Old Table from....Many....Moons away....}It's always...always.... mounded with stuff....I had to get it back... I lit the candles, on the Wonderful...Old Ironstone Platter...John got me, for my Birthday...from Colleen....I'm sitting at my sippin...early in the the end...of the Old you....Something I could not have done....for the last several candlelight....Lovely...
I hit a few sales today...Top Drawer was having one...and it was fun....Got a Vintage Bird Bath...a cute Old Workbench.... a neat Old Wheelbarrow...A Very Cool...Old Red Ladder...Love's wide on the bottom...and can be cut into many sections...perfect for quilts...or pot racks....It's a Sweetie...Loads of vintage lace... gnarly old brooms...just all sorts of fun treasures! Great for the Fourth!
I've had's late...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
I hit a few sales today...Top Drawer was having one...and it was fun....Got a Vintage Bird Bath...a cute Old Workbench.... a neat Old Wheelbarrow...A Very Cool...Old Red Ladder...Love's wide on the bottom...and can be cut into many sections...perfect for quilts...or pot racks....It's a Sweetie...Loads of vintage lace... gnarly old brooms...just all sorts of fun treasures! Great for the Fourth!
I've had's late...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
Hittin' The Road!
Just got a call...on a couple of Sales.... Think I'll check 'em out!
I'll share images of the Gatherings... Later!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
I'll share images of the Gatherings... Later!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Visiting Angels....
This is an Angel, I picked up, last week... or...was it two weeks ago... I have had several ask, about her... but...I think...she may just have to Hover awhile... {thanks Steph....}
Another 'Cross Roads'...has been laid before me....along with so many 'God Winks'...{thanks...Amy...} Life is Truly about the 'Journey'....and recognizing the 'winks' 'the key'...There is no right, or wrong... well...there is... but the 'rights'...and 'wrongs'... are mandatory..on this Journey...without both of them...the worthless....and....ultimately...we will figure out...what 'is' right....and....what 'is' wrong...from's only for each of us, to decide...about ourselves.... and NOT to decide...about others...{trust me...when you start paying your own path... you won't have worry about what others say, or do...and....the Biggest Mistake in Life...Is Not Learning From It!!!} With one exception....When people say, or do things... that are hurtful...recognize it...for what it truly is.... a 'Wink'.... Some of the Most Valuable Lessons I have learned...and the Most Bountiful Blessings...I have received ....have come from situations that Have Dropped Me to My Knees....{it's the Angels...wielding 2x4's...that leave the most lasting impressions...oh my...}
I have been touched twice, Visiting Angels....One... didn't think I would remember her... name...I didn't... ahh... but... all she would have had to say is..."You are so blessed..... to have all of the trials in your life... God must Love You...very Much... to work through you..." I was stunned... a few years ago...when, this woman...I barely knew... said these words to she could see.... the load on my shoulders...through my eyes....
I have quoted her...over and I have seen others...with the their being...
That woman...was Stunned...that I remembered...and held on to that moment...
She was sent to me... I have no Angel...and I..have shared That Promise...over and over...with those who suffer....
Without walking through the fire... I could not recognize others...
I connect with the the image above.... and...that's why I will keep her Hovering...From the Mould, she was cast, from... her elbow's are skinned... Just Like Mine...{my knees, too...} We all will stumble and fall... even...Angels...
God Bless....
Barb C.
{ it's the scars...that attract someone...or...something...much more than their beauty....I once read...when we reach the Pearly Gates... God will Look upon His Soldiers, for Their Battle Scars...not Their Beauty...hmmmm....}
Monday, June 20, 2011
Cleanin' Out the Ford....
I have been running so hard...and gathering...and delivering....The Ford is Full of stuff...that has been riding all over the Midwest....and needs to be unpacked...I did some of it...this evening....a friend, once said to me....about a shop she had visited..."Barb...You and I have more 'Antiques' rolling around in our trucks, than that entire shop did".... I don't remember who she was referring was 15 years ago...or better... but, I often think about that...when my truck gets so full....
I just scratched the surface.... in the Ford....I have got to get on it...
Next Show....
July 4th....On Main Street... Mt.Vernon....Iowa!
I'll See Ya There...With Lots of Cool Stuff!
Barb C.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Visiting Old Friends...
I strolled through her home... and visited the many...many wonderful Cupboards...that once were in my hands... it was Grand...
tho... I see...Those Old Darlings...don't 'come again' I so thought they would.... Amazing...Amazing...some could be Museum, very Old...
Why is it...I never see how amazing something is...until it's gone.... ? and am always so sure...there will be I walk away, from a most amazing treasure...?
Maybe...I just keep telling myself that... because.... I can't keep them all...and..there are always so many obligations... and to dwell on the loss...well...
no wonder I drink Martinis...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{I will say...These Old Friends...couldn't have found a Better Home....Allyson Loves Them! She saw the Beauty in Them...Years before Everyone was Clamoring to Own Them...I told her that...when she bought the first many years ago...{that is still my favorite...} We Both have...a True Love... for Iowa Farmhouse Style... {Sigh....}
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Gussied Up...
The phone is dead...and buried.... I have a new one... and...thankfully...the old one didn't take all of my the grave....I chose a phone that suits me better... it's little...and pink... and...I think we are friends...the other...well...I hate to speak ill...of the dead... but we never really connected... {I still have the old one....the old...old one...the NOKIA.... sitting to me.... WE.... Connected.... and it was my Pal...the last one...ahhh...not so much.....}
My Wonderful Neighbor....May.... and I went to the Lighthouse Supper Club...last night...we were supposed to, last week.... but... she had issues... We had a most Amazing Time.... Catching up....I so Love Her... she is so...Honest...and pure.... I am Blessed, to have her as a Neighbor....
We talked about Ireland.... and how Beautiful it is....I told her...if I ever get there...{it's on my 'bucket list'...}I'm Sure...I'll see Iowa....I always do...wherever I this Country....Where it is the Most Beautiful...I See...Some Part of this State.... Well....The Movie said it all...when asked.."Is this Heaven?"....answer.."no...this is Iowa..." Enough said....
It was Great Hearing Eddie, and his Band.... he played Danny Boy...for May.... and I sipped Martinis...all evening...Life is Good! { I think those may be my last... I'm ready for a change....we'll see...}
I left the old blue flannel, at was all Long... Black...and Stilettos...
We Gussied up.... Fun...I Love Getting Dressed awhile....}
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
I'm headed to Allyson's....for supper, tonight...and delivering a cool old folkart'll look cool in her house...
My Wonderful Neighbor....May.... and I went to the Lighthouse Supper Club...last night...we were supposed to, last week.... but... she had issues... We had a most Amazing Time.... Catching up....I so Love Her... she is so...Honest...and pure.... I am Blessed, to have her as a Neighbor....
We talked about Ireland.... and how Beautiful it is....I told her...if I ever get there...{it's on my 'bucket list'...}I'm Sure...I'll see Iowa....I always do...wherever I this Country....Where it is the Most Beautiful...I See...Some Part of this State.... Well....The Movie said it all...when asked.."Is this Heaven?"....answer.."no...this is Iowa..." Enough said....
It was Great Hearing Eddie, and his Band.... he played Danny Boy...for May.... and I sipped Martinis...all evening...Life is Good! { I think those may be my last... I'm ready for a change....we'll see...}
I left the old blue flannel, at was all Long... Black...and Stilettos...
We Gussied up.... Fun...I Love Getting Dressed awhile....}
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
I'm headed to Allyson's....for supper, tonight...and delivering a cool old folkart'll look cool in her house...
Kalona Shopping....
Plan on spending the day, in and around Kalona.... There is Great Food....and the Cheese Factory, is just minutes from Sisters' Garden...Rug Cottage...Old Man's Creek.... {closer to Frytown, on, and near Hiway 1}...It's an Amish Area... so there is all sorts of goodies, for the eyes...and for the appetite! I love driving down the gravel roads...taking in the Beauty.... It's Lovely! Click on the images to enlarge!
Friday, June 17, 2011
One Shouldn't Wash the Cell Phone...with the dishes...
I guess Polly must have put her paws, on the counter... when I went outside, this look out the you are trying to call the house....319-846-8173...
I was wondering why it wasn't ringing....I was quite surprised...when I saw it, laying at the bottom of the I was doing dishes....I Pulled it lit up...showed, sweet Polly's picture... on the if, it tattled, on who pushed it...over the edge.... then...the screen went black....I tried to resuscitate....took the back was Full of water... then...pulled the out the hair dryer...and now...have it buried in rice.... I hope I can save the info, from it....oh dear...
I was wondering why it wasn't ringing....I was quite surprised...when I saw it, laying at the bottom of the I was doing dishes....I Pulled it lit up...showed, sweet Polly's picture... on the if, it tattled, on who pushed it...over the edge.... then...the screen went black....I tried to resuscitate....took the back was Full of water... then...pulled the out the hair dryer...and now...have it buried in rice.... I hope I can save the info, from it....oh dear...
It Is....What It Is....
It's a little after midnight.... I was getting ready for bed... took off the old flannel shirt...that I wore today....I found it, inside an old Amana Wardrobe I bought... in January... I tried it on, ... it is torn, on the side...and the one pocket is loose... felt so good on...I washed it...and Love to wear it....
I have to wonder....what folks think.... when they see me wear this tattered old shirt...? Especially... at a Very Nice Restaurant.... I never realized...until...this very moment... what it 'looks' like...all I how it 'feels'...and how it makes me 'feel'...when I wear it...and...that would be...'Good'...
It Is...What It Is....
{here's to you...Ed....}
I have to wonder....what folks think.... when they see me wear this tattered old shirt...? Especially... at a Very Nice Restaurant.... I never realized...until...this very moment... what it 'looks' like...all I how it 'feels'...and how it makes me 'feel'...when I wear it...and...that would be...'Good'...
It Is...What It Is....
{here's to you...Ed....}
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Illinois Run.... started off...a bit dicey.... I was hurrying....and scurrying....{did manage to wash that gray out of my hair...while taking a quick shower....this that over due...or what...} I was flyin'....had Scout to tend... deliveries to make.... and two pick to Chicago... I was Runnin' Hard....taking care of Scout....I noticed the Ford was Scout done... then....ran to the then...I was running later than I should be.... but....figured John must have needed the Ford for something....then...I waited and waited....finally....I could wait no more...nearly two I started unloading the little had some heavy stuff on it....then...I loaded it back up....with the deliveries.... I gotta tell then... I was not in a good frame of mind.... I was going to have to take the Ford with nearly 200,000 miles on it....hasn't been serviced....since...who knows....years....with a Big Load... to Chicago....I was just tieing down the load....and getting into the Ford....when John comes rolling in....We unloaded....and reloaded....and...I left...I wasn't sure I was going to make it home tonight....If I didn't make it to the last stop...before 5:30....I would have been sleeping in the truck.... I beat feet....and somehow....made all of my stops....Picked up some cool stuff... and....for not totally blowing my cool....this morning...{I did blow...a little... poor Steph got the brunt...I vented on her...when she called...oh dear...{funny...she understood everything I said.... hmmm...}I treated myself, to a Lovely Davenport, Iowa... at The Lodge...{The Castle Lodge... on Hiway 74, and Kimberly...}
They Have Amazing Food....and the Wonderful....They were playing Mozart... I strolled my Gnarliest Flannel... and....all was right with the world....The Chef came out...and visited with me... and my Server was delightful! I don't know why....folks insist on going to a chain.... when for the same can have the best...of the best....
I went to Peru Antique I was paying...I told them how much I Love their Mall...The nice Man said..."It's Bright....and Clean!"... I'm sure I got one of those looks on my face.... like I do....when my gears are turning... knowing I had better choose my words....very...very carefully...{Peg loves it...and bursts out laughing...when this's a Mad Hatter Thing...I'm kind of like a Mood Ring....I can't help it...}
I really like the Man...and...he has never been to my store... so....I said..."Well... I have a Shop...that is Dark....and Dusty....and...I Love's not the Bright...and Tidy..." I said..., "that makes me Love your Mall...It's the Cool Stuff In It!!!!"....I think that is what we have in stuff...and diversity! From Early Victorian....and Lovely...Lovely Glass.... I LOVE IT ALL!!! and...It All Sings in Perfect Harmony...when put together...If it's Old...and has's Home....whether Bright and Tidy...or..Softly Lit....and's all Good!
I stopped at Coal Valley...and saw the Girls was Great seeing Eileen...I bought a Darling Primitive Toy Cupboard from her.... and look foreword to seeing her at the Bishop Hill Show!
You will be happy to TORQUED I was...when I left.... this Morn.... I thought of John...While I was eating my Unbelievable Supper....and ate 3 bites of the Amazing Prime Rib...{ was as I remember it to be...and yes...I still plan on eating my Boca the Morn...} 3 bites of the Garlic Mashed potatoes....{with butter...sour cream...and the potato skins....YUM...and beautifully garnished....}...most of the Asparagus....{what can I say....} and 2 bites of the KILLER....DROP... To Your Knees...{told John, as he was dishing up his nightly ice cream, with it...The BEST CAKE YOU WILL EVER EAT!!!!} CAKE!!! and took the rest home, for John...{he just buried the a mountain of New York Vanilla...and went back to the t.v.} Man...
Oh Well....I soaked in...the Best of the Best....and...scratched a few more 'to do's' the List...
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
They Have Amazing Food....and the Wonderful....They were playing Mozart... I strolled my Gnarliest Flannel... and....all was right with the world....The Chef came out...and visited with me... and my Server was delightful! I don't know why....folks insist on going to a chain.... when for the same can have the best...of the best....
I went to Peru Antique I was paying...I told them how much I Love their Mall...The nice Man said..."It's Bright....and Clean!"... I'm sure I got one of those looks on my face.... like I do....when my gears are turning... knowing I had better choose my words....very...very carefully...{Peg loves it...and bursts out laughing...when this's a Mad Hatter Thing...I'm kind of like a Mood Ring....I can't help it...}
My 'Happy Place' Iowa.... it's just off of 80, on 74, in Davenport...turn east, on can see the Big Turret, from the's sooo cool! |
I stopped at Coal Valley...and saw the Girls was Great seeing Eileen...I bought a Darling Primitive Toy Cupboard from her.... and look foreword to seeing her at the Bishop Hill Show!
You will be happy to TORQUED I was...when I left.... this Morn.... I thought of John...While I was eating my Unbelievable Supper....and ate 3 bites of the Amazing Prime Rib...{ was as I remember it to be...and yes...I still plan on eating my Boca the Morn...} 3 bites of the Garlic Mashed potatoes....{with butter...sour cream...and the potato skins....YUM...and beautifully garnished....}...most of the Asparagus....{what can I say....} and 2 bites of the KILLER....DROP... To Your Knees...{told John, as he was dishing up his nightly ice cream, with it...The BEST CAKE YOU WILL EVER EAT!!!!} CAKE!!! and took the rest home, for John...{he just buried the a mountain of New York Vanilla...and went back to the t.v.} Man...
Oh Well....I soaked in...the Best of the Best....and...scratched a few more 'to do's' the List...
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I am trying to get a bit of organization, flowing, back, into the shop...oh...dear... |
This Big Pitcher...isn't perfect... is...about a hundred and seventy years old... so...I make No Apologies... |
Love this Little Doll House...Think...I could just move right in... |
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Horse Smile....
What a Smile...Scout is such a Cool Cat! {ahhh...Horse...} {look...he even has a space...between his! Must be a Family Thing!} |
Here he is...tasting the camera.... MMMMMmmmmm.... |
Scout has to have salve in his eye, three times a day... and pain meds, daily... He seems a bit better, today... He's such a Good Boy... |
Monday, June 13, 2011
I haven't decided if I'll have John cut the end off, where the drawer is missing...or...have him build a drawer...I'm leaning to trimming would still be a little over 10 feet wide...The man told me it was blue, on the's old...dry....white... Perfect! I'll have John put an 'Over the Top', {Massive} Crown, on it...It will be Wonderful... It came from an 1870's, or '80's Women's Apparel Store, in Belle Plaine, Iowa... So I want it to look... very Sweet!!!!
Another Big Job...Crossed off the List...whew...
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
{I got a hold of the vet....this morn...they were going to squeeze Scout in, around we flew to get the cupboard....but...they came, while I was gone... and got him all taken care of...out of pain... and left me with meds...I'll be talking directly, to her, sometime, today...I am just sooo thankful...he's feeling better....It breaks my heart...when I know an Animal is hurting...and I can't help...I Must Have Meds On Hand...ALWAYS....After reading up on is chronic...and the longer the flare ups...the sooner, he may lose his eye....there is no breaks my heart...}
Sunday, June 12, 2011
As I approached the shop, where I had purchased them...around 4:30....the man called, and said he had to leave....something had come up...I understand....things...come up....."You can get those...yourself...can't you?"....Oh yeah...I thought....they are only HUGE....14 feet tall...the widest one...was 5 feet wide...or better...constructed...very well...of 1x1's..."Oh yeah......".... I said..".nothing new"..."I'm pretty used to loading...alone..."...
I struggled with the largest one...
it took me down....
to the ground...
I Got Back Up...
and got those Mothers Loaded...
drove all the back roads...
for nearly 40 miles....
Thankfully...Dale was there....and was kind enough to help me unload...
he was shocked...I got the big one loaded...alone...
I gotta tell ya...
when I'm Torqued...
and something...or...someone... attempts...
to Get the Best of Me...
I come up Swingin'...
I'm glad...there was no one help...
I may... have gotten a Bit...Ugly...
They May have Seen...
The Mad Hatter...
as Peg{the March Hare} would say....
Love to Ya...
{I am...stressed...from every angle...these days...don't screw with me....}{The 'Scout' thing...has me broken... just...broken... my Critters... are my weakness... I can't hardly think...of anything else...I took him some apples...this eve... I reached to touch his face...{his tearing...I have no way of getting ahold of the vet... } He Rolled back... I startled him... I just wept...the neighbors stopped...I totally Choked...Animals...can't understand...why they hurt... I just want to make it better... but can't....Helpless....} {I shouldn't judge... I simply can't stand it...when an Animal suffers...for Any Reason...because...most of the can be remedied...}
Oh My...Life is such a roller coaster ride....all the ups...downs...{please...don't advise take anything for the ups and downs...walk with me...there isn't a drug...that could make this journey, any easier...}
I have been tripped...three times this last week...and got my heart people I considered...friends...watched a dear friend, lose her brother...very suddenly... and deal with a Huge Open House...with a she is preparing for his Funeral...
I have miles....and miles to go, this week...Stress...
Oh yea...I watched a PBS special...on stress...oh my... Very Scary...
I'm headed to pick up some things...this afternoon... I bought, when the Ford was Down...
This week....I have a trip to Illinois...and then... get the massive cupboard, I bought yesterday, dug out of a garage... And...who knows what else....I tried to reach the vet...for pain meds...for machine.... dang...{I can't stand this...more than anything....} My Gut Twists....
John and I watched a Survivor, type show...with two guys...last night... John said he thought it would be fun, to do that...
I said...oh my...what they do is a piece of cake.... I do this the's your friend...who's your foe...sacrifice...stew...and stress...wonder...if...and what, tomorrow will bring...
Now you know...a tiny bit...of why old Sally, is so important to me...She's my Rescue...for a few hours...sometimes...only minutes...but...oh my...I savor those moments...
I guess...I am am incredibly have my health...the true friends I loved ones...critters...and have had...even it be, for moments...some of the most wonderful my hands....I guess it's all about the journey....
Love to ya...
Barb C.
I feel floods...or tornado's...fires...and the kids are all good...
Sometimes...tho...I feel like the young 'Once Upon a Time in the West"...He is the desert heat....with a harmonica..shoved in his teeth...being demanded to play...or...he will be shot....the boy...has his hands tied...behind his back....and his older...heavier.. brother...standing on his shoulders.... with a noose around his neck....The boy...plays....until...he can't....and drops to his knees... then...flat on his the his brother hangs....above him.....
I know...I need a little down time...but...I'm afraid...if I slow knees will start to buckle....
What a place to be....
I have been tripped...three times this last week...and got my heart people I considered...friends...watched a dear friend, lose her brother...very suddenly... and deal with a Huge Open House...with a she is preparing for his Funeral...
I had to snap an image of this Wonderful Iowa Church...and Beautiful Cemetery... on my way, to my second to last stop....headed for home...last night... It Touched me.... |
I have miles....and miles to go, this week...Stress...
Oh yea...I watched a PBS special...on stress...oh my... Very Scary...
I'm headed to pick up some things...this afternoon... I bought, when the Ford was Down...
This week....I have a trip to Illinois...and then... get the massive cupboard, I bought yesterday, dug out of a garage... And...who knows what else....I tried to reach the vet...for pain meds...for machine.... dang...{I can't stand this...more than anything....} My Gut Twists....
John and I watched a Survivor, type show...with two guys...last night... John said he thought it would be fun, to do that...
I said...oh my...what they do is a piece of cake.... I do this the's your friend...who's your foe...sacrifice...stew...and stress...wonder...if...and what, tomorrow will bring...
Now you know...a tiny bit...of why old Sally, is so important to me...She's my Rescue...for a few hours...sometimes...only minutes...but...oh my...I savor those moments...
I guess...I am am incredibly have my health...the true friends I loved ones...critters...and have had...even it be, for moments...some of the most wonderful my hands....I guess it's all about the journey....
Love to ya...
Barb C.
I feel floods...or tornado's...fires...and the kids are all good...
Sometimes...tho...I feel like the young 'Once Upon a Time in the West"...He is the desert heat....with a harmonica..shoved in his teeth...being demanded to play...or...he will be shot....the boy...has his hands tied...behind his back....and his older...heavier.. brother...standing on his shoulders.... with a noose around his neck....The boy...plays....until...he can't....and drops to his knees... then...flat on his the his brother hangs....above him.....
I know...I need a little down time...but...I'm afraid...if I slow knees will start to buckle....
What a place to be....
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