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As I closed the door, to the rabbit hole...today, heading out.... I saw this. : ) <3 Another... 'Wink' The Universe...Must KNOW.... I Need All...The Help, I can Get. : ) : ) : ) <3 |
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What I'm about to write, will probably make you wonder...
if, I've handed this 'Walking Trail'...situation,
to The Lord.
: )
I've wondered that, myself...a time or two....over the last 48 hours....
as I've Struggled.
My, heart...is still....so Heavy, with concern.
I was visiting with a Friend, about it, all...yesterday.
She said,
"We Elect These Council Members, and Mayor...to Look Out For Us!
How Could They Let This Happen????!!!"
I sat back...for a moment, and thought about it.
At the November Council Meeting, I was doing fine...until...
The Mayor, without consideration, of any of the facts, I'd gathered....for he, and the Council...to consider...
Shut me down.
He...didn't even look, at the Danger, that the reports from Iowa State University, and the Iowa DOT, had prepared.
Still...at any cost, the walking trail...request, would not be rescinded.
{Like the Tune, goes....
People 'hear' what they want to 'hear'...and, disregard....the rest. }
{Like the Tune, goes....
People 'hear' what they want to 'hear'...and, disregard....the rest. }
I, was very upset.
Shamed Everyone, for not putting Public Safety First.
It, dawned on me...yesterday, with my Friend's comments, much...of the reason, I'm so....Rattled, is...because 'I'...Dropped The Ball.
The Mayor, and Council....all, have other Jobs.
Yet, like the Councilwoman, who is leaving... {after 20 years }
have dedicated their time....trying, to do what's Best...for Fairfax.
They, can only act, on what information, they are given.
They, haven't gotten Enough information... from the Proper Sources.
They can't seem to hear it, from me, so... I'm in Hopes, they will do it, on their own.
They can't seem to hear it, from me, so... I'm in Hopes, they will do it, on their own.
There, also... Needs, to be More...'Community' involvement.
I've...always, 'believed'....in these Folks. : )
Maybe, that's part, of why...I've been So...Angry.
None of us... seem to have 'Muchness'....anymore.
I've...always, 'believed'....in these Folks. : )
Maybe, that's part, of why...I've been So...Angry.
None of us... seem to have 'Muchness'....anymore.
It makes me so ANGRY.... with, myself...that I haven't been at Every Meeting.
This, all...may have never gotten so Far.
Shame On Me.
I, too... will carry Horrible Regrets, when a Child, is Lost....maybe...many...
on this trail.
I, may not....be able to stop this, now....concerning the highway in front of us.
I Won't Miss...another Meeting.
and, I'm doing the best research, I can, right now....to Ensure...
Safety Audits, and Fact Finding Teams....will be sent out, wherever there is a proposal...
for a Walking/Bike/Recreational/Sidewalk....On, or Along...a State or Federal Highway.
In my opinion, after living....within mere feet, of one....that, is Growing...and Crazy...Busy....
There should NEVER...be one, considered.
Our Neighbors....agree.
So, does anyone....everyone...I know, who visits the rabbit hole.
Yes, the Anger...and...Fear....that has consumed me, over this....I finally....'see',
is....because, I....wasn't paying attention.
Like...the Frog...in the Stew Pot.
The water, was Lovely...as it warmed, on the stove.
Then... when it began to Boil,
it was too late.
The Frog...couldn't get out.
He...was Cooked.
Others...will Pay, the Ultimate Price, for my 'basking'...in the Sauna.
That, I didn't understand....until, The Lord...showed me...Yesterday.
You, see....
when you point a finger...
are Pointing Back, at You. : )
I've lost a lot of sleep, over this Trail....Plan....since the 'Heat' was turned up, this Spring.
I've Tried...and Tried...Frantically....
like, The Frog... to get ahead....of this.
Make it Stop.
I, found out...too....late.
{maybe...not, quite. Remember, I've handed this Over. : ) }
{maybe...not, quite. Remember, I've handed this Over. : ) }
I'm going to Encourage....our Community, to Attend the Monthly Meetings.
We All...Must...be Involved.
We, can't depend... on 'Minutes'...from a Meeting.
The entire, packet....I gave to the Council, and Mayor...last month, that I requested...in Writing...
to be made Public Record,
The City Clerk...told me today....isn't.
Unless...you come to City Hall, and request, to see it, 'There'....it won't be 'seen', anywhere.
I'll publish it, myself.
I'm going to do my Best... to Do...my Best, for the People, who surround us.
I Hope, I can get other Folks...from our Community 'Involved'.
We...Simply...can't be Frogs.
'Regrets'...are something, I...don't handle....well.
I, Know...there will be Many, concerning this...Trail.
: ( : ( : (
Lots of Money...is going to be spent. Lots.
The City says they don't know how much.
Lots of Money...is going to be spent. Lots.
The City says they don't know how much.
Below...is an image....of an accident, that happened last week, north of us, on Highway 63.
Our Neighbors, told me about it, Tuesday.
I know that area, well.
It's a four lane highway....that we take to Gold Rush.
Much....Safer, than 151, in Fairfax.
I've noticed the Trail...but, have never seen anyone on it....over many...many...years.
Our Neighbors, said...they have seen one person...on it, over their years travelling on 63.
That's a Blessing....
My Dad, told me...once, when I was Heartbroken, after losing a Calf,
"Did you do your Best?"
I, answered... "Yes. yes....but, he still....died."
Dad, said...
"If you know in your Heart, that you've done your Best...
have No regrets."
: )
I, don't feel...in my Heart, I've done my Best...with this.
I'm...Scared to Death....
The Regrets....that are to come.
I...may be, the First... casualty...of this 'Trail'.
There are Many... Frogs, still, basking in the 'sauna'.
It's time...to jump out.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
My Dad, told me...once, when I was Heartbroken, after losing a Calf,
"Did you do your Best?"
I, answered... "Yes. yes....but, he still....died."
Dad, said...
"If you know in your Heart, that you've done your Best...
have No regrets."
: )
I, don't feel...in my Heart, I've done my Best...with this.
I'm...Scared to Death....
The Regrets....that are to come.
I...may be, the First... casualty...of this 'Trail'.
There are Many... Frogs, still, basking in the 'sauna'.
It's time...to jump out.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
I hear you. Everyone is so busy trying to work, recreate & take care of their families, no one understands just how cooked we are at all levels of government. Scary times ahead of us!
indeed. : (
Thanks, for your thoughts. <3
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