I had Allyson and Vikki, drive on, to a Truck Stop...and they found a Tire Man...
Vikki asked if the man was handsome....I said... He Looked Like an Angel to Me!
We are in our AMAZING...Beautiful Room...at the Opryland Hotel...Safe and sound...A Margarita, under our belts... and ready to turn in....
The Fun Never Ends!!!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
So glad to hear you made it! Thinking of you often.
With love from Iowa... Pol
Do you set up today? Show tomorrow? My phone died and lost all my numbers. Hope you have no problems today. Is Peg helping you set up? Take some pics as you set up so I can feel like I am there. Best of Luck Wanda
Hey Polly Girl...
Keep sending.....
Oh My... I can feel it...
I so wish you were here...
My Love to You!!!!!!
Barb C.
Wanda...You....SHOULD BE HERE!!!!
Thanks for the kind e-mails...
I'll keep ya posted...and will have Peg taking lots of images....I always get too 'focused'... on business...
Love to Ya!!!!
Barb C.
a flat tire is no hill for a climber like you my dear!!! Can't keep a good woman down!!! I know you're getting in the "zone" and going to create the most amazing booth ever!!! See ya soon!!
Well...Those Frickin' Lug Nuts...would have reqiured a 10 foot persuader...oh my...I was going to get that tire changed...if I had to do it myself...Thankfully...I didn't have to...but...it took a dent out of my cash supply...oh dear...
It's all good...
Barb C.
that tire was only bad on one side did you save it ?????? justin might have been able to save it
Ithought I was the only one that said frickin! How is it going today?
I can't believe they didn't bind those I am going to give them heck!
Hope you have a great sale. A little jealous thinking of you in that wonderful hotel with a margarita but I know the work that's ahead for you. Take care, Jan
I think it would have taken you, and Justin... and A LOT of Gorilla Glue...to fix that TIRE!!!!!
LOVE YA!!! Give my Polly a Big Scoop of Ice Cream, from Mama!!!!}
I think it would have taken you, and Justin... and A LOT of Gorilla Glue...to fix that TIRE!!!!!
LOVE YA!!! Give my Polly a Big Scoop of Ice Cream, from Mama!!!!}
Thanks Jan!
You can still come... a hop skip and a jump, for you!
Love ya!
Barb C.
Hey Steph...No Worries!
Love ya!
{the curly willow is AMAZING!!!}
Thanks, Pol!
Love ya!
Hey Wanda..
I'll be calling ya!
Our Show Preveiws Thursday Night, 6-9... Oh My Gosh...I can't tell ya, how Amazing it looks already...
Love to ya!
Barb C.
{hope you find your phone!}
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