Life is 'Good'....
It was Great seeing Mike, Peg's husband, for lunch...yesterday... He is such an Amazing Man....They are a Perfect Fit....
I asked John, if I could take Jethro...for a spin, get groceries...{he said you don't have to ask me, just take him.... I will ask...}
It was great, going down the hi way... he so wants to fly...and...I guess, there is a part of me, that wants to, as well....
I'll be working in the shop...putting things together...
I visited with Peg... yesterday...and her daughter, Mel.... they called while she was getting her first Powerful Treatment...
I had just gotten off the phone, with a dear friend, who had said, I need to reassure Peg...that I will be fine, and I can get along.... and not to worry...
I said...{to Peg and Mel, what I told my friend...}" Too frickin late for that!!!!! I already told Peg...I Miss her...Every Moment... and Folks Totally know, the Rabbit Hole, is looking pretty Shabby....and...I Need Her....She needs to Kick this Crap...and get her Little Fanny Back to Me....I Can't be Without The Mad March Hare...} Peg said....the day before....she and I are joined at the hip...and she is sorry, for that...Oh my gosh.... I wouldn't change that...for..Anything....anything...Peg looks at me... like I look at an Old, Broken Down Cupboard... She sees the good... and looks past..all of my imperfections....she knows me...Peg is....The Wind Beneath My Wings....there have been a precious my lifetime...
God Bless Them...
Please continue to keep Peg, and all those who are suffering, your prayers....
and, I thank you...for that...
love, to you....
Barb C.
{ Liz just called...and told me, Nick, her husband...was on the computer, last night...she leaned over his see what he was working on....Nick was adding Peg to an online, prayer list....
oh my... That... brought me, to my knees... Bless his Heart........}
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