Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Angel Whispers... : )

I want to Thank...Everyone...
for the Continued Prayers... Food... Visits... Phone Calls...
and Support.
John...is making...strides, every day... : )
This is going to be a Long Road...
we'll take it....
: )
and Welcome... it....
be Thankful...for the Opportunity...
each day... for The Road....
Mom... oh my....
She is still in ICU this Morn....
When I visited her... yesterday Morn....
I ran my hand...across her arm...and caressed her shoulder....
I got the funniest feeling... in my hand....
It was like... Dad's hand... was overlapping...mine.....
and through... it....
It was a Gentle... moment... like I have never experienced...in my life....
like... he was working... 'through'... me...
I knew... at that moment, things have changed....
Mom couldn't talk.... and was resting.....
A few minutes later... Dr. Cearlock, walked in....
{he... is an Angel... Such a Gift... to our Family....
He shook his head... and said... "What's Going On! John Upstairs.... now... Mom....: )"
I apologized to him...
I said..."I should have warmed you...
before you took on Mom, and John...as Patients...."
{what a Blessing That Was..... }
I said... my closest Friends know... my life is a Vortex... the ones who get too close....
get Dragged In....
I shared the story... of my Friend, from years back... who had a Nick Name... for me, with him...
"Mary Todd"...
{Abe Lincoln's Wife}
My Friend and I visited...every Morning.... she'd listen to my daily...adventures...and Mountains...from the prior...
then... in a calm... matter of fact.... tone... {as only she had...}
she'd say...
"So... other than That... Mrs. Lincoln...How Was the Play???"
the vortex....
: )
He Roared!
I then...sat down with him...
and told him... what I had just experienced... with Mom....
He knows... what Fighters... Scrappers.... Mom and I are....
I told him...
Something has changed.....
I can feel it....
but... I also know, my head...has had to endure a lot... for a long... long... time....
and...I'm weary...
Mom...many years ago Trusted me...with her Life...
and to make decisions... for her... as she would, for herself....
not... for me, or anyone...else...
Follow...Her... Wishes...
I take that Very seriously.
I said... I wasn't sure... where my mind is... if... it's where it should be.....
I said....
" I have Trusted You... with my life... for 30 years.... I'm asking you, to help me... guide me.... through the next journey.... with Mom.... "
He said he was already On Board.
and...he also said... "She's a Pretty Tuff Old Gal.... We'll take 'er One Day...at a Time...."
: )
That's all we're asking for...
: )
Now...My Angels...
I want you to know.... I could Feel... the Comfort...Your Prayers... are Enveloping me with....
I had such... Beautiful...People.... surrounding me.... Angels....
Dean, and Marilyn .... brought food... Tons of Food....
 Michael... and His Loving Family... as well....
Totes Full!!!
Polly, from Our Amazing Bank.... came... and Gifted us..... with Food...and Treats....
But... like Liz says.....
"Prayer is Worth More... Than a Million Dollars"
We are So Very Blessed.... along with the Generous Gifts..... of Food....
They All... Like You....
are Giving Us...
such a Priceless... Gift...
The Lord...has His Hands...Over me...Our Family...and Friends....
with Everything... that comes to pass...
I find.... 'Good'....
It's like a puzzle....
I couldn't talk... to anyone.... until... I started putting the pieces, all together.....
Seems, for a while... they were all... ugly...raining down...so heavily.... on...and around us....
 there would be a good one....
Now... as I stand back.... as the pieces... are fitting together... to form a picture...
It's obvious... there are Many...more Blessings... than I had imagined...
and what a Beautiful...image, is taking form.
along with....
Angel... Whispers....
telling me... to keep looking... at each piece... carefully....
with every sense....
not just my eyes....
Mostly... with my Heart...
; )
Love You...
Thank You...
Barb C.

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