I was showing John....some of the ornaments, that had a story...with them...as I was hanging them... the ones, we bought, when we got this tree...so many years ago.. The ones, Liz, always loved best.... The ones... that came from friends...the ones...I tied ribbons on, the year, Chery passed... {funny...how a mind works...} the ones...that seem so weird...to look at...but sing Beautifully, on the tree....
I'll work on it, when I am done at the Shop...this Evening...
I'll be taking some Gatherings down, to the Shop... this morn...: )
Stop In!
Have a Most Lovely....Day!
Barb C.
The tree is looking lovely. Wish I had the energy to put mine up. Maybe next weekend. I will look at yours for inspiration. And the ornaments with their memories attached are so precious. I have the same feelings about mine. Love to you~Bett
Hey Betty...
Well... seems...I'm running...on...'faith'...these days...can't remember...when I have ever...felt so beaten...on so many levels...
Thank you...for leaving...a comment...I do Love Ya...Betty..
I'm sure...I'll look back, on the 2011 ornaments, someday... and reflect...like I do, with, all the others...wonder...what meaning...they will have...
Get going...get your tree out...if for no one else....but...for 'Betty'...
You, deserve it!
Love to You....
Barb C.
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