When Peg and I talk about this...she insists...it's the 2012 thing...who knows...maybe...she's right...{Peg is privy...to a lot of the weird things...that happen in my life... sometimes...we simply have to go...'hmmmmm....' }
My brother in law, called the other day...we haven't been close, since Chery passed away... he's a good man... but.... he has his life...and I, have mine.... He said...there was something, he would like to get rid of, in the house... {my mind was racing...there was one thing, of Chery's I wanted...in the worst way... because....I Knew how much she loved it....}it was an Old Clock, I had sold her....nearly 20 years ago...she mentioned how much she loved it, when I got it....and...I was short on money....always...always....bills to pay.... so, it went to her Loving Home...it was so Chery....she painted everything white...long before it was the 'thing' to do....she was always a Trend Setter!{the late 1800's Clock had been painted, in the '30's...obviously....by another..Trend Setter!}
My heart skipped a beat when he said, "It's a white clock...think they call it a School House Clock..."...ahhh yes.... tho, money is tight...especially...'to keep'...something.... this will never be for sale.... it's Family...I sold a couple of things, out of the house....and was so happy to buy it back!!!
So Happy...to have a Remembrance, of Chery... always...
Like...I needed one....
I think of Her Every Single Day....
I do...miss her so.....
oh my....
{ Chery...was truly...the Wind, beneath my Wings...My Hero...Just like ...John...Peg....Dad...Jeri...and a Few...others...who I'll not mention...by name...but they know.... From...here...to Heaven...who they are....and they are right here...in My Heart....My Hero's....}
I thought...as I took the key, into my hand...the last person, to wind this old Clock...was my Sister....
I...do miss her...so...
That key to the clock is the key to your heart. How precious the memories of your dear sweet sister. Love to you~Betty. xoxoxoxox
So True...Sweet Betty...
Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love, to You!
Barb C.
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