Spent 5 hours, in the back of the FUSO...unloading, on the little Ford...I backed the trucks, tail to tail, rolled down the window...so I could hear my music... and began to sort...and unload...I knew it was going to take awhile... Had a lot, on, that isn't going to Nashville... I was on the little back road, behind the House.... I have never seen so much traffic, on that little road...isn't there, like a Football Game, or something...today?...I thought everyone would be inside.... I waved, from the back of the trucks...as folks rolled by....Everyone waved back.... except.... a little, 30 something, blond...{petite...well groomed...in her, new...warm...SUV...} as soon as our eyes met... she looked away... ahhh...o.k...{bless her heart...}... was it the gnarly load... was it my fancy boots... or, maybe, it was was my 3 and 3/4, horse and dog hair covered, gloves...waving at her...{they used to be 4... but they can't take the strain...} Maybe, she didn't like my socks, with my pants tucked in them... well... I was carrying a blanket chest, and a half dozen chairs...and, two room size rugs...and a small pie safe... on my shoulder, in over knee deep snow... I surely didn't want snow getting in my pant legs...I made many trips... and...Blondie... my feet are dry....
Amy popped in...and helped with two of the pieces... Bless her Heart...{and I mean..Bless her Heart...I say 'bless their heart'...at other times...ahh, too..} {Nashville...here we Come! Allyson called, while Amy was here...were getting all of plans together! Yee Haw!!!}
Barb C.
{I've been waiting for the right instance, to play this song...ahhh...perfect...}
~♥ ahhhh, nashville...... r we there yet??? =) ♥~
Allyson is excited to meet ya! We are going to have a Wonderful Time!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
She just didn't know a fashion trendsetter when she saw one. I wish, wish, wish I could go to Nashville. I sooooo need a vacation. Is it Spring Yet????? Have a good week. Jan
Little blondie doesn't know what she is missing! You are a true treasure, my dear!!! Her loss! ((((HUGS)))) Love to you~Betty :)
Hey Jan....
You Can Come! Make it happen...Arrive on the 16th... {Wed. Shows open Thursday... leave Friday..or Saturday!!!} The rooms will run, with taxes... around 200. a night...but if you share with 3 friends... that's only 50. per night! At the OPRYLAND! My HAPPY PLACE!!! YOUR HAPPY PLACE!!!!! TROPICAL PARADISE!!!
My Love To You....
Grab the Girls...and Come on Down!
Barb C.
Hey Betty!
Oh...there's one, in every crowd... I just smile...I have never fit in, with that tribe... Wish I could, I'd being doing better, in business, I'm sure ... It's just not in me, to be someone, I'm not... What Ya See..is What Ya Get!
Good hearing from Ya!
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{Nashville's Door is WIDE OPEN, to You...as well!}
LOL - I can see the little blonde perfectly! Your description makes it very clear in my mind. Sometimes "they" come into my shop and I can tell "they" are feeling very out of place. And that is alright. . . A big old warehouse isn't for everyone.
Have fun in Nashville.
Coal Street Antiques
Mexico, MO
~♥ not in that tribe, either! smilin' at what'cha see, what'cha git... =) simply iowa...simply prittier! as the song says! too pritty! =) a week from today, m'dear we will be on the road! to git cold again this week, b careful in that cold air. & again, lemme know if i can do something...will be in touch this week! take care only prittier! =) loveya with hugs & blessings, vikki♥ xoxo
Hey, Sue!
I sure wish I could get down, your way...I'd like to go see Jan, and the Girls... and...You.... You should try and make Nashville... Like I told Jan... get a group together... and stay a couple of days... I can't tell ya... what it does to one's Soul...
Love, to Ya!
Barb c.
Oh Vikki...
I just told Peg..."Vikki is puttin' the Boots, to the clock...I'm Pullin' hard, back, on the reins!" So much to get done... and so very little time...all things, only I can do...and...can't do, 'til this week...{hurry up and wait...down to the wire...}... oh my...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
~♥i can only imagine what this week will be like for ya! ♥ saying some mighty prayers & know i am near & here for ya!♥ you will make it awesome like always♥... magical mystical simplyiowa tour!♥ the mad hatter reigns!♥ take care sweetie! loveya with manyhugs&blessings! vikki♥~ xoxo
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