early hooked, or needle point, cat pillow....this came from the Amana Auction...and is very cool... it's covering a down pillow....

Advertising Tin Sign...this came from Gail...She said it was probably from an old Soda Fountain... it Advertises 'True Fruit Soda'... it's at least 3 feet wide... very cool! { and in super condition!}

I'm taking this early Wool Wreath...I didn't know it, til the other day, when I was cleaning it...It's Shadow Box, is Hand Dovetailed...I have never had one, that's this nicely constructed....

I bought several Amana Sheared Rugs, at the auction... and got them all cleaned, packed and ready to go! {love the colors!}

Little Pink Wall Cupboard...a real Sweet Pea!

Got this Wonderful Hooked Rug, from Gail.... Gnarly as can be... it must be all of 6 feet long...It's edges are a bit frayed... so, I called hooked rug, Guru...Colleen... wondering if I should trim it up...or leave it alone... She said...Leave it alone... so...I did!
The rug is laying on the Old Amana Sofa...{it's all hand made... the rolled ends, are hand planed...and square nailed...Walnut...about 7 feet long...} I danced with it, into the Shop... where I could get it cleaned up.... Man... It's heavy... after I got it inside, and set on top of the dry sink... I remembered...the massive spring filled cushion...lifts right out... oh dear....It has cleaned up beautifully...I Love the way, the arms, roll... like a sleigh bed... It's in very good condition, for being well over a hundred years old...I got the back, all spiffed up, as well... Like 'em!
The shop...is nearly impassible...Stuff...and totes... everywhere... it is...what it is....all good...
Barb C.
Oh my, what an interesting collection this is turning into. I'm so glad (& excited) that I am going to see the finished product in person!!!! Getting excited!!!
It's coming together!
Barb C
~♥had to write to say how darn sweet that ♥ locket looks! funnie how that was on here & the heart doctor called me yesterday for my tests, etc in march! gotta love that! but will not even think about that til after nashville! thanx for the wonderful pics that made me think positive thoughts! it will be amazing m'dear!hugs & blessings, vikki♥~
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