Monday, March 25, 2024

Blame It on The Moon!! Happy Lunar Eclipse to All!!

Oh.... my.
; )

Spent this day... so far.... buried in email.
{and book work}
; )
Shared a few... of the emails... I've recently received, with a Pal, this afternoon.
; )
He...uh, kinda... 'read' them, the same way as I did.
oh... dear.
: )
Ya just can't make some 'sh!t' up.
; )
I'll share those emails, when I can.
'They'... to say the very least, in my opinion, and my Pal's...
 are Quite...
; )
oh... my.

Dear Friend, Jan R., posted the below... this morning.
Oh my...
It Says It All!!!

There Is a Difference.
It's Fitting for So Many, Many... Many,
These Days.
: (

I shared it on my FB page, but....
'The Above'... Isn't what posted.

The BELOW... Did!!
: )
Don't know why... but....
after I read the 'below'....
didn't delete it, because...

seemed rather
As Well!!
: ) : ) : )
For 'Many', 'These' Days.
: (

We're All Ridin' a Crazy Train, it seems, 'these' days.
Livin' in The 'Twilight Zone'.

at least... 
Many Folk's, that I personally know, and Love, are.

At the end of the day... every day...
 I'm Grateful, We're All Riding This 'Insanity' 
: ) : ) : )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Please Do Not Read 'Politics' or 'Sides'... into 'this' post.
: (

The 'Twilight Zone', 
The 'Rabbit Hole'...
 are much
 than 'politics', or 'sides'...
I'll be givin' a few... 'somethin' to 'think' about, and 'read'...
 one of these days.

The time for talkin'... 
well, somehow...
 I believe, that 'ship' may have sailed. }
; )

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