Lord... Thank You....
for sending her...
I don't think... I could have made it....
without her...
I hadn't seen her...for years....
until she just pulled in... one day... and offered her help....
and kept coming back....
I know...I drove her times... not knowing what turn....
my mind... simply...couldn't process....
she hung in there....
what a Gift... Blessing...she was....
Peg... kept checking she could be here.... perking along....
{I...So... Miss.... My...Peg.... }
Lynn and Lea...
It was Great... having them... they always... somehow... make me feel... a little better... about everything....
They have a way...of putting everything...into perspective...
a 'Calming'... factor...
Blessings.... |
Cindy... oh my... what a Gift...she and Tom are....
Tom got very ill.... after the sale... and was hospitalized...for several days...
oh my...
Thankfully... he is doing much better...and is home...
Cindy...and Tom... kept... the Books... oh my....
What a BLESSING That Is!!!
{and... Mark's Daughter...Sarah... oh my... Mark and I...used to entire morning... pulling them all...together....
We Both...
Tip Our Hats...
to These...
Angels...} |
This Girl... always...makes me Smile...
She made these Two....Amazing Pumpkins.... one... with an Old... Bisque Turtle Head.... for a stem... she had gotten from me...
I thought... what the heck... is she going to do with that? {I liked it... cause it was...gnarly....}
She... made him...Sing...
What a Darling....: )
It's always... wonderful...when she, and Donna come to visit....
sweet... little... souls... Creative! |
oh my....
: )
He popped out... to dig...and I said "Get Crackin'...Boy!"
"You know how to set Displays! Get Goin'!!!"...
and he did... : ) a Dear...Dear...Soul.... |
She brought a few the sale...
and asked...if I needed help...
That...was Wednesday afternoon.... sale opened... Thursday morn....
I said...
"Yes! Pick a Mountain!"...
She...did... and worked her tail off....
{came back...for the next sale... and did it all over again....}
oh my....
what a Dear.... |
Many of us... spent the late... Evenings... in The Hen House...
{Maurina'a House... : ) }
I gotta tell ya...
it was a Journey....
We...had an...Amazing Sale....
Thanks... to Everyone.... |
Another... Pow Wow...
in The Hen House...
It's been quite the little Sanctuary.... |
Cindy... is also...among...her many talents.... a Quilter...
She bought an Early Victorian patch her Mother's...
I...have an early...Silk Trapunto...Quilt.... that was in need...of repair...
as well...
One... that I dearly Love...
that... sadly... had been torn... when Justin...thought the reason it was folded in a sheet... was had been laundered...
He used it on his bed... with... his two hounds.... Stubbie and Lady Bug....
they tore a huge hole in it...
I...wept.... when I found it....
The man...I traded with... for it...years ago... said it would have been a 10,000 dollar quilt.... hadn't had the damage it had... when we traded... but...he knew... I'd love it... no matter....
{he was a quilt conservator...and...realized... he could never...finish it... in his lifetime... }
He wouldn't sell it to me...
only trade...
{I told him... as he pulled it...from the bag... only seeing the back... I'd trade...any quilt...or quilts... I owned... for this...
He said..."You haven't seen the front yet..."
I said...
I don't...have to.... }
but insisted...I could never put it in my shop...where people could handle it....
So... I happily...obliged...
wrapped a sheet... and took it out...on occasion... to admire it's...amazing...splendor...
never dreaming... Justin... would use it...
It was photographed... for a spread in Architectural Digest... before... Lady Bug...and Stubbie... 'nested' in it...
I called my friend, Patti...{Fern Hill South Amana, Iowa... {she...knew... and Loved the well... she has... AMAZING... Vintage Quilts... }
when I found it...
{several years ago...}
She said...
"Now...hang it on a display rack... and enjoy it....
You have had it...put away... to preserve it... Now..."
That's what I did...
I put it on the spare twin bed...
Wishing... I could sew...well enough... to simply.... mend it...
When Cindy told me... she was going to mend...her Mother's...
I thought... maybe... she could do...this for me....
She... was so kind... and accepted the job...
It has... a Beautiful....Story...
Justin's beloved... Lady Bug.... and Stubbie... were hit and killed... by a train... that year...
we were all... devastated....
Now... I have a Fond... memory..of Justin... {who was sick... about the quilt...}
Lady Bug... and Stub...
and...My Friend...
who made it...all... better...
{She has a way...of doing that... for...everyone...: )
I have a name... for her...and folks... like the ones... above...
Cindy...kept saying...when she dropped it off....
"It pulled together...nicely... but...there is a little pucker..."
I sure never saw one...
she did... an Amazing Hand...Repair!!!!
Now... I have it spread...on a full size bed... open....
before... it was on a twin... with the massive tare... folded under....
Beautiful.... |

I captured this... the last night of the Fall Harvest Sale...
knowing...I was going to let... the show...go on....
the next week...
The weather...
Fought us... hard....
We bailed water... all day... one of the days....
then...the wind....
I couldn't get everything out... or all of the buildings open...
I had lost...two... beloved... Critters.... during this sale....
in itself....
could easily...drop me....
I left all of my customers... standing....
as I whisked...the first one... to the vet....
to no avail...
the second...
I found... while walking with Jan.... to the rabbit hole....
{ the first... these...were both... knee bending... losses...and..shockers...}
she helped me bury him....
We all put in... too many hours... on these sales...
I had to...
had to get things... cleaned out...
and figured out....
I will say... by Monday... as the tents were coming down....
and... I was gathering up...what needed to be put away....
I finally.... lost my mind....
Seems...everyone...was moving so fast... around me...
I couldn't keep up...
the tents...were coming down...faster than I could move things....
as I was carrying an old...chair... with a coffee pot... hooked on my finger...
I lost it...
The chair flew across... the lawn... and I drop kicked the old...
coffee pot... like a football....
I was...gone....
took off... walking...
I didn't know where... I was going...
but... I was...goin'....
and...never looked back...
I walked...quite a way... down the road....
and then... stopped...
sat down... on a hill....
and looked at the fields... that had just been picked...
the trees... that are turning color....
the... creek....
and...thought of...
I...Am... Blessed....
to have this day...
and eyes... to see...
the Beauty...
in it...
Then...I walked... home....
finished my jobs...
and...closed the door... behind me...
I went to visit Mom... the next day....
that was good...
She was in good spirits....
I fed her... her lunch...and a Blizzard...
and we...talked....
: )
a long... time...
I noticed... the Young...people...{Aides...} who were setting near us... also feeding Elderly Folks...
Darling... Young...Folks...
They are also studying to become Nurses...
Two...were young men... who looked... like
Body Builders...
and...kind of Tuff...
: )
If... you could have heard... how... kind... they were... to the Old Folks... to them.... and were so... Gentle...
oh my...
I Tear...Up... thinking about them....
That...was such a Blessing...
knowing... when I'm not there... they...are.... : )
I still... have much work...outside to be done....
some MAJOR pieces sold... over the sale...
and the rabbit hole... is ready...for new...arrivals...
{and...a mess... }
I'm having a Primitive Open House... the end of the month...
that coincides with the Mid West and Collector's Eye Shows,
at Hawkeye Downs Fairgrounds, in Cedar Rapids...
I really haven't strayed... from here... for weeks...
so... do....
Liz...Miss. Scarlett...and I... took a
we ended up... at a book store...
I was seeking...inspiration... for the redo... of the rabbit hole....
and found... none....
I' will come to me.. when I find my way... down...
the tangled... path....
I hesitated...
when I wrote
about telling it... like it is....
This... is like my journal...
I'm not much... about painting a pretty picture...
when... it' much...
I am Thankful... and feel... Blessed.... to have such Amazing...People... in my life...
I have had... a Great Sale...
when so much...was...against us...
The Weather...
the Government... being shut down....
{I had no idea... how scary it was... I didn't watch any t.v. for...weeks... except...the weather....}
oh my...
I find...I had a couple of things...stolen.... : (
one...was a pendulum bob... for an old clock....
wish...they would have taken the whole thing....
now...when I look at the old clock... I see.... it's parted... and will never be whole... again...
it had it's bob... for 130 years... and now... are separated....
: (
and...worse.... if they thought all bobs...are the same...and wanted it for their clock....
they're going to be disappointed....
It would only work... for this particular clock...
what a waste....
I found...comfort... yesterday...and today... walking through the house.... and trying to find a spot...for the Blue Poster Bed....
I didn't find one....
I did... visit rooms... and old friends... I hadn't seen... for a long...time....
that...was... a gift....
These Old...Soulful... Friends...
have a way... with my heart...
They... seem to bring peace... to my...soul...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{I did...have a Very...Funny The Fall Harvest Sale....
: )
I had a lady sit the check out... as I was eating lunch... she didn't know who I was...
She had a pile of things...
I had seen her... the first day... of the sale... and she had bought a few things...
she was talking to one of the Girls...{I thought it was Cindy... but... it may have been... Maurina... or any case... Any One of Them...Would Have...Also...Choked!!!! : ) : ) : ) } )
and said...
"When I was here, before... I was told... anything with a half price"...
I Spit Coffee All Over The Table!!!!
I said...
"Oh...Honey...You Must... Be Mistaken!!! That wasn't here... : ) you see... most Everything I Own...has a Chip...Crack or Stain!!!! I bought them...that way... Love Them...that way... and..It's All Priced...That Way! : ) : ) : ) "
she sat up straight... in her chair... and said...
: )
oh dear...
{sigh.... }
Toooooo Funny!!!!!!! }
Barbara-your blogs are always outstanding-this one is exceptionally so! First thank you for allowing Tom and I to play at the sale again--and please plan on us playing whenever you can use us! I'm so disappointed in people-stealing from you-I pray their concious works on them and they return it where it belongs-and regarding the "chip cracked" commentary-I hadn't heard that or I would of told her, not only are the material things that are cracked with character not 1/2 price-but neither are the people you see working this sale and believe me, they're all cracked in one way or another but that's only because they have so much love in them they just explode with love! One last thing-thank you for allowing me the priviledge to work on the quilt--you words are far to kind regarding my "skill or lack thereof" but it will be a long time before if ever I forget how I felt handling that quilt of many years experience!
Awwww....Cindy Lou....
: )
Hope... you know... how very much... you are LOVED...
You are such...a Gift...
I Loved...The Old Quilt... as the man said... he knew I would... no matter...
I didn't think... I could more...
Thanks to your... Loving...Skilled..Hands...
I do...
: )
Thank You...for that... : )
and...for...ALL... you do...for me...
Love You...
Barb C.
{just think... if the old quilt... hadn't had such a 'journey'...I never could have had it... in my hands... and... without...Stub...Lady Bug... and Justin... it never would have had... your...Loving Hands... upon it... oh dear...
It Truly...Is... All...About...The Journey...} have more experiences in two weeks than I have all year. You truly are blessed with so many great angels! Mind if I borrow them. I'm so happy that I get to be a part of your journey!
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