I need to finish my post, from yesterday... Thanks... all of you, Angels.... for all of the lovely comments, and e-mail... I have given this situation, great thought... and realized, I must be pretty vulnerable, to let someones remarks, be so hurtful...When these things are said... I take it, very personally... The things I gather, well, are things that have spoken, to me...I see my Dad, and Charlie, Ed, Gary, Robin, Wanda, and so many others, that are in tune, to the aura... and so appreciate the worn and well love things... So, when off colored remarks are made... it's sad, for all of us....I have fought for these beloved treasures, my entire life...These comments, were like a spit in the face....
So many thoughts have went through my mind.... Quitting... Throwing myself into the shop, and work harder... I don't know... I know I love this gnarly, old stuff... and nobody will ever change that...No matter, how much they laugh...
When I went to see Charlie, yesterday, I stopped at Iris City Antique Mall, in Mt. Pleasant... Linda was working... She is a very lovely person... I gathered several treasures... as I was leaving, I recalled the time I was there, a few years ago... I was be-bopping through the Mall, chatting with Linda, gathering up all sorts of cool stuff, from every corner of the Mall...... After I had set several items on her counter, she got very quiet.... I asked her if the cat had her tongue.... She said, "no... it's just all of these things you have brought up here"... I said, "yeah, I know... pretty primitive, gnarly old stuff!".... "No", she said... " It's not that... every single piece, you have gathered, from throughout the Mall, just came in... from an auction, just a few miles away... all of the dealers were there... It was like a time capsule...Old, old family"...
I wasn't surprised... They all had a wonderful aura, about them...Tattered old textiles... quilts and rugs... They are all, long gone... They had a feeling, that others, like myself, connected with...
These treasures, are what makes a house, a home.... I have little space, to show things... so, the shop isn't the easiest, to get through... but... I had it built, the size of my pocketbook... and that's all I could afford... It's not fancy... Just a box... to hold all of the things I hold dear...That little 'box', has kept this family alive, the last few years... So... I'm sorry, if some people don't like it... It takes a creative, artistic, soulful person, to understand it... They must be lacking in those areas... Bless their hearts...
I'm not much into middle school drama... I didn't like it, when I was in middle school... I guess I never fit in there, either... I wasn't a preppy, or a jock, or a hood, or a nerd... I was the girl, who had long, tangled lochs of auburn hair, lived in a flannel shirt, and blue jeans, and was first to hit the door, when the last bell rang... to jump on the city bus, and go see the Horses...
I am a huge animal lover... I won't kill a spider... I even like snakes... but... when I see one... I don't befriend it... I walk the other way...So, think I'll stay clear of this gal...no hard feelings...
As far as my plans... I've put them in God's hands... I know everything happens, for a reason... Patience....an answer will come....
As always... this encounter has been put before me, for a reason...Maybe, just making me more aware, or, sending me, in a totally different direction...
I do, thank all of you...The Angels....
My Love to You...
Barb C.
I heard something on TV last night that I haven't heard in quite a while. "If God takes you to it he'll see you through it"
Sounds like today was better for you. Chin up!
That is a great picture with the table hanging out the back. Better you than me - I would have forgotten it was there and backed up and put it through a window or something!!
Isn't it funny how the ol' devil can use one snide remark from a jealous soul and really get us feeling bad? So bad that we forget all the love comin' at us? Been there. I love the quote from Ginger; it's a great reminder.
Have a great weekend - you inspire me!
Junior High stuff.... SOOOOoooo over that! If "they" don't like us, it's their loss!
Just wondering if I could prevail on you to take a few snaps of your shop, just to satisfy me until that someday in the future when I can get back across the Big Mo and see it in person?
Love the 6ft harvest table you got. Why can't I find this stuff... oh yeah... I don't like 106° heat and humidity nor mice or coon turds. ;o)
Barb, Don't let peoples comments break your spirit or determine your
vision of who you are and your passion in life. remember.. you are the best in the business. you have been blessed with many friends and loyal customers.{not everybody gets my artwork either, nor was it meant for everybody and thats ok.} your blog inspires us, your sense of humor entertains us and just like Andy Griffith, there is a lesson to be learned from your journey. Blessings! Sheri
Hon-just be you! You are so genuine! An so very special! Luv~Betty :)
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