I hit the road... Full Throttle.... Wide Open!
Had a Most Wonderful Day!
The Sun...was Shining...
Roads...were clear...
Gathering...was Plentiful....
It was good...to see... old...friends...
and...Friendly...Faces... : )
It was a Long...Day...
The Ford...and I...covered...many...many...miles....
The Road...is such...wonderful therapy...
it truly is...
I found some...DARLING...Treasures...for the
Garden Party...
and...that always gets my Creative...Juices...Flowing....
Had a Long...visit with Pegadoo...and...Jan...
while...cruising the Highway....
It was good...to catch up...with those....Dear Souls...
I'm Jumping Down...the Rabbit Hole....tomorrow...
Full Throttle...
Hope...You...had a Most...Lovely Day...
with...The Sun...on your Face...
Love...to ya...
Barb C.
A Sweet Friend...at one of my stops... told me of...an Estate Sale....
Oh Boy!
Found some...great Treasures...
Friendly...Faces... |
I found The Massive Frame...and the Church Podium...at The Estate Sale...
{Both...have been on my 'Wish List'...for Dear Friends...I was Sooooo Happy to find them... for my Pals...: ) }
Thanks...Soooo...Much to these Sweet Girls...for helping Load...
What Dolls! |
This...was my Favorite Find...of the day... : )
This is a horrible... image...
{it has a Most...adorable...trim moulding...on top...that isn't seen...in this image....}
I had just unloaded it... in the MUD....
and...it was quite dark...by the time I rolled in....
But...This...Little...Old Cupboard...
is...Sweet...as Pie....
It's 100% Original....
White Paint...
The wear...is...exactly...what I always look for.... in a piece...from the 1880's...
The Craftsman...attempted...to create..a Formal...Cupboard...
but...with his limited...knowledge...this...was the best...he could do...
and...for Someone...very special...
{I'll show you...later...all of the Special...little details...he added... that...if...he were making it...simply...to hold things...he never would have done...: )
This...Little Cupboard...
is...Truly...a Gem...: )
{LOVE it's Turned...little Legs!!! and...They are Solid as a Rock! I had to walk it...on those legs...to get it inside...by myself... They are Tuff!}
The previous owner said she bought it...in Hazel, Kentucky....
It made my Heart...Swell... when I saw it...
I'll try and get better images...before the Garden Party...
It will be for sale... but...I think...it may be The Server... for Food...
It's...quite...the Little...Darling...
it...truly...is... |
Oh how fun! I'm jealous...I won't be able to hit the road until April. Glad you found some great treasures...but it seems you always do. I absolutely love the cabinet!!! As well as the frame, too bad it's already spoken for.
Brandon...when you...are ready... to 'Run'...Let me know...
I'd love...to spend a little time..with ya...
We'll hit...'The Broken Road'...on a Day Trip! : )
Love...to ya...Sweet Pea...
hope you wernt running around in this SNOW today!!!
No Snow...
It was...a Most...Beautiful...Day...and...One....Much...Needed....
The Road...always...Soothes...My Soul...
Love...to ya...
Barb C.
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