Helper, Brandon... and me, worked a lot longer yesterday, on trimming, than we'd anticipated.
We got into a Battle with a Massive Grapevine, by the side door of the House.
I'd weed whipped, DEEPLY.
Skinned the side brick walk, deeply.
It was so incredibly overgrown.
Couldn't hardly see the brick.
{We don't use chemicals of any kind, so... it gets a bit Shaggy, around here.
But... The Critter's Love It!}
Brandon mowed, and helped pick up brush.
: )
That Grapevine... was a Mess.
Brandon forgot his chainsaw... so, I asked him to run to the shop... and grab Justin's Sawzall.
We worked on the Grapevine... for a long time.
The Vine... at it's base was over three inches in diameter, in Masses.
Brandon thought the electric Sawzall might work better, so... he grabbed it.
Plugged it in, into the outlet, by the side door.
When he plugged it in... Sparks Flew!!
Oh...dear, the cord had a bad spot.
That....was That.
{So... I thought. }
We got the Grapevine cut down to size... but, it's still there.
We got a lot accomplished, but... burned up a lot of the day.
It was around 3:00... when we quit.
No time to get to the store... to grocery shop... before going to Allyson's.
but... enough time to stop...and pick up produce... and snacks, to take.
It was So... Dusty!!
Had to get cleaned up...
was going to check on something, quick... online, I'd been pondering about... as I worked outside, before I bugged out.
When I turned on my laptop... it told me we had no internet.
Had it in the morning.
So... I did all sorts of troubleshooting.
: (
Finally... called South Slope, our Carrier.
Got a Very... Patient Rep!!
; )
We walked through everything... I'd already done, then.......
he asked me to go to the basement, where their box is located.
: ( : ( : (
I don't like going to the basement, since it flooded, because of IDOT, and... still is sitting unfinished, in a HUGE MESS.
: (
The Rep... wanted me to check for power, at the fuse box, and where their box is located.
It's So Dark... and Cobwebby.
Can't get to the bulb in that room, because boxes are stacked... right where ServPro left them... 3 years ago, when it flooded.
: (
The Rep kept asking me to simply flip breakers.
I...kept telling him, it wasn't that easy.
This is on the 'old' side of the House.
It's not just breakers... it's Fuses.
I Know Nothing About Fuses.
Don't like Messing with Electricity... Computers... or, being in the basement.
: (
Turns out, when the Sawzall sparked, it knocked out the outlet, only... for the Box, for our Carrier.
: (
It took me, and the Kind, Patient... South Slope Rep... a Long, Hot... Very Complicated Time, to get the internet back on.
By... then, I was done.
: (
Sat down...
Called Allyson, and said...
"I'm so sorry if you've already got the food done, but... Girl, I'm Done, for this day. I'd be very bad, and smelly... company. Plus... my mind, is pretty much Fried, for today."
: (
I could hear the disappointment in Allyson's voice.
: (
Then... Allyson said,
"Just... Come As You Are!!! Don't Bring Anything!! Just Bring Yourself!!"
<3 <3 <3
: )
Dusted off my boots, stopped at Casey's...
grabbed a bottle of Wine, and 'Sugar'... for Allyson, and her Sweet Sis, Bethany!!
: )
{Not what I'd had in mind. }

I was soooo Whipped, on so many levels.
Dang It!!
Allyson's Home.
: )
Allyson, Bethany... and their Sweet Mom, share Allyson's Home.
Along with Many Happy Kitties!!
What a WONDERFUL... Evening!!
Bethany created an AWESOME Frozen Blended Wine Drink for us!!
: )

Took one of my Favorite Christmas Ornaments, to Allyson.
She Does 'Christmas' 'Big'... Too!
It's Always Great... to Visit Allyson's!!
The Table... above, John made into a Harvest Table.
It was originally an 1800's Pool Table.
When I bought it, it had no top.
John created the Top... from old lumber, and cut the stretcher's out, on the ends, and sides... to accommodate chairs.
It's Amazing.
Visited all of the Wonderful... Old... Cupboard's, Allyson found down The Rabbit Hole, over the decades.
Allyson, said...
"There's a Lot of 'Barb'... here."
The Cupboards... John's Tin Creations.
It's Always Such a Gift, seeing Them, and The Girls.
{ Asked Allyson what was in All of Those Sacks????
"Fall Decorations."
: )
Love It!!}
Allyson prepared an Amazing Meal, for Us.
Salmon... Salad.
The Green Bean's were to Die For!!
Everything Was!!
; )
Bourbon Pecan Pie.
Lord!! Lord!!!
: )
Allyson Loves to Cook and Bake!!
; ) : ) : )
We sat out on the deck... after Supper.
Visited... Solved All of The World's Problems.
; )
Got a Kick out of all of the Kitties that Flocked around Bethany... when she fed them.
<3 <3 <3
So glad... I didn't stay Home last night.
{Woulda melted into a Pool of Goo. Was nearly, already there before I left.}
What a Blessing, to have Such Dear Friends, that Love Ya...
even when you're...
Dirty, Tired... Smelly, and Mentally 'Fried'.
: )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.