I was sure it was shut tight.....when I got home, last night...I worked in the kitchen for at least an hour, before I went to bed... The door was shut...
I went back to bed... thinking I must have not latched it...
Then, when I let Polly out, this morning, I found a mess, going out the west door of the breezeway...{I rarely use that door...}Things were toppled and broken...in a heap, by that door...{ I have lots of totes, and stuff I'm getting rid of, out there...if you don't know your way... it could be a challenge! and it sure was, for someone! } Then, I knew... someone had been inside the house...I haven't found anything missing... and they must have been pretty quiet... because Polly didn't bark...
We've had this happen, over the years...we live on a major hi way... that's why... I sleep with my Dog....
Well... I'm getting busy...
Hope Everyone has a Great Day!
Barb C.
{and...she keeps me warm!}
{our kitchen sink is stopped......John worked on it all afternoon... funny, how these things decide to quit, just when you need them the most... oh dear...}
sounds creepy!Good Luck today!
~♥omgoodness!!! hope you do not find anything missing...surprised ms polly did not bark! sorry they left a mess & your sink is stopped up...it never fails does it? your cakes look yummie & Dale is right, the company is there for Liz & the shower {even tho we want things to look nice}...my cat never fails to go in the litter box & leaves her mess, doesn't scratch it in & leaves a trail of the litter gravel all over the floor... & has to go just then! gotta love. it! hope all is well & you do not have any more intruders! the dummiebutts! sorry they left a mess, just what you did not need! always something, huh? but i guess it always could be worse...still pritty scary for ya! have a good shower, have fun sweetie!takecare! loveya with hugs & blessings, vikki♥~xoxo
angels, angels, angels.....that sort of thing can be unnerving - I know. Love Polly the protector at your side : )
Hope you have a great day with Liz and all your guests!! ENJOY!
Oh my goodness! How scarey for you. We have dogs and they sleep with us. I love the security they give me. Hope your week only gets better!
I am so glad you are alright. The angels and Polly were watching over you----definitely!!! I hope all went well for the shower!!! Love~Betty
Nothing Surprises me, anymore...and...Everything happens, for a reason... I just hope whoever it was, is o.k. We've had accident victims wander to our door... and folks with car trouble... when you live on a high way, things happen...
On to Nasville...
Barb C.
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