Peanut, The Ford,, took a Ride, to Wisconsin, today.
: )
We picked up a Pie Safe... then, Hit Antique Stores. <3
Found Vance's. again. : )
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Bought All...of These, Amazing...1800's Metal Cast, Acanthus Leaves, that were salvaged from a a Building. <3 {They're a symbol of 'Enduring Life'... <3 } |
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The Pie Safe, was rescued, long ago....from a Wisconsin, Farmhouse Cellar. The Tins, and...Back, were what Touched me. Hand Punched Tins, and...a Two Board, Hand Chamfered Back. <3 <3 <3 |
Love...the Beautiful...Old, Old...Pie Safe, from Wisconsin.
The Folks, I bought it from...were Lovely.
Their Home...was Amazing.
They, like John...and, I... worked hard, building additions, with Salvage Lumber, and Salvage Architecture.
<3 <3 <3
'Right Of Way'.
: ( : ( : (
{Believe it, or Not...
If The City of Fairfax, had Their Way....
This Stake, would've been 12 feet, from our Home.
I, Thank God, for 'Josey Wales', our Lawyer.
I Thank God...Every Day, for Honest People, at The IDOT, and Snyder.
<3 <3 <3
This, was another....meeting, with the IDOT, this week.
It wasn't concerning the 'Carnage'.
Yet, it was...for me.
I met Cathy Cutler, with the District 6 Office, at the Door.
Shook her Hand, as I introduced myself.
I, wouldn't let go of her hand, until she Understood,
who I was, Telling The Truth, Matters.
: ( : ( : (
It was supposed to address, the concerns of Folks, living in this area, with 151 shut down.
It...was an awful...format.
: (
The IDOT gave folks an hour and a half to ask questions.
The Engineers, four...of them...
were scrambling, trying to address Everyone's Concerns.
: (
It was so Loud, no one...could hear.
: (
I, finally...grabbed a chair, and sat down...beside 'Roger'.
: )
He's the Guy, with his back to us, in this picture.
: )
I've met many IDOT Folks, in the last four years....but, I, hadn't met Roger.
: )
He's from the District 6 Office, in Cedar Rapids.
He's going to retire, soon.
He's headed to Wisconsin. : )
He told me all about the area...he's headed to.
: )
{Told him, Headin' That Way...Too, to pick up an Old...Pie Safe. <3 }
That, was after...I asked his name.
He, didn't want to tell me.
: )
{ had my notebook, and, was writing. : )}
He asked, me... "Who...are You???"
: )
Told him my name, where I live...and...shook his hand.
: )
Told him..a few, of my concerns.
: )
When the Questions got Deep, Roger....called 'Newman'
: )
Newman, and...I, have had Several....conversations.
Bless His Heart.
: )
{I told Roger, that he was a 'Chicken'!!! Hahahaha!! : ) as Newman...was Forced, to take over.}
: )
Newman, tried...and, convince me, of things...that, are Simply, Wrong.
: )
Bless His Heart.
He looked at my Neighbors, standing at the table...and said,
"See...How She Argues With Me!!!???? "
I, replied...
"Only...when I'm right."
; ) <3
concerning 'This'.
I'm Always...Right."
: )
<3 <3 <3
"I, may not...remember, what I ate for breakfast...yesterday.
I can tell you, who said what, and when...
concerning this IDOT's Condemnation of our Land, Solely....for Fairfax's Suicide Trail."
: (
What I'm watching unfold...daily, is debilitating.
Taking the Run...up North, was a Blessing.
but, I....was afraid, of what I'd come, today.
I spoke with A.J., an Awesome...Guy, who works with the IDOT.
Told him...'I'm leaving...for the day, please...don't let me see 'Big Surprises', when I get home."
He, assured me, I wouldn't, 'this day'.
: (
As Much, a I Hate...What The IDOT, and Fairfax, has done to us, I Know...these 'Real People'....I've been Dealing With, aren't to blame. : (
Fairfax City Hall, and a...City Hired...Engineer....
Along...with District 6, Holds Hands, with Them, needs to be Spoken with.
Whoever...Agreed That a Walking Trail, Next to Highway 151, was a Good Thing, needs to Explain That.
As I've been saying, for several years....
None Of This, would be 'Happening'...without a 'Suicide Walking Trail'...Project.
: (
You...are Paying....for This.
Every Inch...of It.
: (
It's killing me, inch by inch.
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Should I ever get a Tattoo, I'll have them place it on my butt. It'll be a simple one. '879+50'. <3 |
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