Friday, December 29, 2017


It looks like a Snow Dome, outside.
: )
I'll take a walk, a little later, and get some images.
: )
Here, are a few...
'Wonderland Past'
down the rabbit hole.
: )
I, Love...the Snow. : )
I, don't like...the extremely
I,, about the Critters.
Wish...I could bring them All...inside. : (
The Snow, is so Beautiful.
: )
It's like...a Beautiful, Blanket.
Peg, and I used to talk a lot...about Winter.
She, didn't like bit.
"Everything's Dead!!!"...she'd say.
: )
I'd remind her...." 'sleeping', 'resting'...not...'dead'. " : ) 
It's tucked under....Mother Nature's...Beautiful.....Blanket.
: )
Without, this time...of 'Rest', we wouldn't be so Very...Blessed, 
with such Beautiful...'Awakenings' The Spring. 
There is the First, Big...Snow.
with, the exception....
of the First...
Crocus, that pushes his head...through, the Snow...
in early...Spring.
The 'Promise'...of 'Life'.
I, so enjoy...walking into the rabbit hole, in February.
The old...greenhouse, shelters the Clematis...just....enough, that...the Clematis, begins sending out...little leaves. : )
It can be Snowing, and Blowing... like Crazy...just...outside of the glass...of the greenhouse, yet...there is 'Life'...
 just, inside. 
<3 You.
Barb C.  

{ have a few the Beautiful....
Dr. Zhivago clip....above. : )
I had the Pianist, play this tune...over and over....
at Dad's funeral.
It was the Only...tune, I directed her, to play...throughout.
I, know...she thought, I was crazy.
Dad passed away, February 13th. 1987.
It...was soooo Cold, and....Blustery, the day of his funeral.
He, left us...very, suddenly.
It was such a, the day...he left us.
Then, 'Winter'...came back.
It was his { : ) }
: )
It, says it all... <3
When Peg and I talked about...'Winter', and 'Spring'....
she always said...
"The Lord, can't take me 'Home' the Spring. What a Cruel...thing, that would be....for me."
The Lord, did...just...that.
I remember...kneeling, beside her....just...hours, before...she went 'Home'.
I brought her Beloved...Mother's her.
Peg looked at it, and...wept. : )
Peg, Loved...and Missed her
 Like...I, Missed, my Dad.
{we talked about our Beloved... Parents, Often...over the years....
and, how Much...we Missed them. }
then...Peg looked out the window.....
and saw the Birds...building their nests, just outside...her window., they were Building Them....for Peg.
<3 <3 <3
She Smiled. <3 <3 <3
What a Beautiful...Gift, that was...for Peg. <3 <3 <3 }

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