It was Great spending a little more time with Mary....we went to a new store, in Waverly...{The Changing Season} she is just opening...and looks like she has a wonderful eye...Neat Stuff!
We also visited a Great Shop, Downtown Waterloo...Shoppe on the Corner {on facebook,
Skip and the staff always do such a fabulous job. After going today, It has really hit me that Thanksgiving is THIS month and Christmas is just around the corner.
I haven't check out the new Waverly store but it has been on my list. Now I will really have to go...maybe next weekend.
I so enjoyed the afternoon... and yes...The Calico Hen House, is had been way too long between visits...I forgot how HUGE it is...! There are so many wonderful stores, here in Iowa...Folks that work, so incredibly hard...
The new shop, in Waverly, is Just Starting... looks like...she has sold, a lot...already.... she has a great eye! One you may have to check in on, regularly!
Have Fun!
Barb C.
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