The Old House...has been a rental...the last few years.... and I have to say... my heart...ached...for all... who lived here...the people...and critters.... as the Wonderful...Old House....
The owners...kept apologising...for the house's condition... {I have seen much worse.... they wouldn't believe that, if I told them.... I don't judge...ever... who ever lived there, last...were very, broken people...
Bless Their Hearts...}
A Doctor, was the Proud Owner...back in the day... {1890's}...and it was Beautiful...inside... I fell in Love....with the Amazing Old Bath Tub! It's over sized...Oval... and is fitted for faucets, on the side...oh my...{ I am a 'Bath' girl.... I could Soak...for Hours...and this Die For! {I nearly did!} was on a second floor... and...I was underneath it... coming down the worries... the Old Tub was kind...and didn't crush me! {one a time... letting the fragile, cast, claw and ball foot...gently...walk at a time....{{yet...pushing it...ever so it wouldn't drop, too fast...I gotta tell did cross my mind...the thought...of me...and the Beautiful Old Tub...breaking through the Old Staircase...falling to my Death...15 feet below...and the Headlines reading..."Old Woman...Crushed by Beautiful Old Bath Tub".... } Oh...My!
{I wasn't going to mention this... really was quite scarry...the guy...holding the the top...had already had a few beers...{ it was noon...and...he also said...he had a really bad back...oh my... and yet...I stood...under it... {sigh...} I Idiot...}
The Gigantic Pocket Doors...and Over Sized French Doors......well they had to be well... Then...I saw...the Cherry Fireplace Mantle... it's Lovely, Old.... Intricate Columns... needed to be saved....
The Family was concerned about it well...
Finding new Homes...
I assured them...all of it would....
The Ford was Squatting...when I pulled off of the curb...
{the guys helping, didn't think the Ford, could handle this load...{oh my... these poor Chevy owners...what can I say....Bless Their Hearts...! they simply don't understand...the concept of a 'REAL'...load..... : ) }
{ahhh...they didn't think I could handle the Tub...either... {I heard one guy say..." Obviously..this isn't her first rodeo..."}...{oh...dear... that's an understatement!}
Oh My...They don't make they used to....
Beautiful.... Heavy.... Craftsmanship!
I'm working on finding new homes...for everything...sure wish I had a place...for that Tub! I could sure use it Right Now!
{I can hear Lawrence Welk...and see all of those Bubbles!}
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.
{the song 'Tijuana Taxi' my a nutshell...oh my... : ) it's all...good...}
Rub a Dub Dub!!!! that is a beauty!!! I've got to get out there this weekend - any chance there was any woodwork salvaged?? I'm looking for about 12 feet to use for window trim among other things.
Good to talk to you today - we'll catch up soon my dear
Love ya!!
So glad to hear that you were able to save some of those beautiful treasures from the wrecking ball. Love the tub and the cherry mantle.
Oh Girls....I am so glad they were saved...too...
We are losing Amazing Pieces of our Handmade Architectural the minute...
However...My Body...This Morn...ahhhh...Not So Happy!
My ribs hurt...from my chest..all the way to my spine....
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
forgot to tell you when we talked....I have someone looking for a church pew 6'+ could be as much as 12' would like it darker in color - let me know if you come across anything in your travels
Dearest Barb
You are such a gifted person in so many ways. I have to tell you that reading your blog is so relaxing. You have such a gift for writing, one more thing to add to your many talents. I feel everything you write. It's wonderful!!!
I am so thankful you rescued the mantle, doors and tub. I'm even more thankful that you are safe. Your angel watches over you, yep she or he does! I had a tub just like that in Georgia and I can tell you that you ain't had a real bubble bath until you sink down in one of those tubs...:)
Beautiful mantle. You amaze me Barb! I am so thankful I know you. You are such a treasure and blessing.
I hope to see ya before Christmas.
Much love sent your way!!!
Linda :)
Awwwww...Sweet Linda...
I Do Love You So!
and...I keep my little Angel...on her toes! She has rescued me over and over...but...the ones...who walk the Earth... disguised as yourself...are just as dear to me...and have held me up...more times...than I can begin to count.... I have visited...with several...just, today...
You...being one of them...
Love to You...
Barb C.
Thatkinda looks like the bathtub my parents have in their house. It's got the claw feet, we painted those gold and added an old brass fixture for the faucets and handheld shower.
Yep...lot's of houses, back in the day, had them....we had one, when I was young...
I Loved It...So Wish...I could have one, again... They Are The Best....
Barb C : )
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