Worked outside, most of the
Seems, there is so much....more, to get done....than I imagined.
It's going to turn cold, and rain...tomorrow.
Had, to get the broken glass, fixed up, on the old Greenhouses, before it turns cold.
I, guess...I'm pretty lucky, it's stayed so warm...for so long. : )
I can't do repairs, and...get ready for an open house.
The repairs, have to come first. : )
I, couldn't...well.... I didn't want to climb up on the roof of the Greenhouse, so...called Liz, and Adam....: )
They...repaired the Top Glass. <3
{Bless Their Hearts!!! <3 }
I, ran around...patching, everywhere else, the best I could. : )
I noticed, so Many....of John's 'Repairs'...from prior years.
: )
I, followed his lead. : )
John had such a Cool Way, of 'fixing'..things. <3 <3 <3
{He was an 'Artist'. : ) <3 }
I remember...raising an eyebrow...a time or two. : )
Now, 'Those'...repairs, are My Very Favorites. : ) : ) : )
Delivered the Beautiful Table, yesterday...and moved Concrete.
: )
Oh Boy! : )
Things, messy. Had several Folks stop by, as I worked. : )
Justin's Friend, Brandon...came and helped me move the Statuary.
Big Help.
: )
When I came inside, tonight....
I took the Massive Bowl, from The Harvest Table...
{It's heading down the rabbit hole, this week. }
I replaced it, with a little Old Truck....I'd bought from some Lovely....Folks, a while back.
: )
I wanted to put something...'Christmas'...inside it.
I, thought...'candles'...or, vintage ornaments. ???
I haven't unpacked any ornaments, yet.
Went downstairs....and opened up one of the Cupboards, where I store my Favorites.
: )
I saw, three...vintage Pine Cone candles....and, thought of Peg. : )
I, don't remember... if, she gave them to me....
or, if...
she was with me... when I found them.
: )
I' weary...I, don't remember, much....these days.
: )
All, I, when I saw them....I thought of Peg. <3
That's Good Enough, for me. : )
So, 'simple' is.
Three...Old...Candles, in the Old Truck. <3
{that, have never been burned....and, never will. {by me. : )}
The Weather, will be my guide, the next few days, of where I work.
: )
There's Plenty...of Areas, to Choose from...
Inside, and Out. : )
Open House....
December 8, 9....and 10.
Hope to See Ya!
Barb C.
{Had a Dear Friend, stop by....this morning. She is....such a Gift. <3
We've been Friends, for Years. I, Admire...her so. : )
She's one of the Best Business Women, I've ever known.
I, respect her.... so. <3
She walked through...the rabbit hole, and...had no Doubts. : )
Yes.... I Love That Woman!!! Hahahahaha!!! <3 }
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Mary... has found a Special....Place, down the rabbit hole. : ) <3 |
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This Old....Old....Rusty Glider, came from the same Farm, that the Old GMC Truck Box, Trailer...came from. : ) I had Brandon... replace a couple of bolts, : ) it Swings...once...again. : ) <3 |
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