'Mad Hatter'...
animal... : ) |
Oh... my...
I sat last night... listening to Aretha Franklin...
sippin' a little wine...
{it was a long... day....: ) }
Then...I ran across...
The Blues Brothers.. movie clips...
Lord! Have Mercy!!!
I Nearly Fell Off My Stool!!!
and realized...
Peg..is Sooooo...
I... am 'Jake'...
I had to call her...
I haven't laughed SO HARD!!! in a Long... Time... : )
I'm gonna write a Book... someday... with ALL... of our Adventures!!
oh my...
I gathered up... a few of our... 'Mission'... photos...
It was Fun...
Strollin' down Memory Lane!
You have to watch the Blues Brothers... clip...
When I watch this...
I See Peg... Dancin'!!!
{and... me... dancin' right along with her!!! oh my... }
She'd give ol' Aykroyd... a Run... for His Money!!!
oh my...
: )
Have a Great..Day...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{John caught me... 'Boot Scootin'... to the above tune... in the kitchen this morn... : )
oh dear...
asked me what was goin' on????
I'm a Mess... : )
that's...what's goin' on... : ) }
{ I forgot to mention...how Great it was...to see Debbie...from MO.
What a Doll!!! {and so is her Patient Hubby!!! Great Folks!!! }
'Mad March Hare'...
same animal... |

I remember... Peg offering to drive the FUSO {big truck} home....
I was beyond...Whipped...after the Show...
I said... "Naw... we're out of State... I'd better... drive..."...
Moments later...
The D.O.T. met us...on the hi way... and did a u turn...
I asked her to start pulling...paperwork...
as I pulled over...
When Peg saw those lights come on...
: )
Her Eyes Got as Big as Saucers!!!!
I'm...like... 'no big deal'... : )
I was too tired... to be any other way...
{ she was Frantically... Digging for 'paperwork'...
She was... 'rattled'.... : )}
When I opened the door...for the Officer... to hand him... my stuff....
{log book... etc.}
He took one look at me...
Dirty Bare...Feet...
{I had blisters...No Way...could I wear shoes... }
Dirt...stuck to me like Glue....
everywhere skin was showing...
from all of the Sweat...
{it was August... no air... in the FUSO... and we had...just... loaded...the entire truck...
and...we had a Grueling... week...prior...of loading...and doing the show...}
I looked at him... and said...
"I hope you don't find... much wrong...we're hauling Antiques... heading home... from a show...
My Show... was a little tuff...
We just busted our...Fanny's... Loading this Big Daddy...
I'm...Beat... and we...still have a Lot of...miles...to cover tonight...
The last...thing I need...today... is a Ticket...: ) : ) : ) "
He smiled...
gave me a warning....
and sent us on our way...
{had a 'marker light' out... }
{The prior D.O.T. officer that pulled me over... asked if he could open the back door... so he could take a look at my... load...
I said... "Go ahead... : )"
When he slung it open...
a Mountain of Old Quilts.... fell out...right on top of him....Buried Him!! oh...dear...
Thankfully... we laughed about it...
: )
oh...dear.... }
{I visited with...Pegadoo... for a Long Time... this afternoon... we both Laughed...'til we Cried!!! Thinking about Wanda... The Garmin... The Bridge... {as Peg described ..."Only Two Feet Wide... with Oncoming Traffic!"
Me...Laughing so Hard...at Wanda's Blood Drained... White as Snow... Face....
{all she could muster... watching the FUSO's Mirror... nearly clicking the Bridge... to what looked like... a Thousand foot drop...and wondering how long... the FUSO would Float!!!
I was Groping for my Camera... and Peg...was looking at the Pretty Water... at Fins.. she was sure... were Sharks or Dolphins... ??? !!!
{in Kentucky...: ) }
oh my...
She also...said... had she been driving the FUSO... when we got pulled over... it wouldn't have been smelly feet...odor... wafting from the Cab...
it would have been something far more... noxious... : ) : ) : ) }
We went on and on... one Insane... Recollection... after another....
I...miss my Peg...
They listed their Beautiful Home...today...
I'll bet it's gonna sell fast...
It's... only 5 minutes to Mark Twain Lake....
Then... she'll come Home... to us...
here... in
: )

The Show...
Phone... Daily Inspirations... Whoopass.... Aleve...Wine...
Our Hotel Rooms...
can get a little...
Crazy... : )
I remember... a couple of Hens...
Cluckin'... and Flappin' Their Wings...all around the room...
{wasn't me... I was too tired... }
but, then... at about... 2 a.m.
In my Long...Black...Dress....
I got a sudden Burst of Energy!!!
I went... Dancin'....
Waltzing through the Lobby...in The GRAND... Opryland Hotel... in stocking feet...
{After we Loaded The Big Truck!!!}
I grabbed one of the Turkey Hunters...
{there was a group of them... heading straight towards us...all in Camouflage...
they were leaving their Convention......}
and we...
Twirled across The Beautiful...Marble Floor!!!!!!!
oh yeah...
'Elwood'... {Peg} and Amy....
Danced me back to our room...
what a ride... : )
Then... we were up... bright and early... heading on...to Indiana...
oh yeah...
That's why...I need all of the above...
'show supplies...' |
I love it...So much fun!!!
Need to catch up with you and the mad march hare!! Miss ya
Yes...Yes... Amy...
It took all of restraint I had...NOT to put the image of You...on The Tractor Seat...
: ) : ) : )
We have Invited You...Time and Again... : )
You really need... to take a little trip...with us...
Seems... we have a few stories to share... after each...adventure...
I think... you'd have Fun...
: )
{or...at the very least... never forget it... : ) }
Love Ya!
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