Liz's Baby Shower was great.... a bit stressful... the last hour of preparation...I knew, if I could get it pulled together, by one... I could get myself ready, in an hour...{you know... it crossed my mind, this morning to get me ready...and not jump into work....but, John had me trying to help him run a line, down the drain, in the basement... and I was already behind the 8 ball...I'd get ready in time....}the Shower was 2 til 4... well... I was looking at a little less than an hour, and Nick came in the house, with who, I thought was daughter in law, Katie...carrying Justin J... I was a mess... but, Katie has seen me a mess, many times... I told her to come on in...she whisked by me... at that moment...I realized, it wasn't Katie.... It was Nick's Sister...I looked at Nick..."that wasn't Katie, and Baby 'J', was it"...." Nope", he had invited his family to come an hour early....I looked like the creature from the black lagoon.... I sprinted upstairs... and literally threw myself together....oh dear....
Other than that... The day was Perfect... I'll have a report tomorrow...It was a Wonderful turn out...Liz had a Beautiful Day....She loved seeing everyone...I loved watching her...After everyone left...and we were cleaning up... she said how blessed she is, to have so many wonderful people in her life...
Yes...She is....

Liz's First Baby, sat up on the Balcony...overlooking the Guests....Liz found her, the other day... she was Proud to be here....

Liz frosted the cakes, as I was running around this morning...Good Job!

We had plenty of food, and we used a tiny, old heart cookie cutter, to cut, cheese and ham.... it worked great!

This Dolly, is Nick's Niece.... SWWEEET!

I made a huge batch, of Southern Sweet Tea.... we had lemon crisps... and all sorts of Sweetness... Oh Dear...
It was a Very Sweet Day!
Barb C
~♥everything looks soo lovely & glad everything turned out okay. we are soo blessed! have a great day sweet friend. loveya with hugs & blessings, vikki♥~
It was good...I ate too much...oh dear...
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