Started at the shop... scrubbing up the Monster Drysink.... Then...hauled totes, from the Fuso, and sorted...organized tool box... went to the barn...and checked out Scout's stall...{it's gonna get way...cold} then...got lost...for an hour...with him....I kept petting him... and currying him... feeding him candy, sugar hearts... man... he's a big boy... he must weigh, close to 1500 pounds... He is Wintering, very well...it was very cold... but... the Sun was amazing...and no wind... we were fine....{I was dressed like an Indian Squaw...{Native American } in a long hooded coat, made from an Old Indian Blanket...{WARM!} with the hood up...and 2 pairs of gloves...ah...with a Big Paint, Indian Pony...how fitting....{oh dear...} then, went to John's shop...and finished up a cupboard's paint...then, Sweet Brandon called...and wanted to come out, and get some gnarly umbrella's...I paid too much for them... I let him make an offer... and do something with them... He'll make them wonderful... we had a very good visit... we...are much alike... scary...

This is my attempt, at a shadow shot... Baby 'J', is totally enamored with this old grinder...{like all the Men, before him...} My mind, goes back... to Lyle... the Wonderful Man, I bought it from... He watched me grow up... doing my Dad's bidding... from the time I was 7... at the surrounding Farm Auctions... He was a Junk Man... Like my Dad...I bid against him, a lot, over the years...When I bought this old grinder... from Lyle...{very rare, as Lyle pointed out... "chain, and...gear driven"....} He and I had a long chat... others were waiting to do business with him... I told him, to go on.... make some money... he said, they could wait... he was talking to me...I had no idea, that would be the last time, I would see Lyle.... I Loved Lyle... He was a Kind...and, Gentle Man... He and I would reminisce... about Dad... and all of the Farm Sales... Lyle would find the most AMAZING treasures.... and I told him... how Gifted he was...
I dropped to my knees... Literally... when a friend told me, before, it was made public... he took his life....Lyle was in his early 50's... so young...
That was several years ago... I wrote a Eulogy..... for Lyle..... and read it, at his Funeral....I don't think his Mother...and Children ...had any idea, what an Amazing Man, Lyle was...I was Honored to share his Brilliance, with them...I Miss Him...and... Think of Him.... often...

Sweet Brandon... with an armful, of Gnarly Umbrellas!

What a Wonderful Book...I just unpacked, from the Auction.... {can you see the Mouse?!}
It was going on 7, when I got up here... popped the cork, on a bottle of Gnarly Head, Merlot....{it felt good...on my lips...} and, I'm done, for today.... It's been a Great Day...Whenever I spend a little time, with a Horse...a Little time...Basking, in the single digit, Sunshine...and...never getting a bit cold... it's a good day...a Very...good day...

This Book is Amazing...or...should I say, the Hand Made Book Cover.... oh...dear...
Barb C.
Good morning Barb...
Just like your shadow photo -- it really always is in how we view things, the perspective.
I appreciate yours. It is always honest & decent.
Thanks, Kari....for such kind words...
I guess... the way I see it...'It is...What it Is'....Life is Quite the Journey...
Love...to You...
Barb C.
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