Gathered this wonderful old Stoneware, for the most part, today... I love the decorated pieces...and the wonderful, old Batter Crocks... they still have their original tin lids, on their pour spouts! The Jug's handle is gone,{but the Beautiful Bird, makes the old Jug sing, anyway...} and the heavily decorated 6 gallon,
Saltglazed Crock, has a few cracks.... but... like I'm getting pretty good at saying... It is, what it is... they are priced accordingly... they are.... amazing...and retain their 'Muchness'...
Barb C.
I love old crocks but they're almost impossible to find around here anymore. Wish I lived closer to your shop.
Looks like you scarfed up some good things at the end. They look great together!
I too love the old crocks, but the ones I drool over are way too pricey, but I'm satisfied with the throw-aways, great planters and memories abound even in gnarly conditions we love...good to see ya the other day...love the pink GNARLY purse...ha!
Luv ya girl!
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