Went for a stroll, this morning, around the shop.... I ran into this gnarly 'Gold Coin', Parlor Stove... I picked it up, a week or two ago at a farmsale! My mind was racing, with all of the cool things, that it's ornateness, could embelish! Everything from, a massive iron footed, footstool {using just the base}to using the footrests, for cool towel bars! Evidently, I wasn't the only one who saw great potential, in the little 'Gold Coin'....a very sweet Couple, bought it yesterday, and have all sorts of ideas!

I so love Morning Glories. They, I have decided, are my favorite flower.... I love the wild, and unruly way, they live their life... You may plant their seed, but, they will determine what they will cling to, and what direction they will travel... A very independent little plant....And when they, Smile... in the morning, with their stunningly beautiful, velvet flowers... adorned by the delicate heart shaped leaves, and welcome, the new day... oh my.... they always put a smile, on my face, as well...

Even the little Gnomes were in wonder, this morning, with the heavy dew, that blanketed everything!

The Sun, just kissing the rusty old iron fragments...
God.... I love this time of the day....Thanks... for letting me see it....
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