Wanda {gatherings}, rode shot gun, and man... what a Great Day! We loaded the truck, 'til the tires were rubbin'! The day was a fast and furious one... but, very Grand! Met so many Great folk... One of my Favorite finds, is a 9 foot by 3 foot table... Wanda and I stopped at a sale, with little more, than a very sweet looking lady... and an old wing back chair... We walked up and started visiting with her.... She gave me a wonderful price on the chair... but... I was fascinated with her massive table... I asked her if she would sell it, and she didn't think so... Her late husband, James, had been the Mayor, of Mt.Pleasant, Iowa, in the '60's, and he brought the old table home, over 40 years ago... They were going to throw it away, at the Court House... It was the Official Ballot Counting Board, for the Elections.... James, like us, thought that would be horrible, to see the wonderful old table be thrown away.... so, they have had it for all of those years... I left my name and number, and a very fair offer, with her... when Maisie saw the offer, she decided, it was time to let the table go...We were both thrilled! I Love the table! Solid as a rock, with the coolest folding, saw buck ends.... Wanda liked it too! She thinks I should keep it, for shows... we'll see....
We were both pooped out, when we got to Fairfax,{around 10:30 tonight} and got her treasures all packed in her van... Oh my... What a day
I have another, very, very long day, tomorrow... I'll have lots to post, later... It's after 11, and I have to be up early!
Have a wonderful Saturday!
Barb C.
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