As I was cleaning today, I ran across these Old Coin Silver Spoons {ca. late 1700's to Civil War era...actually hand made, from silver coins... slightly less silver content, than Sterling..} I don't remember where I bought these...
I'm sure it will come to me...{well... almost, sure...} They weren't with my collection...so, I gave them a gentle bath, and packed them for Heart...Folks that attend that Show, know what Coin Silver is...around here, people don't understand it...my friend Julie, got me interested in it, many years ago...Then, Martha Stewart wrote about it...I use it, for every day...The spoons are very thin, so, no heavy duty work, for them... but they are great for a Coffee Spoon... and make you feel good, when you use them...they feel wonderful in your hand...
Nothing surprises me anymore... so... when I tell people a story... or, we are in conversation... and they get chills...{it happens, often} I don't think a thing of it....
Life is a Journey... and their are no, coincidences, on this Journey... oh yes...I mean it, when I say, I see people as a Spirit... yes... they have a physical, flesh body... but if you look closer... we all have something that surrounds us...that is ageless...weightless...an Aura, an Energy, that fluctuates, with our feelings...{ask anyone who knows me well... my 'energy', is like a 'mood ring' they say, they can feel it, when I'm on one extreme, or another...hmmm...}....I also know it leaves our bodies, when we die...{and...I believe, goes to Heaven... some, may linger here, for a while...{ I have seen evidence of this, as well... believe it, or not...} I remember running my hand, through my Dad's hair, a few hours after he died...at that very moment, I knew he was totally gone... My Sister, Chery, as well... I clipped a bit of her hair, after she past away...nothing... she was gone...the energy, that surrounds our being, leaves our bodies... Animals are the same way...
I called my Little friend, from Franklin, Tennessee, yesterday... Scarlett Scales...{she is on face book, has a web site, and a blog..She has an open Store, in Franklin, and does Brimmfield, and the Country Living Fairs!}
Scarlett and I, pretty much turn it loose, when I'm in Nashville... {she's engaged, this year... so...we'll have to behave... ah...Scarlett...not me!} Scarlett and I have many parallels... She has a very close relationship, with her Dad... She's been 'Old', since she was very young, and she's a whirl wind...We are about 20 years apart... but our Spirits, are simpatico...{this story, is not about death... it's about how our Spirits are drawn to each other...and how, we are connected, by something, we don't understand...I gotta tell ya... it's like falling down the Rabbit Hole...and if you haven't seen the movie, 'Alice in Wonderland' with Johhny Depp...go get it.... and watch it a couple of times... I think you may see a parallel or two...}
I wanted to let her know, I'm coming down, for 'Heart', and would so Love to get together...{Scarlett has done the Heart Show, many times, and, The Garden Show, in Nashville, a week prior, to Heart...This year, she has committed to the Garden Show... her inventory fits it, best, this year...}
I also wanted to tell her, about Liz, naming her Babe, Scarlett.... She was thrilled! I told her how I knew it was going to be a girl, from the moment she told me she was expecting...I also told Scarlett, I was relieved, it was a girl, because the 'boys' name was going to be 'Absalom'....{nothing wrong with Absalom...my Dad's name was Marion... it would just take a bit of getting used to...}I laughed... Scarlett didn't... she said "oh my Gosh...I just got chills...." then silence..."Way back in the day... back in the late 1700's, early 1800's...a Great... Great...Great... Grandfather, built a Huge Antebellum Mansion, that is known as the 'Absalom Scales' House...His name was Absalom..." She was taken back... it really didn't surprise me...
If you pay attention, to the journey...and keep a watchful eye out... you'll see...these types of things happen, all of the time...little, and, not so little signs...what they mean.... well, that's for each of us to figure out...
Have an Insightful Day!
Barb C.
here are some words, that keep crossing my path...Romeo...Scarlett...beautiful...simply...{that one, started over 10 years ago...and keeps coming...} and..of course the phrase, 'it is what it is'...
hmmm.....{ I have also found it, very strange... I deleted a lot of the old songs, I love, off of the blog... and guess what... They are playing most of them, over and over on the radio... what's up with that...?...They don't play 'old' songs on the stations I listen to... I must need to hear them... strange...}