I've got some roots, gnarling up, in old blue jars, for Heart of Country... I'll be taking some wonderful Laboratory, and, Apothecary Jars... Thought it might be fun, to have a touch of Gnarliness, in a few of them... What's more Gnarly...than bunches of unruly, free spirited roots! They seem pretty Happy...and...ALIVE!
It's great to see 'Life'... in January...in Iowa...
Barb C.
Mmmm, green onions growin' under the drain spout...don't get much more Iowa than that!!! Come on Spring!!!
Cute idea, but then you always have the best!!!
Hey Sharon...
I don't know if they're cute... but...supper, if I have a bad show! No worries!
Looka like you are keeping mighty busy!
Take care!
Barb C.
I love your onions! One year at a Feb. show in Nashville I had a large group of battery jars. I forced paperwhite bulbs in a few and also bought 500 (FIVE HUNDRED!) bulbs to resale. They all sold.
I think you are having fun getting ready for Heart. :-) I will miss it this year, but I will be on the beach in Cozumel. Not bad!
I love the way that looks!
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