But....this...is my house...
I bought this Alter, this Fall...from a friend, who simply had to rescue it...but had no home for it... so...it landed here....
I attempted to sell it...to no avail... the top portion, is almost, exactly 10 feet tall...the base... nearly 4....I could have....maybe, got them in the shop...separately {I have 10 foot ceilings there} but...it could have been ugly.... sooooo the only place with tall enough ceilings....was our house....
I Love it... If..it doesn't sell, before... It's going to Heart of Country....in February...
But...for today...it needs to blend in...with our home....
I think... it has...
I used all fresh greenery...and, a few vintage ornaments...and bottle brush trees....
The Old Motto, print, I used... in the Gothic center... says "Remember Me"...
I think...at Christmas...it's easy to forget...... what it's all about...
It was Great having lunch with Peg, and Mike... they headed home to MO., to gather some things...and rest... before the next treatment...
I want to Thank Everyone...for their Prayers...and Positive Thoughts... I KNOW...{ I can see it...Feel it...and so can Peg...}they are making a difference.... Thank You...Thank You...Please...Continue....
and...Thanks...for the kind...e-mail...and calls...I even ran into a man today...who knew Peg, through the blog... and was wishing her the Very Best.... as we parted...I told him...I Loved him.... Bless his Heart...
Love to You...and My Prayers...go to All..who are Suffering...
Barb C.
{ I just thought....seems as we built this addition...many years ago...99% of it was directly...or, indirectly...from a Church...seems fitting...this Old Alter, would seek Shelter, here...}
oh my...
of course...we have taken in teenagers... wounded Doves...Robins...and Many.. stray Critters..too...
What's an Alter... : )
I love your addition and it is stunning at Christmas. I have 12 stations of the cross and 2 huge angel candleabras. I love church stuff. Keep it, love it and maybe part with it later....
I too...Love this Soulful, Old Stuff...
It feels good...being close to it...
Tho, I have never belonged to an organized religion...I am a Christian...and speak freely...with The Lord... throughout the day... I am far...from perfect... always stumbling...and falling...{that's why, I'm keeping the Angel...with the skinned elbows... she just seems...fitting...} Thankfully..I know He Loves me...anyway...
Sounds like you have some Lovely Treasures... They are Beautiful...on so many...levels...
Love...to you...
Barb C.
Seriously stunning is what these pictures are. Love your house; LOVE! Angie from Frytown :)
Hey Angie!
Thanks for the kind words...
If you get up this way...give me a heads up...I need to go through stuff... and....I have been picking some, rather..'fun' stuff up...{oh...dear...}
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.
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