Love this early Cast Tractor Seat! It's a Keeper!

This 1895 Crazy...is wonderful...has A Steer..and a Horse...and...all sorts of wonderful embellishments...oh dear....

Early Fly Catcher.... Put a little bait, inside...the flies, enter the top...but...can't get out... {kind of like the Antiques Business...oh dear... }

Ahh...the Old Biker Jacket{John's....Like he ever wore it...shoooot.... we drive Fords...poor old thing...just hangs...in the closet....The Old Jacket had a Grand Day...Today!}...it must be...30 years old... it felt good on...and was perfect Armor...for Battling, at the Auction! The Big Hair....well... I was told by a Cool Cat, today...I have a 'Kardashian' thing goin' on....{he was really diggin' the Patchouli! said it took him back...wayyyy back...oh dear... ahhh...Old Hippies...{he said it...I didn't....} I disappointed him, when I told him I have never been a Weed Smoker...}
I say...It takes a lot of patience...to grow out ones tress's....and I have been very good, not reaching for the shears!.... so...BIG HAIR.... it shall be...give me the Back Comb...and the Hair Spray!!!! I'm kind of glad, to see long hair, and on the 'big' side, with some curl, coming back...Years ago, I had some folks following me...I was driving the Old White Ford Truck, they were so surprised when I got out... thought I was a man... I've had my hair so short.... it would spike, and stand on end.... it's been 20 years... since I've had it this long... I'm Likin' it...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{more Auction Images, tomorrow!}
Thanks to Liz...Lynn... Dale... Dwight...Junelle...Bud...Brent H.,... and all who lended a hand...loading...
Special Thanks, to Liz... It was Great Spending The Day With Her!
Love that quilt but don't like the smell of patchoulli. I have that spikey, short hair but thinkin I just might let it grow a little. Have a good week. Jan
Hey Jan!
I Like Your Hair! I just want to let my hair grow, 'til I can sit on it...before I die...Bucket List...Mid Life {later mid life}oh dear!and you either love patchouli, or ya hate it!
love to ya...just they way you are!
Barb C.
So are you selling the biker jacket or keeping?
Well...it belongs to my Hubby...and I think he'd have a fit, if I sold it...I actually liked wearing it! I used to wear one all the time...{30 years ago...still have it!}but I'm too fat to fit into it!
So...to answer your question...Keepin' It!
Thanks for askin'!
Barb C.
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