Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Good People.

Spent the day, yesterday... meeting with Folks at The Sale, as they were picking up furniture.
Ann, above... Made My DAY!!!!
: )

Ann rescues Squirrels and Raccoon.
This little girl, was found two weeks ago, after a huge storm blew through.
Ann takes her with her, everywhere... she's on a very tight feeding schedule.

I... had The Pleasure of Babysitting, while Ann and Bill were loading furniture.
: )


God Bless... Those Wonderful People, out there... who CARE!!!
These 'Sales'... along with The Rabbit Hole, have introduced me to some of The Most...
Wonderful People.

As we were leaving the Sale... said 'Good-Bye', to Bud.
: )
Oh...my Goodness!!
I... Melted.
{Couldn't help it. }
Told Bud... what a Pleasure it was doing business... with him.
: )
These 'sales'...are so incredibly stressful, on Folks, I know... kinda.
I've never had to be in their shoes, not yet. I can only imagine.
Bud... was so kind, and accommodating, even tho... I could tell he was struggling at times.
: (
Bud has lived in that same house all of his life, basically.
Bud's parents built it, 10 years before Bud was born.
Bud, and his Wife, Margie... took care of Bud's Folks,  and lived with them there.
Margie, passed away 5 years ago.
: (
The Good News, Margie's Mom, introduced Bud, to one of her neighbor's in Arizona... who is also her Friend, 'Sharon'... a few years ago.
 They hit it off, and... are starting a 'New Chapter'.
A 'New Chapter'... at 70.
That's SO Great!!!
 We Wish Them All of The Happiness... In The World!!

After mentioning Muhammad Ali, yesterday... in the blog, started thinking about the ticket... last night... I bought at a Farm Auction, not long after Dad passed away.
Dad...was a HUGE Ali Fan.
When the Auctioneer held that ticket up, out of the blue... at that sale, I melted.
I...would've paid anything for it.
{all I had, anyway. : ) }
Somehow got it bought for 10.00.
{What it was doing at a 'Farm Auction'... I'll never know.}
Oh... how I've wished... over the decades, I could've given it to Dad.
He Would've Flipped!!!
Sure wish Dad could've seen this Fight, in person.

Dad, and I loved watching, and listening... to Ali Fight.
What an Amazing Man, and Athlete.
: )
{It was more entertaining... often, for me... Watching Dad, Watch, and listen to the fights. 
: ) : ) : )
Dad would Go Wild... at times, watching those fights!!!
He loved Howard Cosell, too.}
: )

Sat up... last night, 'til late, late... watching Ali videos.
Brought back some wonderful memories.
: )
but... made me miss Dad, a whole Bunch, too.
: (
Maybe, that's one of the reasons... I think so much of Bud, from The Sale.
He's so easy going... like Dad was.
So... kindhearted.
; )
Good People.

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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