Had a Hectic...day...
seemed...I was jumping from one....'project'...to another...all day...
Had to unload half of the FUSO......this afternoon...to free it up...so I can make deliveries...in the Morn...
oh my...
I feel...like a Bull Frog...
Hopping...all over the Place...
Worked in the Shop...
oh my...
{had some Ladies pop in...told them...I was Closed 'til April 5th...
They took a Gander...and said...
"If I plan on being Open...then...I better...Never...Leave...: ) "
Lots...to get done...
The Place...is a Wreck....
I looked in the mirror...tonight...
and...I gotta tell ya...
Me...and The Rabbit Hole...
look a lot...alike...
I brought my personal things...back into the House...
from The Presentation....
I have Missed...those Old...Treasures...
I have to get the House...Cleaned up...
Miss. Scarlett...is having her 2nd Birthday Party...here...
oh my...
Justin's Birthday...is Sunday...
oh dear...
It'll all get done....
: )
Thanks...to Those...who left such Kind...Thoughtful...comments...and sent emails...
concerning...Miss. Scarlett....
That means...more...than you could know...
Please...keep her...and all those...who suffer...in your...Prayers...
Love...to You....
Barb C.
{p.s. I watched a little...of the New...Pope... last night...
Tho....I belong to no...Organized Religion....
From what I have seen...and heard...about him...
Sure Love This Man!!!
Wow...: ) : ) : ) }
This is the Shop...Clock....
I unpacked it...tonight...
It Had It's Day...in the Sun...at Heart of Country...
I spoke about it...at The Presentation...
I was at my Dear Friends...Shop...Years...ago....
and noticed it...in the trash...
They had bought it...with some things...at a Farm Sale...in Northern...Iowa...
They offered it to me...for free....
but...I couldn't just... take it...
It Has...Value...
so...I bought it...
It's Rough...as a Cob....
A Mouse...had made it...it's Home....
There was a Huge...Nest...behind the Movement...
the...door glass....was gone...as was the Pendulum....
Several of it's little case...parts....are also...long...gone....
but...I cleaned it up...took it to Marv....
{a Great Clock Repairman...in Cedar Rapids...{Clock Repair Service }
He raised an Eye Brow.... when I brought it...to be repaired...: ) I Told...him to not...worry...about the case...
or any more cleaning...{it is...what it is....yes...he...again...raised...a Brow! : ) }
Marv...replaced the glass...and pendulum...cleaned the movement...and she Runs...Like a Charm.....
I told...the Folks...at 'The Talk'....
Out of All...of the Clocks...I have had...in the Shop...
it's...This...little Forlorn...Darling....that gets asked about...the most...
For some reason...
Everyone....wants to buy it...
I finally put "Not For Sale"...on it....
{I truly...didn't think...I'd have to ???? I had to hang it...on the wall...because...it won't stand...anymore...}
But...there is...'Something'...about this...Old...Soul....that attracts...folks...
{I had to laugh...Several years ago...I had a Gal...watching the Shop...while I was in Nashville...
She Swore...things...were being 'Weird'....one day...in the Shop...and got Spooked...and left...abruptly....
I was chuckling...as she was apologizing....
and telling of all the Weird...Little...'Things'...that had happened...
until...she could take...No More!
She was rattling on...a Mile...a Minute....
As she told her story....
I noticed...this little clock... began....Chiming....
as if...it was mimicking...her...'Chatter'....
We were standing...about 5 feet...from it...
: )
I stood there...and said to her...
"Hmmmm.... I think...the Little Clock...finds your Story...Amusing...: )
It just struck...seven...."
She said..."What's so funny...about that?"...
I said...
"It's a 30 hour Clock...
{has to be wound...daily...}
It hasn't been wound...for over a week...It's not Running....
The Pendulum...is still....
and...the minute hand...is on the 8.... far...from the 12....where it needs to be...to Strike...
and...if..it should strike...it should strike '4'... that's where the hour hand...is..."
The Blood...Drained...from her face...
and...once again...she
'Bugged...Out'...: )
She was Gone!
oh my...
{Who...would have thought...This...Little Soulful.... Darling....that....was once...a 'Mouse House'...and...was barely...reaching out...of a Trash Can...would ever be...Front...and Center...at The Most...Prestigious...Antique...Show...in The Country....
Maybe...only me...
I always Knew...it was Valuable...
in fact...in The Rabbit Hole...
: ) }
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