What a day! I did my usual, Steve Martin impression..." all I need, is this ironstone platter... oh, and this rug... that's all I need... and.. the crock... oh, the kraut cutter, and the wire broom holder... that's all I need... Poor John... he was trying to push me down the road... as I had all sorts of treasures, in my clutches... hey... I'm thinking of my favorite Gold Rush Folk... I want to bring only the coolest stuff! Anyway...I'm headed north, call my pals. Lynn and Leah, from southern Iowa.... they are headed to Gold Rush, and only 20 minutes ahead.... I know of a great short cut, and told 'em to hold their water... I was puttin' the hammer down, and I'd guide them through.... So, we hooked up, and away we went! We made our way, north, and stopped at Chester, Iowa... right on the Minnesota border... I found the most wonderful, early Cupboard, and Amazing Rope Bed... oh my... { I had sold a load, last night, { who would of thought?} and was short on stuff... I just knew... I would fill the void, today... I had NO Idea!} So, Sweet, Lynn, and Leah, helped me load the cool, old stuff, and we continued north...Then, we stopped at a great Antique Mall, in Racine, Minnesota... I went totally Crazy!!!! Bought a wonderful old. old cupboard, and tons of great smalls! Oh My! I asked Lynn, if he had a little room, in his truck... and he was gracious enough, to help me load, and haul the cool Cupboard.... Leah was great too! She lugged and lugged... oh my... So... North again, we headed... only... about one block... I spied a sign, that read... " Farm Antiques... Moving Sale..." I laid on the brakes, did a u-turn, on the hi way, {Lynn and Leah followed... oblivious, to the sign....} Lynn said all he saw was the 'Sweet Corn' Sign... oh boy... We drove, and drove... way out out in the country...the gravel roads were a mess! The 'Sale' signs kept getting smaller, and smaller... then... we finally arrived at an old Farmstead...a man walked out, Lynn, Leah and I, started digging through the barns... oh my....In one of the old sheds, I spied, in a dark corner, the most wonderful old, old cupboard... I asked the man, who was having the sale, if the old cupboard was for sale...He thought about it, for a few moments, and said he might....except... he didn't want to clean it out... it was full of oil cans....I said, I'd be glad to clean it out, so, Leah helped me fill many, many boxes, with all sorts of car lube stuff... oh my...Lynn found some cool stuff, as we were unloading...So... we all wound up, with some cool, old Gnarly stuff...{ and Mike... the owner of the Gnarly old stuff, was happy, he had made some money, and had customers, who loved all of it!} Well...there was only one problem... my space was all gone, and... so was Lynn and Leah's... the only option, was ratchet strapping, the wonderful old cupboard, on the back door, of the FUSO... oh my...
Just happened... Mike had a few ratchet straps for sale... 9.00 later... the wonderful old cupboard was safely, and securely, attached to the back of the truck...{ a first, for the FUSO...} I purchased several fun treasures, from Mike... His Top Hat...{ was on the sale} is a vintage one... I loved it, and I told him I would buy it, if he would let me get a picture of him wearing it... He was happy to! What fun! We all had a Wonderful Day!
Lynn and Leah, helped us get the furniture set, in the booth... but... boy... do we have an enormous mess... Ed called, and wondered if we had had the booth set, yet... Whatever....
Lynn and Leah, joined Mark and I, for a 'Gin and Tonic'..., after they closed the building, at 8:00.... We all sat at the bumper of the Fuso, and swapped Antiquing Stories...oh my.... This is why I do, what I do... What a day... and... the Show, hasn't even started... Oh my....
It's 12, midnight... and we have to be up at dawn...
Good Night!
Barb C.
{ It was great running into Jeff, today... He and I must have a Hound Dogs Nose, for Great Sales! Come see us, at Gold Rush!.... Gram North!}
I'm exhausted!!!! Hope you go home with an empty truck. You work harder then anyone I know -- guess that's why you make the big bucks. Have a terrific sale. Jan
Oh hon! Looks like you are having a fun trip! I hope Gold Rush is the best!!!!! Don't forget to post lots of pics when you come home! Be safe! Luv~Betty :)
That is the kind of day I LOVE living vicariously with you!!! Seriously hard work but AHHHHHH the adventure. Can't wait to hear more of the tales from the road.
Junkin is hard work. But so fun to uncover an item, clean it up (only if you want), display it, sell it and someone will have a part of you in it. Love it!
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